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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. Just found this on the web. It gives the exact code for the paints used and it is indeed BS361C Light Stone. http://www.dstan.mod.uk/standards/defstans/00/023/00000400.pdf
  2. WOW, Thank you very much Sir!!! Lots of interesting information there. I have to say, the picture you sent of the TM in Camouflage Desert Sand looks a lot lighter in the skin than on the colour chart. I think BSC361 Light Stone it is then. I called Anchor yesterday and they haven't got any Satin in stock. I don't want matt as the paint only lasts a few years. Has anyone used the Marcus Glen Light Stone? Thanks for the replies guys.
  3. Thanks Robin, So to make it easier, do you know what they are using today? I like the more Yellow end of the Sand paint rather than the Pink end!!:cool2:
  4. Yeah, I thought that was quite funny!! I've just emailed him regarding getting hold of the Jerzees ZT180 Tee Shirts. This is what my old Squadron used and they last for years.
  5. I found this site while searching for some info on 51 Sqn, RAF Regt. The guy who owns the company was medically discharged from the Life Guards and now runs his own business doing embroidered tee shirts etc. I hope the Mods dont mind me posting the link, but his gear looks great and it's a great source for us ex servicemen to get some new tee shirts. He does vehicles, aircraft, Op Banner etc. So check it out. http://www.trooplogos.co.uk/home.htm
  6. Hi Guys, Can anyone tell me what the correct colour code is for Royal Air Force Desert Sand paint please? I need to know what colour paint they used in Operation Granby. Looking at the colour chart BS381C, 380 Camouflage Desert Sand looks far too dark. 361 Light Stone (I think) is the right colour, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Also where is the best place to buy it. I see Anchor Supplies has a stock of Light Stone. Has anyone used or bought paint from Anchor and is it the real gear? I want Satin Finish and it needs to be a single pack Alkyd based paint. I am in the process of sanding down my Defender and have decided to paint it in Desert Sand. It was in the first Gulf War in Saudi Arabia and I have seen evidence of the Sand paint whilst sanding it down. I'm using an air orbital sander and will be using a spray gun. Also what's the best primer to use with this paint? Pictures to follow. Cheers Andy
  7. Hi Simon, Is Tony a Pilot at RAF Weston on the Green for the Skydiving mob? That's where I did my RAPS Parachute Training and first jumps. Does he keep the plane in the Hangar there as I've never seen it outside? From the information I've seen they only made about 300 of these planes, so it must be a very rare plane. I'm very glad I got to see it. It's in beautiful condition.
  8. Thats a very nice rig you have there YoungGun, very nice indeed. Make sure you take plenty of pictures of your next outing.:cool2:
  9. By the way, what is the top aircraft in German markings called and is it still in active service?
  10. Well, it had to happen didn't it. Woke up and looked outside and the weather was terrible. As I write this the sun is out, as it was on Saturday, so it's blooming typical. The rain came down hard until about 13.00. We didn't think there was going to be any chance of seeing any aircraft, but as it happens it stopped raining and cleared just enough to see some displays. The biggest disappointment was the fact the cross winds were too strong for the BBMF to take off.:-( The highlight of the display was the Royal Netherlands Air Force F16. There was a Blackhawk from the United States Army SHAPE team based in Belgium. This helicopter is used exclusively for the use of high ranking officers and is fitted with leather seats and carpeted throughout. The crew were a top bunch of lads and very friendly. There was also a Puma and Merlin there from RAF Benson, again crewed by a top bunch of lads. The C17 made one pass and a VC10 made two passes. There seemed to be plenty of public there even though the weather was terrible. Not many Military Vehicles turned up and there were a lot of empty mine tapped off areas indicating that the weather stopped many from showing up. Here are some pictures.
  11. What trailer is he using for that box body, it looks a direct fit? I take it it's one of the Ptarmigan "short" box bodies? Cheers
  12. Very nice pictures mate. I especially like the RB44 and the Explorer with what looks like a trailer with a box body fitted to make a living van. I was at Abingdon Airshow and I can tell you it was absolutely terrible weather. It poured down until about 13.00, was freezing cold and a lot of people didn't bother to turn up. Lots of public though.
  13. I bet long term the Foden will have proved that it will have been the better Wrecker. The MAN is nice, but there is a lot of electronics in that truck and I bet it wont be as reliable as the Foden at the same age as the Fodens are now. I think the dash is the same as the civvy truck. When I had a look in a GS MAN, it was the same inside as the TGA 26.440 I had at the time. As the Foden is parked up and I'm paying for it through my taxes, can you park it up outside my house so I can have a play?:cool2:
  14. You need a speedo drive gear. However I think there are different types depending on different tyre sizes and clocks used. I need to get one myself as the new transfer box the Army fitted has a speedo drive gear that isn't compatible with my clock. Dave at Ditton Service Station knows where you can get a brand new drive gear, or you might want to contact LW Vass as they have plenty of transfer boxes, so I'm led to believe.
  15. I used to drive DROPS in the Army. Nice to see something different being done with it. I hope you will consider spraying it NATO Green? Would make a nice addition to the wrecker fleet and would certainly raise the eyebrows of any Reccymec driving past.
  16. Congratulations. I hope Nottingham DVLA got a rocket up their backsides. This just goes to show that even when you go to a Government local office, some of the people working there still don't know what they are talking about!!
  17. I've been into Military Vehicles since I was a kid. I bought my first Land Rover (a Lightweight FFR) in 1989, so that makes it 21 years. Eight of those in HM Armed Forces playing with the real thing.:cool2:
  18. Are the restrictions in place so that the Taliban don't get hold of your aeriels and whip someone to death??:nut:
  19. A guy I know called Ian Borrowman in Poole (who owns the M35A2 with the Yellow wheel rims) bought an air assisted steering unit from the States last year. Sounds a bit strange when steering as you can hear the air vent off but it does make steering a lot easier. Got any pictures?
  20. It sounds to me like you have a valve gone somewhere and when the air charges the tanks it goes straight through to the air pack which is applying the brakes. You say when you disconnect the air you then have brakes on hydraulic only? I have an MJ but don't know whether it's the same braking system or not. The trouble is there are so many valves in the system the fault could be anywhere. Have you thought about calling a mobile HGV mechanic? It might be pretty expensive but they are very good at finding this sort of fault.
  21. Fantastic. Awesome job. I would kill for that workshop. Keep up the great work and looking forward to seeing the WLF finished.
  22. So what's with the Spice Girls on that show then? This must have been in the days before Health and safety and if it wasn't how is the Germans can do it and we can't??? The guy standing underneath would have been locked up in this country if he did that! I would have laughed if he blew a Hydraulic hose or seal!
  23. Plenty of pictures would be nice if you have the time???:cool2:
  24. Exactly. Nice to see the Russian Army keeping history alive for future generations. Compare that with the UK government and its policy of sell off and scrap everything. Even HMS Victory isnt safe. :cry:
  25. Has anyone booked into this show? I will be there and so should my mates M109A2 and Mark Cooks yellow RAF Defender 90. Only two more weeks and the season kicks off for me, I can't wait!!!
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