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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Bomb Disposal. Steel will set off an Electric fuse that reacts to steel/ iron. Quite scarce actually!
  2. Yeah I did similar rambo, a few years back now. I was advertising a German Ammo Trailer & the 'Cheque' was duly posted to me. It was a Laughable photocopy of a cheque & wouldnt fool a child! But was fun 'verbally Fencing' with the 'Proposed Buyer' for a while!
  3. It is an Armourers Field Workbench. (Toolbox, Armourers,Field) I have a complete one & use it regularly with my Armourers display. The legs are alliuminum with flat 'Feet' sections welded on the ends. :-) There SHOULD aso be a lid with a brown leather Tab, on each of the compartments. There is also Two holes in the front for mounting a cast iron baseplate for a vice that is carried inside. The plate bolts on the front & then the vice is mounted. This then ensures the whole ensemble is a work bench with all your tools handy for use. The vice & mounting plate are Particular to this box assembly & very specialist. I have such a spare Vice & mounting plate available......
  4. I say, 'Congratualtions, you have been reported to Interpol'!........................:-D
  5. I would Dieselise the Sparten!.................:angel:
  6. And with what thye are legally allowed there, but NOT over here. You think it would be any Better?..................:-\
  7. Sparten would probably be best/ideal. Shops & supermarkets wont exist. & Money will be worthless. Tinned Food & Water will be the best stuff to store away. Also good supply of Fuel & Medical Gear/ pills Etc. Shops will be robbed & wrecked by rioting Etc. The Army WILL be out (TA Reserve) & WILL shoot looters on sight. Sorry to sound dismal here. But SOMTHING that shoots to protect you & yours WILL be needed also! (Thats why your Lovely Government DOSENT want Private Firearm Ownership!) Rioters WILL be out looking for Food & Water also. You NEED to be out in the country in an underground SECURE, Camoflauged Bunker that is NOT know about to survive with Minimum threat to life! Sadly, I cannot afford ANY of these things, So I will become a 'Casualty'!........................... My Own REALISTIC Thoughts here!...................................
  8. With the bonus, that it's VERY rapidly moved!.........................:cheesy:
  9. This is Absolutely True, Hypocracy from Ebay has enabled sellers to get around this problem by listing as 'Abroad'. But is actually in the UK. It's one law for some & another for others. Whilst legalities obviously HAVE to be complied with. The one Law for others is a VERY mute point for a LOT of sellers! Ebay are such Hypocrit's, they have in a LOT of cases forced sellers to circumvent some of thier Policies by finding loopholes to get around such stupid & controling Policies. They only have themselves to blame! IMPORTANT POINT: Nearly all of Ebays facilities are 'Mechanical' Procedures, & not Police'd by Human Ebay staff. Ebay depends on VERY Sad or Jellous No Life's, to Report the slightest 'Infringment' to get items removed. I have seen items similar to each other on auction. One will sell & an Identical one will be removed because of some Tw*t who has absolutely nothing better to do. Than trawl through listings deliberately looking for anything they can report to get removed! I do wonder if they are People who are complete Non's who get a feeling of great power & satisfaction. From the thought that is is THEY who THINK they are controlling other Peoples actions, & put themselves in a position of 'Control' in thier own Minds! A bit 'Un Normal' indeed, if you ask me!.......:-X (If Guys, they Probably only have little 'Todgers'! And if Girlies, they are Probably Tree & Bunny Hugging do gooders!)
  10. Yes, that's an 'Amzing' coincidence, me Too. We may well be able to make the deal a lot easier here. Dont move the 'Money' out of the country, simply spend it in Nigeria on buying out this Museum & exporting it all!....................................:laugh:
  11. Ouch! That's an Awfull lot of Potential Deacts!
  12. No Problem C.P. Lets hope you get a result! Yes, posting the outcome on here would be a good thing to do. As you say, it could also possibly assist other members with a similar potential predicament! Form Number Etc would be usefull, & a brief expalaination as to what you had to do. To execute the whole procedure. Good Luck, & I look forward to reading the outcome of a successful conclusion!
  13. The Deac is no problem as it has a UK Deac Cert. The radios are collectors items & IF, your own property shouldnt be a prob. However, Im not sure on this as any Military Gear 'Technically', is classfied as 'Warlike Stores'. But, you as a COLLECTOR, are in a different catergory. I would get clarrification from HM Customs on the Phone prior to importation first, just to be on the safe side. It's a grey area really, If stuff is in bulk & from a Military Procurement Firm. Obviosuly it's Military Stores. SMALL quantity stuff could be easily classfied in the Collectors area. You MAY have to prove this with recipets Etc?. I would get some sort of letter myslef, if poss from Customs. Sorry I cant be more specific, But If you err on the side of doing as much as is REASONABLY possibel. It shows that your INTENTION is Honest & open. That DOES help a lot! If you talk to them & say that you want clarrification & are trying to do the right thing. They will see you are attempting to cooperate & do thinsg properly. And SHOULD respond in kind. Got to worth a phone call, yes?...............:angel:
  14. Ouch! That is Tragic! Money over Memories I guess. :undecided: Some People have no interest, or simply dont care about our History. They can Only see Pound Notes in Houses! :-(
  15. you would be lucky to find any rounds for this, these days! There are two versions of this Rifle/carbine. The blowback one will have a slightly different bolt & the chamber will also be different. Try the site Plugfire guns, they MAY be able to help you.
  16. The original 'Drill Rounds' for this series or Replica's. Were solid brass & inert. Value today, well......It all depends on who wants it? I would say about £250-£300 is a fair price for this specimin in my opinion. That is what I would sel it for, if I had it in stock.
  17. Do you remember reading it back then Tony!................................... (I thought 'Judy' was a girls Comic!.......:red:)
  18. I have to say, I prefer the look of the Arrows Trailer.................:angel:
  19. Me Too Rambo!...........(Can I have some cakes now please?....)
  20. Tony, Or was that, 'Send A Rover, Over, to Dover, Over!..................:cheesy:
  21. This is ABSOLUTELY Correct! It IS the Marks that differentiate a Live Gun from a Deact one. The Certificate is Purely Evidential, it is the Deact Proof Marks that are THE main important thing. In Law, it is Deemed to be deactivated. If a Certificate is imediately to hand with the Gun. (Unless Seen & proved to be otherwise) A Police Officer (In General) is happy with the Cert. I know that in the 'South' of England. A certain Police Force is trained in the Fact that, & I Qoute. 'We are taught that all Deactivated Weapons must have a Deact Certificate'. Unqoute. So I am always happy to help out any of our 'Good Old Boy's & Girls' in Blue, If called upon to clarify any 'Difficulties' at shows. After all, none of us actually WANTS to look like we dont know anything much on a given Topic, after all. Do we?....:nut: I have found MOST Officers willing to listen to correct advice & keen to learn a bit more to add to thier base of Knowlege. It's not always a Police Officers fault if they dont know much on a given subject. It is THE SYSTEM which trains them! BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! If you have the cert or a good copy of it. Keep it readily to hand at a show or display. It WILL save a LOT of Potential Grief in the future. Because, one of the things taught in training schools is: 'If in doubt, seize it, It can always be given back later. If proved to be legal.' NONEof us would want the Pain & Heartache of waiting months before anything is clarified, would we? SO.....Play safe & keep a Copy or the Original Cert with you at shows/ displays! It WILL make your life a LOT easier, & save Police Time on a Wasted Enquirey. You Know it Make sense Rodney! :cheesy:
  22. If you read the botom of any Official Deact Cert. It will state: Copying of this Document COULD constitute an Offence under the Forgery of Counterfitting Act. HOWEVER. If clearly write the word COPY in HIGHLIGHTER across the entire Cert. here is NO INTENTION to decieve, & your action is open & forthright. IF, you are ever asked by a Police Officer to see the Cert (Likely if he is making an check or enquirey at a show) Then you explain your action to him. In the unlikely event that he insists on seeing the original cert. He can issue an amended Form HORT 1 (Car Doc's Producer Form) Amended to produce the original cert with Gun Number on.
  23. Gentlemen, A thought to be borne in mind when thinking about Older MV's. The Word, 'Thirsty' is bought up frequenty. This is of course true in most cases & obviously a consideration. BUT,this must be balanced against the fact that engines in these classes of vehicles were designed & built in the days when engines were made to USE Fuel. Ecconomy, was not a word banded about then, unlike today! A Small, but Important Point. If I may be so bold!
  24. Richard, Sincerest Best Wishes for today. May you recieve all you desire! (Well, almost!...) Have a great Day & enjoy yourself! Mike.
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