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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Not quite right. It was almost 5 miles under its own power, or should I say lwhat was left of it. Then the rest on the back of a truck. I knew having the wife pay for breakdown cover was a good idea. Mike
  2. Not trying to put him off anyway hasn't he already bought it and just needs to collect it. JUst listing the bits I keep meaning to get for mine. Inner tupes were an issue when I was getting quotes for new tyres, most places said I would have to get them myself as they cannot get them. The place I got tthem in the end said they are getting harder to source, luckily I was able to allow them a few days to get them in. The old ones were all in good order so I kept them for backup, 2 in truck on 3 in garage. Would recommend a S3 109 FFR to anybody it is great fun, but not really any good if you don't know what a spanner is, like most older vehicles part of the fun is being able to work on them and the only thing you need a computer for is sourcing parts and visiting this forum. Mike PS mine did about 55 miles Sunday and used about half a gallon of fuel.
  3. mike65

    Fiesler Storch

    Your right Hannah Ricter used one to hop out of Berlin, a few others probably did as well and one was definitely used by a British General. It is also rumoured that the last dogfight of WW2 (Europe) involved one of these. HAve not had a chance to look up but there are actually two stories. One was that it was between a Storch and an Auster, pistols at dawn probably. The second was that a Spitfire was involved. Storch pilot alledgedly flew so slow and turned so tight that the Spitfire gave up. Mike
  4. Dies it still have the distributor with shielded cables? Have seen some where these have been swapped out. Fan belts are useful, there will be 3 if still original (or least mine does) If you have tubed tyres a spare inner tube or 2 is handy. Many places do not seem to be able to get these and if they can you need to wait a day or so. OK if at home but not good if unlucky to have a puncture (or two) whilst away. Don't forget oil lots (of it) they do like to mark their territory. Mike
  5. mike65

    Fiesler Storch

    Was at Old Warden on 1st August. The recently restored German built Argus engined Storch was making its display debut (CAA certified 1 week ago). Not a very fast, sleek aircraft but its capabilities are quite amazing. Not quite sure how something can fly that slow and still stay aloft. Its turning capabilities were also quite impressive.Don't need much of a runway either. Anyway here are a few pictures of it. Mike
  6. Your right they do not seem to teach youngster anything useful these days. Had two at work who did not know who Winston Churchill was. The there was the survey where the kids thought Adolf Hitler was a football coach. Mind you some publications don't help. Saw a nice picture in a digital photograpthy magazine of A Lancaster bomber and not the BBMF one. You have all probably seen it, its green, has yellow and black checks on one engine. Has a couple of young ladies painted on the nose. I think the right is Memphis Belle (Haven't they seen the films) and the left Sally B. Even the wife and my mother can spot the differnce between tose 2 very distinctive aircaft types. And now one to really make you laught.Involves the same two who did not know who Winston Churchill was. Was going on a walking holiday to Austria and some on itelligent asked the following. "Are you going to do a Hannibal?" to which I responded "If the oppertunity comes up I will give it a go" This got some strange looks and response. They had seen the film and there were no elephants in it. Things can only get worse. Oh well more work for us. Not only do we have to educate them we have to correct all the other miss information. Mike PS: Rember they thing the Americans liberated the Enigma machine and beat the Japanese at Pearl Harbour.
  7. Have just been told this, today, by a work colleage, an avid MV modeller and member of Friends od Duxford. The Land Warfare building will be closing during the winter months as a cost cutting exercise. Worth bearing in mind if you are thinking of visiting. However the only way that I really see this saving any money is if the lighting (not much anyway) and the heating/climat control is turned off. This will probably be detrimental to the exhibits. Has anybody heard anything else and if further closures (even part time) are planned. Mike
  8. Nice pics. So you have had ferrets on ferrets but what about ferrets and ferrets up your trousers? Did Mark drink your beers as he got you to do his setting up? Mike
  9. Need to investigate further but current suspicion is either something simple (HT lead/plug) or it has fried an exhaust valve, Will keep posted on my rolling resto thread. Mike
  10. Was good meeting you today.Here is a piccy taken today. That is was extremely good job. And for the plane spotters amondst you. Yes that is a genuineGerman built Argus engined Storch in the background. Mike PS: Truck was seriously sick on 3 cylinders after 2 miles, so it got a lift home. Anybody who saw a S3 109 on back of a pink/white recovery truck (A1/A414/M25/A41) was mine.
  11. Hopefully this is ni the right place. Have read th thread about Stolly swimming and had a thought. I remember a TV programme where they restored an Amphicar and had to get it tested for use on water, some sort of waterways/maritime MOT. Yes I remember that in the closing title was a little nore saying "shortly after filming it sank". So do all amphibious vehicles (Stolly, DUKW, CET whatever) need to pass this test if used on water? Not meaning to get at anybody or spoil their fun, because it does look like fun, Just been thinking after spraying WD40 on the memory cells, thats all, Mike PS: I know thinking can be almost as dangerous as not thinking.
  12. Thanks for that All I need to do is find out if it is appearing on any day in particular. Went in 2008 on the Saturday when it was supposed to be there, no show due to breakdown. Was a good day though. Mike
  13. Beatten to it but the link is helpful iy tou want to read more Mythbusters did it. Conclusion was it would not cut you in half but could cause fatal internal injuries. They tested it on pig carcasess, http://kwc.org/mythbusters/2006/10/episode_62_killer_cable_snaps.html Mike Beatten to it but the link is helpful iy tou want to read more
  14. Shaun Will PM my address and phone number. Have not got much planned so should be in most evenings or weekends. Hopefully working on the Landy Sunday 1st August is out though as I am off upto Old Warden for the air display. Mike
  15. Nothing on the website about it being there. Its not on the program for Shoreham that weekend either. Both shows are on the same weekend and they tend to share aircraft. Many have actually staged out of Shoreham in previous years. Mike
  16. Just had another thought I they finally going to make tyre sizes completely metric, just to make life more fun, Never quite understand why width is in millimetres and the diameter is in inches.:confused: Mike
  17. Mark Are you thinking of the one that straddles the shunt box in a 109 FFR? HAve one to do up and fit in my 109. Not sure if the panel would allow one of them to fit (angle differences and all that stuff). Shaun If I rember correctly I am just down the road from you. If you want to pop round and see if the holes would line up you are more than welcome. Mike
  18. Luckily having a Series Land Rover means the tyre noise is drowned out by the transmission whine. Do you think they will do something similar for car radios, those are really annoying especially the rubbish they listen to. Mike
  19. By the sounds of it the bloke did not have authorisation to land. While you can technically land a helicopter anywhere you do need the land owners permission and safety is of paramount importance. If he did actually hit a car the CAA form/report is going to make some interesting reading. Mind you that is assuming it is reported and he has a license. insurance etc. Next somebody will tell us he drives around in a pimped out Saxo, when not trying to fly. Mike
  20. I noticr they have sped the 'swimming' bit up. You could see it spentalot of its time wheels down by the water level and mud being stirred up. Mike
  21. 9 years is pretty good especially as you did not know the actual age. We better keep quite about buying used tyres in case somebody cottons on and bans them. I know of atleast 2 people who have bought used cars and had a problem with the state of the spare due to rubber deteriation. One case when someone went to change the wheel (due to puncture) the spare wheel came out but most of the tyre stayed behind. Suspect it had done a few miles with no air at some stage. Mike
  22. Totally agree. It has to be Pathfinder. Even the wife reads mine. Surely this should have been under the "I may be stupid but" section. Mike
  23. I think it is just the camera thet is monochrome when ypu press the button. Those are very nice colour pictures though Mike
  24. Totally agree about the pics. If you can't decide which to use just do what I do for a screen saver. Dump all the pictures in one location and tell it to use the photos/slideshow option. Desktop wallpaper is a bit harder. Anybody know of a program that automatically changes it when you start the computer? Haven't seen a Mew Gull fo a long time. Mike
  25. It will still be big at half scale. Mike
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