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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. I once considered getting a Skoda convertable, but I didnt want anyone to think I was driving a Skip..............:angel:
  2. BUT! Be prepared to undergo Torture if your captured!.....They will Force feed you Custard Creams!.....:shocked:
  3. Great stuff! At this stage, I am waiting for tentative replies so I am able to start a list of what would be available. I would then pass the list & contact details over to the Brach Chairman for him to contact prospective exhibitors. The Meeting for me is schedualed on the 15 March. I would need as many names of Potential exhibits available by then Please. Many Thanks guys for your Sterling Efforts!
  4. So Folks, Back on Track. Do we have any Potential Exhibitors for this very worthy cause please? :angel:
  5. I wonder if they have been delivered with thier smoke dischargers? As most of us know, Withams remove these before THEY sell them!
  6. Is that when your doing your Toilet Inspecton Rounds Rambo?................:-D
  7. Mark, I would NEVER state your Truck is not Wanted. :-D It's just that space is limted in this Precinct & the good Old 'Elf & Safety Bods would raise an objection. As for size, Thats not what your Missus has told me!............:angel:
  8. I have been approached by my Local Branch of the Royal British Legion for assistance with a vehicle display in Ashford Town Centre on June 10-11th 2011. Basically, the Legion has recognised that Help for Hereo's & the Legion are after the same goals. To help Ex Service Personel from all Three Branches, to assist where possible in their lives after leaving thier respective Arm of Service. The aim is to set up a Vehicle display for Fund raising to this end. If any Owners would like to take part & become assets for this display. please PM me with what vehicle you would like to display, Your Contact details. Phone No, Name, Address Etc. (All recieved in Confidence) I will compile a list of what would be available & put it to the Meeting Team when I attend on the 15th March. PLEASE: NO Large vehicles! the more unsual & interesting the better. We would wish to only display one of each marque chosen as space is limited in a Pedestrian precinct. Classic stuff that is Iconic, like The Jeep, Dingo, Etc. & vehicles of similar size would probably be the ones picked to display. BUT, it's up to you guys to let me know! Thanks to one & all in advance for your support.
  9. I Guess Yellow is NOT the IN colour this year then?.............:shocked:
  10. Id' rather have a Tiger in my Tank!............. (Some of the 'Younger' members of this forum might not remember this advertising slogan!) :-D
  11. Happy Birthday Rambo! May you continue long, in the Lofty Post of: Official Inspector of Toilets, at Beltring Sir!...............:-D
  12. Not a legal requirement.(I believe) Though, It is common sense if you can get a FFE cert though. You average over worked PC is NOt an expert, & cannot be expected to be. Although I have come accross SOME of thier 'Experts' & have nothing complimentry to say there! Lack of knowlege abounds in all walks of life. So, in the case of a PC perhaps wishing to examine your 'Missile' for whatever reason. He will acknowlege that he does not know, will call in one of thier 'Expert's. Who will also not really know (Not his fault entirely) he MAY call in MOD Bomb disposal who ARE experts. Time MAY not permit all of this is SOME case. The guideance given to Police is 'When In doubt, Seize it for examination (Foresnsic) It can always be given back later (If proven to be Inert & safe) Can SOMETIMES take months! Ammunition: is classified as such, when it is complete (For example, A live Round, with cap, bullet, case & powder charge within & ready to fire) Same will all Explosive articles really. If it's inert, Your OK. BUT, the quicker you can prove that (FFE Cert) the better for you & ALL concerned!
  13. Not sure if you missed the point here? The Loose 'NUT' is the one DRIVING!...:-)
  14. Of course, the 'Driving like a Twat' offence. COULD possibly be a Defect? IE: There is a Loose Nut Behind the Wheel'!..............:-D
  15. Sir Donald cambells Prototype Land speed record challenge vehicle, was not the sucess he was hoping for! (Neither was the second model!..OOPPS!).......:cool2:
  16. Try not to hit your fingers with a Hammer, = IT BLO**$ well HURTS!...........:red:
  17. Whatever you can get for it!, it's no use for anything else!....
  18. Poss for Cent or Saladin. it LOOKs like a bracket at the rear for a Solinoid to fire the Coax MG.
  19. You can still buy black 'crackle' paint part No MRD1048A Crackle Black Aerosol http://www.moss-europe.co.uk/ Hope that helps Well done Andy, that will save some of us hours searching for a reference number! :thumbsup: Do you know, I have also observed this crackle Finnish in Green as well? It was used on the Rocker box covers of Army Austin 1800's when they were staff cars in service. (1970's)
  20. Paul, No Sir, I didnt miss the point. My stance is, WE (All of us Generally) are very good in this country with regards to complaining about things. (It is a National Pastime!) BUT, when it comes to action, Sadly, we are want to take a step back & let someone else lead the way. Nobody wants to be seen to 'Start Anthing'. We as a Nation have been castigated by the 'Political Correctness' Brigade, & the Tree & Bunny Huggers. Also the NIMBYs play a large part. To the extent that People in General, are Concerned as to not be seen as 'Dissenters, & trouble makers's by those in positions of Power & Authority. It is my expierience after talking to a large contingent of the public at Bootfairs for example. That the majority of us have VERY similar outlooks, ideas & Opinions as to the unfairness of certain Laws & Government policies. BUT, are frightend to stand up & be seen to lead the way. For Fear of being seen as a 'Trouble maker, or Dissenter'. Sad, but true.......Anyway, lets move off that one now. Anybody fancy starting a Revolution?............INCOMING!............:-D
  21. Maybe I care too much about correct use of the English language..... Yesh Mike, Youse wered learned to White Engrish real Propa like I wuz learned at skool......:angel:
  22. I will leave that one to you then. Off you go then paul!..........:thumbsup:
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