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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Or Identical in GREEN plastic. I Believe, Canadian? BOTH versions in British Service.
  2. As I remember, they were fairly simple to opperate. You added the juice, pumped upto pressure. Opened fuel flow valve a little & tossed a bit if lighted material into the jet of fuel at the Diffuser 'X' plate casting. WOOMPF! & she SHOULD be running. You will find that you WILL have to keep topping up the pressure during use, periodicaly. Keep it as high as you can, as it uses up the pressure to drive the fuel out, it will inevitably drop. Sometimes they will sputter, this is due to crud from inside the vessel clogging the jet. it will usually clear itself, but if not. A strip down & wash out the vessel with clean Petrol & all metal componants will suffice. a SINGLE metal strand from a good wire brush utilised in the field will clean out the jet hole. Be CAREFULL though! you ONLY want to clean the crud from the jet hole & NOT enlarge the hole with the wire strand! :nut:
  3. Ah...That explains the Non Provision for an Ammo Box Holder!........:-D AND, They cant even afford Service Issue Sunglasses Either!.....
  4. It doesent Help with Poor Maintainance either. Trailer tyres are underinflated!......:-X
  5. [The pump is ineffective, must strip and rebuild it, is it a large cork cup seal a-la primus style? The Pump is VERY simple once the internals are removed. Its a LEATHER cup seal. GREASE it & reinsert. Should work OK. It is does not. Remove seal, Flattern it a bit & reassemble & it should NOW work! There is a soft soldered 'plug' on the pressure vessel. this a safety plug that will blow out when the vessel begins to overpressure. shouldnt be a problem. You can also fill the pressure vessel with an airline. But be CAREFULL & keep your eyes on the pressure gauge. Very simple & a redline on it to tell you what NOT to fill it upto! Any probs, pots them & I will see what I can remember!
  6. That WOULD have been a DZ Patch. (Drop Zone) Red 1 Para, Blue, 2 Para, Green, 3 Para, Black 4 Para, Blue over red 7 RHA, Black with a superimposed red 'X', 10 Para. I was Battalion Attached Armourer with 3 Para for 2 Years & wore exactly the same. (Green Patch) ....... AIRBORNE!
  7. All Depends on how you hold it! When firing on Automatic, It is ideal to say to yourself in your head. 'Ham & eggs' each time you pull the trigger, until you get to the 'S' in eggs & release the trigger. You then will fire CONTROLLED BURSTS, as the weapon was intended to do. To get ACCURATE fire, & resultant fall of shot on your target. What you should NEVER do with ANY Sub Machine Gun when you fire it is. LONG bursts of fire. The IDEAL method is as above, burts of three to five rounds max at a time. If long bursts are used, it WILL wear out the barrel prematurely by erodeing the bore quickly. Nothing destroys a barrel faster than a LOT of Traffic down the bore quickly! It Irks me to see this sort of thing going on in War Films, because it is not the way things are done in the Real World! (They are firing blanks remember!) Also annoys me with lack of Magazine Changes that are unrealistic. IE: 'The Everlasting Magazine!'.:mad: If you want to see how it should NOT one, check out some Youtube clips of some owners in the US using privately owned Sterlings. SOME empty the mag in ONE long burst! You can iamagine what I think when I see that! I also wonder, 'If they do that regulary,I would be interested to know how many Barrel replacements they get through in a year'!!!!! :-(
  8. Looking at that Mount again, I am in a frame of mind to change my Answer! I belive it IS for a .50" Cal Ranging machine gun. The Chieftan MBT had a ranging MG before it went over to the IFCS laser Range finder. The roller gives it away, It's TOO big for ,30" rounds! .50" BMG Rounds would be perfect. Come to thnik of it SOME marks of centurion DID have Ranging MGs. There were TWO types available for cent & Chiefy. L6 & L21. The only difference was the length of the barrel. One was longer than the other! SOLINOID Fired from the side. Hope this helps you? Nice Paperweight!...........
  9. Sorry Tony, I was on Smack when I wrote that!..........(Only Kidding!)
  10. We SOMETIMES used to get a Negative Fist waving driving through SOME villages way out in the country. We used to wave Enthusiasticly & SMILE . That REALLY drove them wild! On One occassion, we pulled up outside a Pub & went for a drink when I was commanding a Scorpion. The Lanlord made it clear he didnt like Brit Sqauddies & wasnt going to serve us. Me being a German speaker pointed out the Error of his ways & informed him of our presence in B.A.O.R being to keep the Peace & Keep Germany free of Communism. At the same time one of my fellow crew members went outside & cranked the turret round so the Gun Barrel was JUST pointing in the window. The Landlord was informed that there was a Blank round of 76mm Ammo in the gun & that we would fire it 'Accidently' if he did not serve us! Well he became VERY friendly after that & we had two jars apiece before continuing on our way. All helped move along the Anglo-German 'Friendly Relations'.........:angel: Didnt you just LOVE 'The Boxheads'?...........
  11. Or it could be turned into a Floating Nightclub, complete with Disco's Gambling Casino's & the Sick Bay could be used by Drug Addicts to Shoot up in. & the Pimped Up Ferret with Glitzy Ball & Flashing Lights could Drive up & down the Top Deck!.......:cool2:
  12. Suprised Pounds havent gone for this for cutting up for scrap!...............:undecided:
  13. I fired more smoke grenades at BATUS Training Area In Canada, than I did in the Rest of My service! And most of that was in B.A.O.R where it was supposed to be, 'High Profile Deterent in Germany by N.A.T.O Armed Forces'! Also Charlie G 84mm A/T rounds as well. There seemed to be a HUGE abundance of Ammo there for training. Most of it was out of date & obviously relegated for training. But Ill' tell you what. It worked well, ALL of the time! We even blew up 2 Tons of 1944 Plastic Explosive (PE4). We stood on the top of a mountain, a bit like in one of those old Cowboy movies. & watched it go up, Bloo*y Hell!!! What a sight to see! A Massive smoke ball INSTANTLY going out & up. Imediately folowed by the blast wave going outwards in a Ring. THEN, the BANG! LOVELY!!!!!! & getting paid to watch & do it all! More 7.62mm Ball Ammo than you have ever seen in your life! I used to squirt GPMGs & Browing .30" Cals about like they were hosepipes!...Happy Days indeed!! You would NEVER get a chance like that today, Budget restraints, H&S Babysitters, Etc...Etc....
  14. Why? Only got the normally available commercial mags with it, intead of the Brit Mil issue ones? :undecided:
  15. Isnt' Mother day, 9 Months after Fathers Day!..........:cool2: Lol!
  16. PLENTY Of Oil for now, & work the extractors back & forth ONE at a time until loosened up! When all lubed & ok, then a good time to strip & clean properly. ALL internal Breech componants are Burnished bright & then greased.
  17. Andy, I note from your photo that the breech block is down in the open position. If this is left in this state for a long period of time. It WILL weaken the block return springs & you will find the breech will not shut correctly. Push the two extractor levers forward with a piece of wood & the block will rise . (The wood will save you losing your fingers!) You CAN do this With one hand holding the breech opening lever & let the block up under control after releasing the two extractors. I also note, it needs a good clean up & greasing of the bare metal surfaces!
  18. With the Proviso that he wears Safety shoe's!............................:-D
  19. They sure would make some nice 'Door Stops' at the Museum!........:cool2:
  20. Keep Death off the Roads!..........................Drive on the Pavement!.......:-D What the Hell was she doing driving the wrong way down an access road?? :wow:
  21. Perhaps the Mayor of Doel would prefer to live under the Heel of a Nazi Jackboot!.......:-X It IS indeed important that the Memorial should be as CLOSE to the site of where the original action took place. Moving to another location would have no ACTUAL relevance to the Spot where the fighting took place. Why else, was it originally Placed at that particular location & not elsewhere?....................:nut:
  22. Seems a little overkill! There were trainers for the No.8 Rifle that strapped onto the OUTSIDE of Barrels on Wombats & Mobats as smallbore trainers. This system was so the Gun could be wheeled into the Indoor .22 Range at each unit & low cost effective training executed. It would be much easier to go down this route with external brackets fabricated. The internals of the saladin Breech Mech ar large & heavy. Not to mention the fact that if the block Etc is still in place. One wrong move & the B/Block would slam upwards & you can image the damage to a hand Etc. If you need assistance. PM me.
  23. As Armourers in Service, One of the MANY tasks under the juresdiction of the Armourer. was to repair & service Petrol cookers & Hurricane Lanterns. (As well as HUGE amount of other Equipment, Not just weapons!) When testing No.1 Burners, we got bored at times & had great 'Fun' turning them into Flame throwers! We would Remove the cast Iron 'X' diffuser plate at the end. (The Casting that the petrol Jet 'Shoots' out against) The Petrol Will Shoot out quite a distance! Chuck a lighted rag into this jet & woomf!! A flame thrower! :cool2: One of many Stupid & Dangerous 'Activities' that we used to get upto as 'Bored Squaddies'! :-D (PS: WE ALWAYS had a Fire Extinguisher on hand, JUST in case!) Disclaimer: this post is for informative info ONLY, & is NOT Intended for Readers to imitate WHATSOEVER! :-X Warning! Do NOT try to Emulate this sort of Behaviour! It IS Dangerous & Foolhardy, IF, you dont know what you are doing!!!
  24. Excellent Stuff & Very nice, but I cant' help thinking of how long it will be before it's defaced/ damaged or has bits stolen off it. If little johnny gets in & climbs on the Tank & falls off & hurts himself. WHO would be liable Etc Etc..........Bloo*y H & S gets involved Etc.....:nut: Am I cynical?...Or do I live in the REAL world!............:angel:
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