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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Andy, if it were on my table. It would be there long enough to get warm!........:laugh:
  2. Hope he dosent' 'lose his Bottle'!...............:-X
  3. Mike, Why dont you say what you mean!..................:rofl:
  4. Dont forget, when you have the time. Overhaul the old valve & put it on the shelf for spares!
  5. They should melt then down for soap!.............................:mad:
  6. Happy Birthday Andy, Did you get another Ferret for YOUR Day?.....................
  7. Time to replace broken panes with Clear Perspex & Bars on the Windows Methinks!.................:shocked: If you can get hold of an Ex police or Norther Ireland clear Makralon Riot shield. These make excellent 'Window' panes!
  8. No Probs Chas. As an aside, ensure the seering box is COLD when you do this. When it has been used & warmed up. It gets VERY hot indeed! :shocked: We used to cook in a messtin on top of one of the flat access covers on the steering box. Whilst on Manouvers! (NOT when the vehicle was moving, Natually!) :angel:
  9. Andy, Its a scam Mate. I have had similar a few days back. Ignore it. :shocked:
  10. Andrew, How come your Deact .30" Cal Mg has got no internals? :undecided:
  11. No Problem, I would like to think we are ALL here to help one another! :angel:
  12. OK, Yes, ONLY Ranked personell wear the trade qualification badge. Usual wear was CANVAS Anklets (Only Vicars wore Gaiters!) Puttees would be worn if acquired (& Tolerated at any particular unit!) Puttees were standard issue for Paras & ANY other personell if trooping out to hot climate theatre. I wore Puttees myself, as they were comfortable & it made sense & was approved at the units I served with. Because you got better ankle support. & was recognised as such, when jumping down from AFV's etc. It was standard issue to me when I was attached to the Parachute Regiment in the eighties. :angel:
  13. Coveralls were De Rigeur on Excercise, & also round the workshops back in Barracks. The job was dirty, crawling around & under vehciles would make a uniform grubby in no time! BD's would have been worn during the fifties, yes. When leaving the workshops & returning to the accomdation Block/ buildings. Coveralls would be removed & Normal Uniform worn. Trade badge, are you sure it's on Green? Normally Khaki Material/felt. Yes, worn a brassard like you had in the cadets. BUT, Nver worn alone, Only with a Rank badge. L/Cpl, Cpl, S/Sgt. NOT with a Sergeants rank on it's own! Staff Sergeant, Yes. But ONLY if an Artificer.
  14. Anywhere, you could stow it safely! In a Landrover, it usually sat behind the drivers seat when you folded the backrest pad rearwards.
  15. So what happned to all those Horrible Protective helmets issued for the crew in these vehicles!................
  16. It's not just an Artificers Badge. It is also a Trade patch indicating qualifications. You would wear a Brassard with your rank & associated badges on green Coveralls. Which is basically what you would be wearing when driving. As the vehilcle mainly moved when it was deployed to recover a casualty. Small version of the 'Hammer & Tongs. = Class II Tradesman. Large " " " " " . = Class I Tradesman. Sergeants Stripes, Small version of Hammer & Tongs Plus a small Crown above the 'Tongs'. Artificer. (Tiffy) It is RARE indeed today, to see the larger version of the H&T badge being worn. Mainly in Guards Regiments are they to be seen, & also in a slightly darker set of machine threads. In General Service these days, it is the smaller version that is worn for ALL Trade levels. (From a Man who wore a FIRST Class Trade badge for MANY years! :angel:)
  17. Bob, Your still alive. Thus proving that the Hexie Block, is healthier than Army Tea!..........
  18. And basically, Robin has covered it Admirably! ALL Military Vehicles should have one of these. And they are SO Cheap to be had off fleabay, That I recomend everyone gets one for thier Pride & joy that they drive on the road. At the price they cost, it might be worth getting one for each vehicle, as they do in Service. & stencil the veh Reg Number on the front as stated. That way, you KNOW all your docs are together & safe. As an aside, Tracked Vehicles use the road as well, on Driver training & exercises in B.A.O.R Etc. Not just for authenticity. but the sheer convinience of carrying ALL of your vehicle Documents in when travelling on the Road. If stopped by the Police, all your Docs are to hand in a Protective wallet! Around £4-£5 pounds is a correct price to pay for one.
  19. I foubd the only way to 'Comfortably' eat 'Cheese Possesed'. Was on one of the issue 'Cardboard' crackers (Biscuits) with Strawberry jam on!............You were hungry a lot of the time between meals. So ANYTHING you could actually eat was used where possible. Being with an attached workshops to all the units I was posted to. MOST times, we would find a location that was on a Farm. This was so we could get a casualties (Vehicles) into a Barn & be able to work through the night if needed with lighting to repair them. A LOT easier than struggling in the dark, or using maked torches with red lenses! :-\ Being a German speaker, I AWAYS made a Point of getting to know the Farmer. This was a point of politeness, & made relations easier over a weekend. BUT, my oher reason was always to chat him up to see what i could obtain from him that was left over from the war! (I have covered this before I recall) It was amazing what you could get from swapping Compo Rations that none of the other vehicle crews wanted! The Krauts seemed to LOVE the stuff! :-D Happy Days!..........................:nut:
  20. Nah, The Subject material would be too small!..............:cheesy:
  21. The term we were told was, 'You will grow into it Lad!'..............................:laugh:
  22. Yep, Their the Boys to trust allright................Thats why I do my own repairs!.............
  23. If anything fitted you straight off the shelf,..............You were considered, deformed!......
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