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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. How much extra top end speed do you get with the big tyres? I take it they can only be fitted to the 5 tonners? Very nice looking truck. I think I saw it a Beltring a few years ago now as I remember a 5 ton with the new type plastic tilt on the back.
  2. Thanks for that Mike (sorry mods for going off topic) So in effect this is a money making racket by the Government then?:undecided:
  3. The only exemption being a vehcile with no O licence and classed as private driving. That would mean almost everyone on here then as I would have thought everyone is registered as using their vehicle for private use and no O licence.
  4. I have to say I'm very envious. Like you say it's in fantastic condition and you have to stump up if you want a good truck these days. I only asked about the VAT as the price he was advertising had +vat next to it, so that was a bonus. Do you think you will use the crane for anything? Cheers
  5. Excellent. Look forward to seeing you there mate.
  6. Tony, If this is the bridge I'm thinking of there is a diversion for high vehicles, but it's very narrow and does cause some problems if your driving a large vehicle (I've had to use it loads of times in my artic if the trailer is too high) but this is an official high vehicle diversion route.
  7. Have you got pictures, pictures and lots more pictures? Has it got the LDT465-1C or 1D engine fitted? Hard cab, blah, blah. Did I mention pictures?:cool2::-D
  8. Hello Iain, I was looking at the advert for your truck in CMV today when I was reading it on my break. It certainly cost a few quid. What I don't understand is this VAT lark. I presume David bought this truck from a private individual at a certain price. I presume that VAT was paid when it was bought at auction from the Army or dealer by the first person to own it privately, so why do you have to pay it again?:help: That's not a bad figure considering the size of the truck. That's about what you get with a tractor and trailer pulling 44 tonnes but with a modern Euro4 engine.
  9. Has anyone on the forum imported a vehicle from the States from a dealer or individual? If so, what was the situation regarding paperwork. Did you encounter any problems with Customs and was there duty to pay on the vehicle? I've emailed a couple of US dealers that refurbish or rebuild M series trucks. One dealer puts the vehicles through the workshop stripping them down to the chassis and rebuilding them including engines, gearboxes, axles, brakes, new wiring loom to convert them to 12v (not sure about this, but I suppose they can keep them 24v if you wanted that), respray, new canvas tilts, hoops, tyres etc,etc. The price seems reasonable in Dollars but with shipping etc I'm wondering if it's worth looking into? The other dealer mainly deals in 5 ton trucks. These go through a similar rebuild programme except they change the duel wheels for super singles. He said that they have just shipped 2 units out to Australia, so the problem buying direct from Government liquidation where they wont issue vehicle papers to foreigners seems to have been got around. These trucks are direct release from the Military so haven't been run on contam for 10 years and looking at the video on one of the dealers sites shows that they really do a good thorough job of rebuilding the truck into "like new" condition. The price of M series trucks seems to have just got higher and higher and they are getting to the price where it might be a better bet to import one. I'm not looking at getting one just yet but I was wondering if it's an option someone else has gone through? Cheers Andy
  10. Chevpol, You don't need a Cat C licence to drive a REO IF it's registered before 1st Jan 1960. It will also be MOT and Tax exempt if pre 1960. You WILL need a Cat C and an MOT if registered after this date. I've noticed a nice looking M35A2 that's for sale but as it's an E reg it's a 1967 and this would need an MOT. http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=49052&cat=4
  11. It usually means they are butchered but still have the engine, gearbox etc. I've seen some advertised as this and they were accident damaged. Parts removed could be lights, bodywork, seats etc,etc... Definitely go and have a look if you want to bid one one.
  12. I LOVE these trucks, my favourite Foden, worlds away from the TTF. Recy are yours fitted with the Eaton Twin Splitter as I seem to remember the one I went in when I was having my DROPS recovered from Fleet Services had. She wasn't short of speed either.:cool2:
  13. Has your truck got the 12 1/2 litre AEC diesel fitted? What is the fuel consumption roughly for a Mk3 Wrecker compaired to the Cargo version?
  14. The one on the right as your looking at them is a Saxon Patrol. The one on the left is a General War Role Saxon fitted with a Patrol Paddy Basher (no offence intended). Interesting to see the machine gun mount on the Patrol version. This must have been a sandpit addition as we never had any Saxon Patrols in NI with the MG mount, they were on the GWR's. The spot lights are also a lot smaller than the ones we had fitted in NI.
  15. ] That guy really asks silly money for his stock. I bet he buys them for peanuts and shipping wouldn't be that much.
  16. Tony, What are the tree's, shrubs and hedges etc like on the route mate? Are they likely to brush against the side of the truck (I know, what a tart, but it's got a pretty new paint job and I don't want it shredded!:red:) Also how long is the route do you reckon? Will there be an on line application or will it be done through you on here? Thanks for your time mate. Andy
  17. Nice pictures ,ate. I wish they had digital cameras when I was in the Army. I had to get mine developed down the camera shop..:-(
  18. Looks like he has abandoned the golden rule of hill decent; DO NOT USE THE BRAKES use the gears and engine braking to hold the truck down the hill. Was there much damage to this wrecker?
  19. I wonder what the feasibility is of importing a truck from the States from one of these dealers? I'd give my right arm for one of those wreckers. They look in "like new" condition.:wow:
  20. Has anyone dealt with this dealer? They have some very nice truck porn on their website. http://www.oshkoshequipment.com/index.cfm
  21. recymech66 Do you know this guy??? Beware there is swearing on this clip.
  22. This is a very bad link, but it looks like this video shows the Withams Foden Wreckers that are up in the tender.
  23. I have got this film on DVD...:cool2: I think it's a pretty good film, and so is Dog Soldiers, both a little cheesy though!! A very good film is Tears of the Sun with Bruce Willis.
  24. What's the situation with the road run on the Sunday, is it all on public roads through the plain (ie tarmacked) or is there to be green lanes included? I don't mind soft off roading, but the Bedfords too top heavy for anything more than field driving! I might be interested and might be able to get my mate in his M109A2 REO interested too.
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