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Everything posted by mike65

  1. I was having that problem with IE even after deleting everything, resetting etc etc. Also had problem at work with some PCs so I set the paid IT support team on it. They could not work out why. Gave up and changed to Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No problems so far. Mike
  2. Have used both PDF995 (in the past) and CutePDF Writer to convert documents into PDF format. CutePDF Writer creates searchable documents from word documents. Also converts any document to PDF as it works as a "printer" http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/writer.asp Also use PDFSAM which allows you to combine or split PDF files (very usefull) http://www.pdfsam.org/?page_id=32 These are the free versions I use but they do a more advanced version if you want to pay for them. Mike
  3. Welcome Nothong wrong with models, some of the ones on show at Duxford were exceptional. Some had more real and correct detail that the full size ones. Mike
  4. Just out of interest are there major differences between the series and 90/110/defender swivel hubs? Mike
  5. My 109 has started marking its territory from one of these aswell so it looks like we are both in the same position Have studied my manuals and parts catalogue and looks like you need to take the whole thing off to change the seal, as half shaft needs to be withdrawn from axle. Although once half shaft is out you can then replace. Do not appear to have to take whole assembly to pieces. Have heard about 'one shot' grease you can use to replace the oil. However am unsure if it is any good let alone where to get some. Mike
  6. From what we could work out and according the note on the front it was a bird box. Mike
  7. Here are a couple of others with a few questions. Now how can you justify having one of these? It would make clearing the moss from the lawn alot more fun. And what exactly is this. We decided it was used by the US Air Force possibly for suppling ice creams to the B17 crews as they were awaiting departure on a mission. Mike
  8. Was a good day out and weather held out till we were 5 minutes down the road, then I think the tide came in. Here are a few pictures, tried to avoid duplicates of others so far. Also got the Sabre, but have been beaten to that one by Mark (Why was the Yellow machine not in the cavalcade?). Mike Better book the 109 in next year.
  9. Oh stuff. Got to take car for MOT and service. Living in Chesham they fly over on their way out. Carnival day seems to be arranged so that they get a free flypast. Tend to go via RAF Halton where ther is a Moth fly-in that day. Mike
  10. mike65


    I assume this is the one you mean http://sariel.pl/2009/09/alvis-stalwart/ That is one very impressive bit of lego. Almost as good as the real thing. Only one test left for it really Can it do this? Mind you I am suprised it did non sink They also seem to take Lego very seriously in Poland Why was Lego not this good when I had some? Mike
  11. Did you shrink the net in the wash? A bit more net perhaps. Heres one from the Bunker Bash for comparison quite effective. However I then thought this is not quite right, so 5 minutes in photoshop and the Land Rover was sort of replaced by your similar one. However I thought this was not quite as effective. Is he going along the right lines.:-D So I had a quick go at work today did not have access to any nets though so I di a bit of lateral thinking and came up with another option. Quite good from above I would expect but it has a slight drawback when it comes to load space. Anyway keep trying I am sure it is one of those things that take trial, error and abit of practice to get the desired effect. Mike
  12. I have thee recessed cable boxes and as far as I can work out the two cables came out of this and across wing tops some how. I have just been and double checked. The only way to o this would be to take the cable out of the box, through the entry hole, feed through the inner wing and then up through the holes. All require removal of connector cap. Mind you this brings me to another thought. How are cables routed to TUAAM over wing? Are they fixed or just left loose? Pics added of what I have to work with. Mike
  13. Thanks I suspected that they are mirro holes but you can never be quite sure. Mike
  14. Another stupid question. Have removed the durbar plating from the front wings of my S3 109 FFR. Worked out waht most thinks are except for one hole in the top of the wing which would be just in frunt of the TUAAM box. There is one on each side, drivers side has a grommit in it. For clarity it is the large hole not the ones which used to hold the durbar in place. Are they for a purpose or should I just fill them in? Mike
  15. Progressing a bit further. Have acquired a front battery box and cover and have stripped and painted ready to fit. Have aquired TUAAM and boxes for front wings and have stripped down painted ready for fitting. Have taken the durbar plating off the front wings to see what is beneath and prepare for fitting the TUAAMs. Bit of work to do there as somebody has had some fun with the paint and stuff. Looks like it was once brown and black. Looks like some fun with paint stripper and a bit of filler on the unwanted holes. Also need to go hunting for some covers for the cable boxes. At least I still have cables. Mike
  16. Looking good. What is ETA on finish and on the road? Like to seefor real. Mike
  17. OK not quite on thread but related. Came across this on BBC website http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/10157136.stm They are currently recreating and retesting some of the techniques used for a documentary for screening later in the year. One to keep an eye out for. Wonder if it is in anyway related to the fact they are remaking the film, these things tend to come in batches, or just a coincidence Mike.
  18. Jamming something in the flywheel sounds like a recipe for broken teeth to me. Have only removed a front pulley from a Beetle crank and that had a hole which you could use to prevent engine turning. Either turned till it locked against engine casing or you got somebody to apply force in opposite direction to bolt as you are undoing. o you have anything along those lines. The only other way I can think off that may work on the pulley is one of those strap wrenches you can get for oil filters. Both are probably a 2 person job though. Mike
  19. I have no problems with a leaky roof but you do need a hat when underneath. Leaks found to date Rear axle Transfer box rear output (OK when parke facing downhill) Front brake slave Brake master cylinder Engine sump (not really a leak just a means of marking its territory) Fuel line into carb. Fuel tank (left side) or so I am told, might check one day. Doors (missing rubber seals) If it does not leak it is not a Land Rover they were "designed" that way. Mike
  20. Thanks I think I am getting the hang of this. Never took that much interest as until now have always ha unleaded friendly cars (since leaded disappeared) I should not bother putting any lumpy catalysty thing is nthe tank (have 2 so would be double the cost). If I am going to throw something in there I would be better off using the ol lead shod fishing wieghts in my parents garage. Total wste of time but atleast they are lead. I have no idea what PO used so I am just going to have to fin something and hope there is no reaction with anything that may remain in the system. I should go for a majr brand product inorder to ensure continued availability and that they will not change the mixture so it reacts badly. The alternative is to get the head seen to. Mike
  21. So it may or may not have saved the engine. But it appear that it was a very good rust inhibitor. Somebody nicked my brothers Montego, sadly the police recovered it. I have also heard thet they redce emissions and have also seen reports that they increase performance slightly. With respec to the company being kicked out of Beaulieu Autojumble I heard that aswell. If I remeber it was because they could not provide hard scientific evidence that it does what it is said to do. Mike
  22. So let me see if I have got this right. Lead was put in petrol to prevent valve seats burning out, by acting as a form of lubricant. Lead was removed from petrol becuase lead is bad for you if you eat or drink it. But unleaded fuel fumes are carcenogenic and you breath them in. OK so we have mo lead in petrol which is supposed to be bad for your valve seats. How long under normal driving does it take to knacker your valve seats? The Broquet or similar catalyst are either good or a waste of money, depending who you speak too. The reason for this is probably because nobody has done any proper research using brand new engines. So they either work or they don't. If they do not work the engine would have gone on forever anyway. The alternative is to pour some stuff in your tank when you fill up with petrol. Does this actually work or is it a waste of time and money also. What happens to your valve seats if you convert your "leaded" engine to run on LPG, this has no lead or other additive/catalyst, so surely it must be detrimental to your valves. Come to think of it does anybody actually know anything definitive on this subject. So do I keep buying additives? Do I get a catalyst? Do I do nothing and wait for the valve seats to go and then get an unleaded head? Do I try and source a 2 stroke motor? I am tempted to get a catalyst, if a Montego can do 100K miles after fitting one they must do something, most people I know could get significantly less out of a Montego full stop. Mike
  23. Wonder if he has a hedge trimmer for the lawn. Mike
  24. Motor bikes in the back just measured mine for you. You have approx 1.85m length and 0,9m clearance between side tubs (1.45m between side panels over) in a Series 3 109 when there is nothing in there. What size are the bikes? Remeber military spec are also a bit higher although tail gates are easy removal. If you get a FFR you may have less room if the radio battery box and table are still fitted. Mind you they can be removed and I know somebody who would be interested in them (mine are missing) Mike
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