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Everything posted by mike65

  1. If they were going a bit quicker the first one could have ended up at 45 degrees or worse. Here is the link on Robin's behalf. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD6ZoXigm7Y Mike
  2. Is he mad?:shocked: Mind you a few more years and everybody will be going to work via their personal jet pack and the roads will be empty. Mike
  3. You must remeber that the cjildren of MV owners have friends, so you need to gey the friends involver as well. My nephew is an easy target as if it has wheels and an engine he is interested and if it is a Land Rover or something big (tractor, combine harvester) your onto a winner. He goes to quite a few car shows as he lives in a 3 car house, all Fords (Focus, 2006 and 1966 Mustangs). However he seems to prefer his uncles Land Rover. Next mission is to get him to an MV show, one Scammell should be all it needs to really impress him. Its also persuading them that MV shows are not row upon row of immaculate shiny cars that are imperonating a car park, which is many peoples impression of vehicle shows. Mike
  4. Looks real good in this picture. No kerb to give away the scale and you could probably pass the hedge off as a wood. Could almost pass as the real thing. The weathered paint job must have taken some work to getting looking right. Mike
  5. Won't pick up on differences between Type 1 and hardcore (to much like work and HMVF is meant to be fun) but your suggestion would definitey be fine. Tracked vehicles spread load much better as they have a larger contact area. The same also applies in some extend to wheeled vehicles. As it is all down to contact area and loadings. I also agree that if it was a heavily trafficked area like a industrial yard or vehicle depot more concrete would be required. If the existing hardcore and road planing area is left insitu the ground bearing pressure is most likly OK as what he has there has not disappeared. Have been on site when 2 truck loads of hardcore were tipped and tracked in by tracked excavator. Within 5 minutes you could not tell the difference between before and after. Now that was bad ground. Mike
  6. As you have hardcore and road planingd down you are probably half way there. Assuming it is in a reasonably level and "clean" state you could just lay the polythene membrane and concrete on it. Road planings are good as they have a habit of rebonding and staying together well. Can you raise the levels around without any problem as this saves digging out and starting again? With the loadings you would get away with minimum 150mm of concrete with mesh in it. I would recommend dividing an area that size into 4 equal sections with joints. New concrete shrinks and this can cause cracking the joints persuade it to cracrk where you want it. Several ways of doing this. Pour each bit seperately Insert crack inducers into the wet concrete. (1/3 to 1/2 depth) Saw cut whilst still fresh to depth as above. The ready mix company should be able to give you a quote for concrete which matches what I have specified. They may come back with an alternative. This is all part of the stuff I have to do to pay the bills. Mike
  7. The problem is keeping them interested once they are old enough to drive. Part of the problem is that now you take your test and mummy/daddy buy you a nice new car for you to drive around in. Must be carefull here my father bought my first two cars for mee (had to pay him back though). Mind you it was 1984 and they cost £50 for both and had to come home on the drill trailer. Plan was to make two into one, never happened as needed some wheels and they came bolted to car No. 3. VW Beetles and had alot of fun with the 3rd one. THey also seem to think old means unreliable and they need there car. When you queation them you find they have been driving for a year or two and never been more than 10 miles from home and they need Satnav for that. They need to realise that vehicles are great toys. Oh and when you reach 40 you are officially old (and boring) according to the young generation. Mike
  8. Sounds like the Lnad Rover will be doing that when he parks on it.They just love a new bit of territory to claim.:-D Mike
  9. What are you sitting on it weight wise and contact area? Whjat size area are you looking at on plan? You may need some joints and reinforcement in it? Off the top of my head work on the following Geotextile membrane on rolled ground. 75-100mm of type 1 or sand blinded hardcore. 1200 guage polythene seperation membrane. 175mm (150mm is minimum) concrete with 35 KN/m2 28 day strength 320 Kg/m3 cement 0.4 max water cement ratio. If external would have an air entraining agent added. Throw in some A393 or C285 mesh reinforcement. Give it a wire brush finish, wait 28 days and all should be fine. Mike
  10. Welcome in. Just follow the lines above and you won't go too far wrong. It seems to be the standard modus operandii when it comes to MVs so don't worry. Mike
  11. Last but not least let us not forget the Hurricane. Not a glamorous as the Spitfire (which seems to have got all the fame), but still a fantastic aeroplane which we could not have done without, along with those who flew and fixed them (regardless of the aircraft). Mike PS Is it just an optical illusion or is the Sea Hurricane actually smaller?
  12. And some for those who like American stuff, including a couple more Merlins (by Packard) Mike
  13. As promised I have gone through the pictures (quickl) and hace found a few more interesting ones. Lets start with a few of the flightline and some re-enactors. One shot hopefully never occured, although if it was not for want of trying. One is recently repainted to its actual Battle of Britain colours (the movie that is), as know they are both "fake" 109s Mike
  14. Saturday they had to close the gates at 12 noon as car parks were full to capacity. They even had to turn people away who had advance tickets (although they would allow them in on Sunday). People next to us on Sunday had trued to fo Saturday. They spen 3 hours in a traffic queue and could not get in. Another chap (from Scotland) had the right idea, was staying in Cambridge and used the free shuttle bus service. Don't think they had the same problem on Sunday but it was still really busy. After reading about Saturdays problem we decided to go early, got there and parked at about 8.30. Made it a long day but well worth it. Mike
  15. Interesting thread thanks. I am learning alot about winching which I will probably (and hopefully) never need, but it is nice to know a bit. Seems to me that when it comes to winchingand/or recovery the most important bit of kit is a Scammell. Mike
  16. The spund was as good as the sight. They did the whole thong to perfection. Started with a mass take off (in pairs) and flying off into the distance to form up. Theb 4 Hawks from 19 Sqdrnb (last surviving BofB sqdrn) doing the missing man pass to start 1 minute silence, which was observed fully for about 30 seconds when the Spitfires returned. No commentry, no talking, no music just Spitfires (Merlins and a few Griffons) flying everywhere for like 15 minutes. Absolutely fantastic. Will post a few more pics when sorted. Mike
  17. Does it work fine on other websites? Settings normally effect everything. Mike
  18. Thats the sort of thing you used to regularly get with dial up, but is less common with broadband. Still occassionally get it when there is a connection problem. It may also be worth turning the broadband modem/bos fully off. Count to 60 seconds and then restart. This quite often cures alot of problems. Mine runs through the cable TV box, which is always on and this can cause similar effects until restarted. If you leave your PC on for days it maybe worth restarting it as well, they tend to get slower if left on forever. Don't Laugh I know people who do it. Mike
  19. Did my bit at the weekend to persuade the younger generation that MVs are much more fun than Ford Mustangs or super cars. My 12 year old nephew had the choice at the weekend to enjoy a mornings shopping or visit his Grandfather and working. Mind you "working" involved checking the fields for fallen trees. It also meant putting up with his uncle who has a boring old Land Rover.and being a cruel uncle (must get it from my father) we made him drive. He seemed to enjoy himself in the morning so we when his parents arrived after lunch we punished him by making him do it all again. We are really cruel family. At least I know 4 wheel drive is fully functioning. Just got to get him converted to the idea that all MVs are good and not just Land Rovers. Mike
  20. I decided to visit Duxford on Sunday. The wife said "For what reason?" So here are the 20 reasons Reasons 1 to 4 Reasons 5 to 20 There was no arguing with reasons like those. Mike
  21. CAme across this on BBC. Appears they are going to be raising a crash landed Dornier 17 from Goodwin Sands off Deal where it crash landed in the BofB. Plan is to display the aircraft. They don't mention restore but use the term prepare. Sounds to me like they are going to keep it in its crashed condition which should make an interesting exhibit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-11174324 Mike
  22. Got a notification about one of the survey companies we work with doing some rebranding and updating their website. Thought I would post the link here as they have recently surveyed No 1 hanger for refurb work. Includes a PDf of elevations and section which may be of interest to some. http://www.mksurveys.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=101:airship-hanger-building-survey&catid=46:older-interesting-projects&Itemid=37 Mike
  23. Whats going on? The post has been up for like 3.5 hrs. Where is the picture of it on your drive? Looks a relative easy job to. Expect you will have it done by next weekend. Mike
  24. Nice pics on there. I am heading up to Duxford Sunday can't resist thne lure of Spitfires. Hopefully will get some good photos. Mike
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