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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. I'm now going to give it a coat of 1k Synthetic High Build Red Oxide primer before spraying it Desert Sand. I'm in the process of masking up the tyres (bloomin nightmare job) and then just a few more bits of sanding to do then all ready for the paint.
  2. So they do!:shocked: I didn't even notice those. Glad you got back OK Alan. It took me about 1h 20mins to get back at a steady 40mph.:cool2:
  3. I never got to chat to the owner, but the truck was in lovely condition. He had a massive living van behind and the back of the truck was fitted with a big generator, so it was a home from home for him.:cool2: Here are a few more pictures.
  4. A fine time was had by all. I arrived Friday night about 20.30hrs on a chilly evening. The weather was fine on Saturday although it was very cold at night. Sunday was wet for most of the day and was fairly cold. Vehicles booked in were 43 Steam Engines, 11 Miniture Steam Engines, 72 Stationary Engines, 33 Commercial Vehicles, 20 Military Vehicles, 20 Fire Appliances, 30 MotorCycles, 106 Classic Cars, 81 Tractors and all the other stuff like trade stands, collectables etc. This is the first time I've been to this event and I have to say it was OK. The field is very large but does sit on a hill which made sleeping a bit of an experience. There was some very interesting vehicles there. It was made even better by the addition of a privately owned US Army Helicopter that came in at 10am on Saturday and just landed 30yds from our vehicles. This aircraft was very nice and the owner has made a cracking job of the restoration. I met Alan, AKA ace1 from the forum with his Scammell Pioneer. Very nice chap and very knowledgeable about the Super Sentinel steam lorry (great to meet you Alan and thanks for the tour of the steam lorry!) I also met the Adjutant of my old Regiment, who recognized me after 9 years. Thanks Ma'am.:-) Anyway leave a comment if you attended the show. Here are some pictures.
  5. You all need to check out this site. They scam the scammers and some of the stuff they get up to will have you in tears of laughter. I especially recommend the video section, this is where the scammers have to make a video doing something stupid, like setting fire of themselves thinking that they have scammed a film company into making them a stunt star. It's classic stuff. Check it out http://www.419eater.com/index.php
  6. I will be there too guys. I cleaned out the inside of the box yesterday and filled up the water jerrycans. Just some food shopping and drinks to get. I spoke with a mate of mine who is also coming in his Reo M109. He told me there are quite a few turning up. A guy (Tim) with an Iltis will be there and I think another M109 (Bills) will also be there. I'm hoping to get down Friday night. Will you be there with your Scammell Alan?
  7. Yes, please do. It would be nice to see another in Desert Sand. The prep is a nightmare. I've been working on it for days. The masking will take quite a bit of time too. The paint manufacturer recommends a dust coat and then a wet coat. The weather is too cold at the moment for me to do it. It's OK in the day time but we have had a hard frost on the ground the last few nights. Glad your paint is OK. Hopefully mine will be Ok as it's only just been mixed up.:cool2:
  8. The best guy to ask is Retreiver above, he works for LW Vass. They had plenty of 1200x20 Bar Grips in stock in as new condition. I went round to the local tyre place today and got them fitted. Cost me £10 per tyre and that was including disposal of the old tyres and balancing. Cleaned and primed three of the hubs, just one more to do and sanded the rims down ready for painting.
  9. Thanks for that info James. I've just bought some paint with the same paint code from HMG Paints in Manchester. It arrived this morning along with the thinners I ordered and it's in a Satin finish. Welcome to the forum. As Ted said, check the paint first as I see it's 20 years old and I think the shelf life is only 2 years? Regards Andy
  10. Has the guy who is supposed to be swapping it done it? If he has I'd be demanding a replacement. Look for an agricultural tyre fitter as they are used to dealing with large tyres.
  11. I ordered the paint I'm after this morning and then drove up to LW Vass to buy some new tyres for my Defender. The place has changed massively since I was there last time, I hardly recognised it. Most of the sheds down the right hand side as you go down their yard are now individual business units. On the left is now a caravan sales place with loads of caravans where there were once Green Machines. The only bits left were the tyre bay and some yard round the back. I found it strangely sad, seeing all the old sheds taken over by small businesses and the yard that used to be full with dozens of ex mil veh now a tyre dump. Sad. Anyway. They had some Michelin XCL's but they were the studded tyres. I bought these last time (Ten years ago) and the XCL's I have on my Landy have now finally cracked to the point of being illegal. These are a brilliant tyre though. The new ones I bought are the newer Michelin XZL (I think). They are part worns, but you can still see the rubber joints accross the tyre surface, so they haven't done much. Photo's to follow, I need to get them fitted, which should be Wednesday.:cool2:
  12. Thanks for your help Ted, I will post some pictures when I get the paint and will of course post pictures on here. Cheers Andy
  13. Hello mate, The paint I have ordered is a SATIN finish. They supply it I think in gloss form, but charge you £4 to change the standard paint to a sheen of your choice. They do a flat matt, but I want a Satin as its much better wearing and looks better longer. When you call them up, you have the option to speak to the technical department. Give them a call and see if they can answer your questions. Cheers
  14. Welcome to the forum my man. Yes, it must be great living in the land of the free!!! Certainly isn't a free country here I can tell you.
  15. Okay. After lots of help from you guys and lots of research I've decided to go with HMG Paints of Manchester. I've ordered 5 litres of C71 Speedline in BS 361 Light Stone and 5 litres of 2611 synthetic thinners. With postage and a £4 matting charge the total comes to £90. A bit more expensive than others, but I want to do it right first time. I have to wait a few days as they need to make it up, but it will be with me this week. This will give me time to finish off the prep. So I'm now hoping for some excellent warm, dry, wind free weather to spray it on. http://www.hmgpaint.com/default.aspx
  16. I think the mix ratio of two pack is about 10 to 1. WARNING When you use this paint you need to have a forced air repiration system. It also needs to go into a vehicle paint oven to harden the paint. If you never used an oven then thats probably one of your problems. Sand it down using a proper respirator and then look at my post on painting my vehicle in Desert Sand. Use a Synthetic paint that can be mixed with white spirit and you shouldn't have any problems, but get rid of the two pack as it will probably react with the synthetic.
  17. I'm re spraying my Defender 110 back into it's Gulf War 1 clothes and have been searching loads of sites (including using the search button on here) for some pictures of a 110 Hard Top that has the inverted V markings to no avail. Has anyone got some pictures of a Land Rover with GW1 markings? If not, do you know how many inverted V's were on the vehicle, where were they placed and what size are they supposed to be? I know they had them on the sides of the hard top and I'm guessing they were also on the rear door and on the roof. Were any on the front and where? Any help greatly appreciated? Cheers Andy
  18. I was having a look at this company - http://www.hmgpaint.com/default.aspx - that Richard Farrant mentioned. Richard, what is this C71 Speedline paint like, it certainly sounds OK? Can you guys look at the product info and let me know if this stuff sounds OK? http://www.hmgcoatings.com/c71%20enamel.pdf Cheers, Andy
  19. This is my compressor. It's OK, but if used for any length of time there is quite a bit of moisture that gets through despite having a collector fitted.
  20. Looks like a very nice paint job you have on your vehicle Ted. I will order some synthetic thinners to compliment the paint. Frank Burbery paint seems to be of good quality. I went round with some red primer yesterday to cover the exposed metal areas. I've spotted a bit of oxidization that I need to sort out above one of my side lockers. The top photo shows the layers of paint that have been applied in the past and the Desert Sand that was on the vehicle when it was in the first Gulf War.
  21. Well I have to say I'm not too impressed with the show organisers this time round. I attended the show last year for the first time with very little notice as it was a new show and I wanted to support it. This year I sent my SAE off nice and early but didn't hear anything. So I emailed the guy organising it and he assured me that it would be sent. I still never heard anything at the begginging of this week so sent another email which hasn't been answered. So this weekend has now turned into a write off as I'm not booked in and it's too late to enter another show. I hope others have had better success!
  22. Thanks for that Richard, I will give them a call on Monday. Is it the stuff that you can mix white spirit with? I'm after a Satin finish as I've been there and done that with the matt and like you say it's not too good. Regards Andy
  23. Nice one, thanks Chris. I only need a gallon of 361 Light Stone, who would have thought it's so bloomin difficult. I called Automotive Paint Supplies in Newbury. They can mix up Synthetic for me, but they want £78 for 5 litres!!!!!:shocked: Going to try some others. Cheers Andy
  24. Thanks very much Ted, I'm not bothered about the IRR properties as obviously I do not need it. So are you saying that if I was to buy 361 from a "normal" paint supplier that it would have IRR built in? I have been using a valved dust mask to FFP3 for the rubbing down, as the paint on the vehicle is indeed IRR. Very nasy stuff as you say. So would any synthetic paint to 361 Light Stone be okay? I looked at a previous post where someone used Protegalac Containergard HS A high solids, single pack, modified alkyd one coat primer/finish. From Smith and Allan. Would this be acceptible in 361 Light Stone or would a single pack Coach Enamel be better? It would need to be brush/roller/spray type, that can be mixed with White Spirit. Thanks Andy
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