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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Welcome in. Atleast you have a big vehicle to go with the dirty great exhaust. Beats a Saxo and a baked bean can any day.:-D Now no giving the rest of a bad name by drag racing from the lights. Mike
  2. mike65

    MVT Contacts

    If it happens it will be treated in the same way as foot and mouth, very large bonfires all over the country untill all traces are irradicated:-D Mike
  3. If you can count rivets it definitely is not a Mosquito. With respect to the Jeep question and the general public, it is true most cannot tell one jeep from another, some even think jeeps came from Solihull, especially if painted green and black. The important thing is to make sure that you are happy with whatever you get. If you are dead set on a real WW2 jeep would you will be happy wth a later one in drag. I agree with many opinions that the best thing you can do is research, learn to spot the differences, try out all types and hunt till you find exactly what you want. Mike
  4. mike65

    A-10 Hawg

    I think you might need 2 or 3 jeeps. Mike
  5. mike65

    A-10 Hawg

    But that is what happens when you bolt a few bits of plane to a gun. I would not argue with one either. Mike
  6. "If ! have told you once, I have told you a dozen times, when you want tanks you call Jack" Mike
  7. Welcome aboard. What bikes have you got? Pics would be nice. Mike
  8. Spotted yesterday - by the wife. OK kind of cheating she and some work colleagues took the afternoon off and went for a DUKW ride. Mike
  9. What would you put it on the V5 as. Mobility Scooter comes to mind as one option.:undecided: Wonder if you can get them on the NHS Mike
  10. mike65

    Chipmunk Rebuild

    Yes please. Quite like chipmunks, used to go flying in them back ing my younger days when in the ATC. Mike
  11. Have succesfully used hot air paint stripping gun and scraper. But it is messy and this layers can need a lot of heating. Still leaves a thin layer that needs to be removed. I have thought about freezing it to see if that makes it easier to chip off. Not talking liquid nitrogen baths but more along the lines of the aerosols you get for freezing pipes or the like. Has anybody tried that route? Mike
  12. If my memroy serves me correctly the Loyus Elise had ceramic discs and standard pads on the production models. The prototype hay have had fully ceramic brakes. I also believe they took a preproduction one to the Alps to do some testing. Ceramic brakes (pads and discs are rumoured not to wear out. Mike
  13. Welcome. Can we have some pictures of your toybox? Mike
  14. You've now got me wondering why I bothered having the wheels balanced on the Land Rover. Mind you I think I got my money's worth of lead on them. I also new somebody who stripped the thread on the syub axle of a beetle so to prevent the wheel and drum coming off he welded it up. Mind you he was an Estate Agent! Mike
  15. Not exactly batteries, as I believe I know dimensional size and rating I require. I need to refit the truck batteries in the correct location (between seats). I have a replacement battery box (matches the bit left in truck). What I am not sure of is how the clamps that hold them down work as I do not have them. I suspect they are pieces of steel angle and threaded hook/bars. I would appreciate it if somebody could verify this, ideally with a nice piccy. Attached is a pic of the tray and bracked I have. The threaded hook is one I made earlier. Mike
  16. I find wine can have that effect, depending on the type of glass used. I prefer this type. Mike
  17. This was obviously the result of loads of practice and the oh well syndrome. How you say. Well everytime you take something apart and put it back together there is always a few nuts and bolts lefy over. Rather than try and find where they should go you jyst say "Oh well" and throw them away. Do it enougth times and any strip down and rebuilt can be that quick. Mike
  18. Very nice. Just think of all that polishing you also have to look forward to haveing driven in warmth and comfort to that lovely wet muddy event. Mike
  19. If we are not getting pics:-( can we have a tapestry instead? Mike
  20. From watching the programme one of those involved and alot of bits were preassembled ready for bolting in. As has been mentioned it was a big propaganda exercise. Shortly after the factory was turned over to the profuction of prefabricated housing. It would be interesting to know how long it took to actually build from scratch. By all accounts normall production (finished roll off) was 28 aircraft a week. I also never realised that the Wellington had the yhitd highest production run either. All in all quite an interesting programme, although as someone has mentioned previously it would have been nice to see more of the original film. Mike
  21. Won't expect it to have been anything other than a propoganda exercise. But it is still pretty impressive (even with all the parts set out and ready) to assemble and fly a bomber in the time they did it. What would be interesting to know is could we do it again. Not a Wellington but say a Tornado or Eurofighter in the same time? Mike
  22. Following Smithy's Cosford report and the Wellington bomber just came across this on the BBC website Apparently they built one in a day. Also on BBC 4 on Tuesday 14th at 20:00 and its role during the Battle of Britain http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11107561 Mike
  23. I think this is another one. If I remember correctly the one that they found in Loch Ness is at Brooklands. I think they fished it out back in the mid eighties. Mike
  24. I can think of lot more things you could spend that sort of money on. Mike
  25. At least he could have been forgiven if it was a bay widow T2 as you can still get them new, by all accounts. http://www.vwcampervanblog.com/is-it-possible-to-own-a-hassle-free-vw-camper-van/ Mike
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