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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Good Advice Robert, Never heard of anyone getting killed by a sleeping bag in Service though!....:-D (Plenty by Cooks!.......:-X)
  2. Nice looking example. Is that a crane on the side? I havent noticed that before! Do you know what it's purpose is? Just interested! Cheers.
  3. Personaly, I see an Annual MOT as a Reasonable thing to be in place. However, the types of vehicle we restore, are frequently better than new. IF, I may use that term! In which case a FAIR & reasonable REDUCED fee should be levied at that area. BUT, as we all know, there are SOME 'Restored, or Preserved' types that would DEFINATELY be in need of an Annual MOT! To Balance this requirement would be a VERY difficult thing enforce & Implement. No Matter What area of legislation in place, there will ALWAYS be an example of something slipping through the net. Or being an oddity that does not fall in one Catagory of another. So, i guess it is something we will all have to live with, like it or not!.....:-(
  4. The original 'Black, Crackle Finish' was first used on the BLMC Mini's. As it is Heat resistant, it was sparyed on the Rocker box covers! If you are able to source this type of 'Orange Peel Effect' Paint. Then thats what you need to replicate the original finish.
  5. You REALLY wouldnt want to drop one of those on your toes!.....:shocked:
  6. Nice Pics Mark, Dont be shy in keeping 'Em coming!
  7. A very warm wellcome Andy. Nice to have a fellow Corpsman aboard! What trade were you?
  8. Wellcome aboard, Comrade!.......:thumbsup:
  9. Yes, wellcome to the VERY Friendly & Helpfull HMVF Forum!....:thumbsup:
  10. Wellcome aboard graham. Squadron! prerpare to mount..........MOUNT!.......:thumbsup:
  11. Wellcome to the forum. You will find many friendly affectionardos here. ready with generous offers of advice & assistance. You couldnt have done better than to join the HMVF!..
  12. Jolly good job she didnt have a pot of Tar to hand also!.......:shocked:
  13. That was one of the things that I think the Army COULD have incorported into the MK design. A forward tilting cab would have made Maintainance SO much easier & more importatntly quicker! I believe this option was vetoed on the grounds of this facility being dangerous for a vehicle that had a cross country mode. IE: The cab MIGHT tip forward whilst being driven Etc. Utter Balderdash! there is always a substansive cab retention system in place on any tipping cab, & also a backup safety hook as well. This could have been done & life would have been made a lot better for working access. Then to contradict the Army policy of NOT having a tilting cab, the Leyland DAF was introduced along with bedford Etc WITH a Tilting Cab !!!!! WTF was the problem then?.....:nut:
  14. that could be nasty if you have left anything heavy in it!........:nut:
  15. Good advice Andy! In the Army, we just handed them into the Qm's stores & they were backloaded for Dry cleaning! HOWEVER, when you have to pay for it to be done yourself, it's a VERY different matter!...:undecided:
  16. paul, very well put. It's an old chesnut im afraid, the Government will do what IT wants & not really what the electroate want as a whole. They will tell you ANYTHING to get in Power, & once in. you can go to the wall! (In a nutshell) I totaly agree, we cannot possibly live in a Society has Lawlessness. BUT, the Government does what IT wants & does not listen to the Electortate Proper. IE: It ACTS in the NAME of the public. But it does what IT wants in the name of the Government! Commonesense does Nt come into it! :nut: Stopping now before my Pressure reliefe valve blows!.......Lol!
  17. I Didnt Vote for THIS Bunch of T***Ts that are in office, currently, THATS for sure! When you state 'KIT'. Do you mean The weapons themselves (Variants?) Or the Appurtences. IE: Cleaning kits, slings Etc?.......
  18. Degrease the zip thoughroughly, & rub a Pencil up & down the zip. The Graphite in the lead WILL lube the zip with no damage.
  19. Interesting Mike. With regards to another thread that we were all concerned about. Remember the New legislation implementation thread? I recall one of the sub sections proposed was about overwidth vehicle banning recomendations.(Or words to that effect!) The 'Government Reps' said that this was all about bringing us into line with EU legislation. Well, If they want to strenuously keep annual testing. & the EU has Bi-Annual testing, Does that not go contradict what they have said? How can 'THEY' say that 'THEY' want to keep Annual testing if it clashes with the EU Ruling of Bi-Annualy? I would suggest that this statement from them smacks of 'Pick & mix' When it suits THEM. But according to the previous statement from 'THEM' we HAVE to fall inline with EU Legislation! Or am I missing something here? (Or a bit 'Fick!) :red: Because another section of EU Law is, The other EU coutries CAN have Handguns & Semi-Auto rifles over .22" Calibre. If we are ALL in the EU & 'APPANTLY' ALL members have to 'fall inline' with common ruling. How come we STILL are not allowed to own & shoot these class of Weapons, & own them Privately?... (OOPPS! Sorry if this has opened a can of Worms, BUT, isnt it a valid point?)...:-X
  20. Perhaps it would be more expidient to Licence Idiots!....:nut:
  21. No Licence required for ANY LEGALY deactivetd weapon of ANY type or class. As long as it has it's Legal certificate of deactivation. Unique to that weapon) Legal Blank firers no licence required. The main restriction are to be able to procure & sell. IE: To living History Reenactors, Airsoft Skirmishers & for film or Stage work. Legal to own if your NOT one in these catagories. BUT, you MUST comply if you sell, manufacture or exchange.
  22. Andy, DONT even joke about things in THAT area!......:shocked:
  23. Matt, I guess the movie clip was 'A Cut Above The Rest'!...He REALLY did 'have The Edge,' didnt he?......:-X GROAN!.....
  24. Good Pics Chris, Having inspected, repaired & tested many thousands of Sterling SMGs in my Time as a Service Armourer. And also having visited the Sterling works when it was 'Alive'. I can state with hands on expirience that there is NO difference in the SMG series really. (That is to say the L2A3/ Mk IV ONLY) The 'Police Carbine' was simply a standard L2A3 (Mk 4) with a modified Trigger mech group for Semi-auto only. The Nomencleture on the Mag Housing was engraved differently also for the the 'Police' market. BUT, sales were aimed mainly at the Civvy shooter market. This weapon class was abused as it was VERY easy to obtain an Ex Military selective fire trigger mech & slip in the carbine. What you then had was a selective fire full auto, sub machine gun. A BIG No, No! So, Sterling revamped the 'Carbine' with a rework so it was closed bolt & striker fired version. Effectively making it semi-auto again & drasticaly altering the internal design, so that Ex Militray componant exchange could NOT be effected. Or modify them into selctive, full auto models. These were aimed at the US Civvy Market. The bottom photo is of a Replica, or Fake. ALL, Sterling Magazine Housings were ENGRAVED & NEVER Stamped with Numbers & Nomencleture. BUT, If Chris wants one just to hang in the rear bracket of your ferret only. No one will really see what is written on the Mag housing. So if it's cheap & welded solid. Does it REALLY matter? If it DOES matter, then there are LOADS of them available on the market, just short of three hundered quid! Good Hunting Chris!
  25. Although, if you look into it, there are indeed restrictions in Aus, Similar to our Laws over here. As Troy has pointed out, you actually need a Militaria Collectors Licence over in Aus. WE do NOT need a Licence here in the UK. I know a Chap who used to live in Aus & manufacture Replica weapons there. This was Mainly for the Government for training purposes. He pointed out to me the 'Difficulties' with replicas & Legislation there. So much so, he now resides here in the uk!.. Complying with the Law & obtaining a Legal Licence to my mind, is Hardly 'Irrelevant'!....
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