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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. I can see the point he was making about "originality", but did find the language used rather "strong". At the end of the day, if someone has the money to keep a vehicle original then that is great. To see a 70 year old engine working like the day it was made is a wonderful sight. However with the way the fuel prices are going (totally unjustified increases in my mind) then things need to be done to enable future enjoyment of the vehicle. A classic example is the M series US vehicles. These were all petrol powered in the early years but even the US Government saw the sense in converting these vehicles into diesel powered units to make them more reliable, useable and cheaper to run. To be honest if I was ever looking for a WLF and two came up at once, one original and the other with a professional standard diesel conversion then I would opt for the diesel as this would be far cheaper to run. And we all buy these vehicles to DRIVE and enjoy. A show is just a reason to drive the vehicle and the public get the chance to see the said vehicle as a consequence. Maybe you should hang on to the petrol engine if it's a conversion that would enable the engine to be re fitted then if you do put it up for sale you can state that it's fitted with a diesel but can be converted back to original. I bet though 99 times out of a 100 that the new owner would leave the diesel where it is. It's your vehicle and you can do with it how you please. Instead of having a go, maybe Mr B should be targeting certain shows that CHARGE the owners of vehicles to show them, then that would be £25 more in the fuel kitty. Best of luck with the conversion Mark.
  2. Definitely take plenty of photos of the lot you are looking at with the lot number visable and also get the vin plate (I've heard some horror stories) The place is like Magpie central, so make sure what you buy is what you get. I bought my truck and box body direct, but there was still stuff missing from when I bought it.
  3. .... .. / .--. .- ..- .-.. / --..-- - .... .- -. -.- ... / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .. -. ...- .. - . / .-.-.- / .. / .-.. --- --- -.- / ..-. --- .-. .-- .- .-. -.. / - --- / .- / -.-. --- .-.. -.. / .----
  4. Hello mate, I take it you have now MOT'd the truck? Does this mean that the truck will need an MOT from now on, or does the exemption still apply? Got any decent pictures of the truck? What engine do you have fitted to it and does it have the 5 speed overdrive gearbox in it? I saw your truck at Trucks and Troops last year, wish I hade a better look at it now!!!:-\
  5. Nice one. Definitely get a hard top for it, it will be warmer in the winter and more secure!!
  6. I also attended this one and drove down fron Oxfordshire. Its the first time I've been to this show and it was a very nice setting. I was told there was no camping, otherwise I would have brought one of my vehicles, but it was very cold in the wind. My mate Ian was there with his M109A2 and also Bill with his M109A2 WO/W (His first show with it). There were more post war vehicles present which left the "WW2 vehicles only inside the Fort" look decidedly thin on the ground, but I suppose the Post war stuff does serve to pull in passing trade. A good day out was had by all.
  7. This is my mate Mark Cooks Land Rover 90, also a Yellow RAF version he bought from Withams. I forget where it was used but he does have the history for it. It's in very good condition and the pictures are when we went up to look at it. I think he is coming to War and peace so you should be able to see it there.
  8. Is that an electrical lead on the rear case? If it is it must be a fairly modern tranny. The speedo drive is the opposite side to that of a Bedford. Has it got a makers name on it and where did you get it from?
  9. Paul, I've just entered your show into my diary and will be sending out the form over the next few days. It will be the first time I have been to this one, so look forward to it. Lets hope the weather is nice!!! Cheers Andy
  10. I don't think VOSA will come to you - as in your home address. I was chatting to a VOSA vehicle tester when I had to take my work truck in for an MOT about three weeks ago. He told me VOSA are doing out based testing, but its going to be in large company fleet garages, like M&S where I used to work. As these companies have so many vehicles and trailers they spread out the MOT's throughout the year. So a brand new vehicle might have it's 1st MOT only a month after being registered so that they don't have 50 odd new trucks all needing MOT's at the same time. The VOSA guy will be based at these garages full time, so in effect its his place of work, but he is employed by VOSA. They wont be coming out to an individuals place.
  11. We used all sorts of technology in Northern Ireland. But I'm affraid I can't tell you anymore about it.:-X
  12. Going off topic quickly. I was chatting to an American guy who owns an M109A3 Reo he is converting into a camper. It's a 1972 (I think) truck and cost about $5,000 direct from the US Army, in very good condition. This vehicle gets registered as a "normal" truck (as in those large pick up trucks). As he is not carrying a load in it he doesn't need a CDL (HGV licence) licence - The Tags (registration) will cost him - AND WAIT FOR IT - $12 dollars a YEAR. That's right twelve dollars a year to keep this truck on the road. As far as I'm aware he doesn't need to have it tested either (some States have MOT's and some don't). Oh, and don't forget the $3.30 a GALLON fuel price... He is free to do with it how he likes.
  13. Sorry, but it seems to me we are all just banging our heads against a brick wall. It has come across (to me anyway) that no matter what the argument is we put forward, they are just going to do whatever they want. They have made up their minds what is going to happen and are just going through the motions to seem democratic. As for VOSA not attending such an important meeting (considering they are the ones who are going to enforce this and carry out testing) well, thats nothing short of a disgrace. This meeting has been planned for ages and not to have the most important agency present, well, incompetence comes to mind. Did they give a reason why a VOSA rep couldn't attend??? Why can't they offer two yearly testing? They come up with this argument about things might fall off through lack of use, and yet correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't France have two yearly testing? The only reason they are against that is because they will loose out on all the test fee cash. Was anyone present from the other Political Parties? Considering these guys are more than likely to be out of a job in a few weeks, were the relevent shadow guys there for a heads up to take over the reigns?
  14. There are two definitions here, Motor Caravan and Living Van. The Living Van option would still require a HGV test unless it is pre 1960 (this is my understanding). The other is Motor Caravan. Be carefull as this definition requires a class 4 MOT regardless of the age (as it's then a class 4 MOT and not an HGV MOT). I looked at the Motor Caravan option but it's a nightmare. There are certain things that need to be fitted permanently to meet the definition. This then needs to be inspected to prove this has been done and that the law has been complied with regard to the fitment of gas stoves, length of gas hose, air circulation, gas cylinder storage, fire protection equipment etc,etc. It then changes it's use from Private HGV or Historic Vehicle to that of a Motor Caravan or Living Van. This then presents problems with insurance as Footman James will not cover the vehicle as it's no longer classed as a Historic Military vehicle but that of a Motor Caravan and these need special insurance due to the fact you are storing gas and using gas equipment inside a vehicle.
  15. I just use threaded screws and nuts. Unscrew the civvy plates and install Military plates.
  16. For sake of argument lets stick to HGV for clarity. If you own a 1959 REO then you do not require an HGV class two licence to drive it unladen and you do not require an HGV MOT. If you drive a 1961 REO then you will need an HGV class 2 licence to drive it and you will need an HGV MOT.
  17. I filled my Hilux up the other day and it cost me £65. On Sunday I took the Bedford out for a short run after a full service and decided to "top" the tank up. £80 later and it just reached the bottom of the filler neck. Gutting or what!!!
  18. I know this is late Martin (date posted) As your truck is 1954, what are you plating it at 7.5ton as it would be MOT exempt as it's pre 1960. What are you using it for?
  19. Is it possible to blast the chassis and then get it powder coated or hot dipped?
  20. I saw a Foden wrecker today that looked like new and very much sounded like it had an auto box fitted. It never had a Crane, but the rear lift arangement. Two rear axles. AS it was in Thatcham there is a good chance it belongs to the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Aldermarston.
  21. The guys down at Newbury VOSA are pretty good. I think there is one jobsworth there as far as I can remember, but a few of the guys own old buses and they are spot on. However I've heard Bicester VOSA are like the old East German Secret Police.
  22. I'm not an academic mate, but you don't need the brains of an Arch Bishop to realise that as I earn less now than I did back in 1990-92 I am very much worse off considering inflation etc. Fuel is totally jacked up as a bonanza tax and nothing to do with global warming etc. Oh, and as the budget is tomorrow, lets wait and see how much extra it's going to be. VAT on food anyone????:argh:
  23. I don't know what the rules are regarding this, but my tractor unit broke down at Frankley Services when I worked at a company based in Thatcham, Berks. This company is an International food and distribution company that is Union run and obays every letter of the law. I called the workshops and they sent the company wrecker (ERF) out to recover my broken tractor. The wrecker towed ANOTHER good tractor unit out with him to Frankley services. We swapped units and I hooked up the good one to the trailer and the fitter hooked up the dead unit to the wrecker and we drove the 3hrs back to Thatcham. I've also had a tractor and trailer suspended tow from Bicester to Didcot after a Portugese artic hit me up the rear end at 56mph when I was stationary, the wrecker had plenty of nearer "safe places" to stop at, but he took us straight back to the yard. The Police will use common sense, they aren't the problem, it's VOSA you would have to watch out for. If what Antar says is the law then I'm not surprised it's totally ignored, by operators and the Police. What a jack ass law indeed. I got pulled by VOSA last year for forgetting to put the number plate on my trailer. The guy went into this lecture about trying to avoid speed cameras etc and then hit me with a £30 fine. Then he said I could continue on my journey (WTF)??? I gets to the Oxford ring road and had a Traffic Police car right behind me for about two miles and he didn't even bat an eyelid. As long as you secure the stranded vehicle as it should be, with a light board and amber warning lights then you haven't got anything to worry about.
  24. Welcome rootraff, I've been looking at the GL Government auctions with absolute horror in the knowledge that all those very tidy M35's are beeing auctioned off for next to nothing and as a foreigner I can't buy one. I wish I lived in the States. Welcome aboard.
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