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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Thats Interesting Mike. The Gun itself is safe then, it's the Vehicles electrical system that was faulty? When NOT being fired, there is a safety/selector switch for this weapon. So, if it was not being fired imediately, the Safety position should have been selected. Bad drills there possibly, I think? If this has actually happened & there was a defect. There WOULD have been a Mod to the system somewhere IF, it actually were a safety issue. 'Several Times' can mean more than once, IE, TWICE in actauality! :-X I have not seen a blue 'Imediate' Mod sheet for this apparant defect myself in AESP's. Anyone else got more upto date Info on this? :wow:
  2. Robin, With the price of Fuel being what it is here in the UK. LPG conversions are being considered more & more! I have heard of one or Two Ferrets being done, but havent actually seen them. It IS feasable, I suppose. With regards to The comments about Gas being hevaier than air & needing drain holes for it. The belly inspection access plates on a Ferret, could be unbolted & utilised there without the need to Make drain holes! :red:
  3. Cannot Vouch for it's usage, as I have never done it myself. BUT, I know of two friends of Mine who wanted to waterproof thier canvas Tents. They BOTH went to B&Q & bought some BRICKSEALER. Sprayed it on with one of those garden Pump up types of weedkiller plastic tank, & Brass 'Lance' assembly. Apparantly, they swear by it! NO rotting of the canvas & totally waterproof, so Im told. One uses his 9x9 contstantly at the attendance of MANY shows. & it's still waterproof! CHEAPER Alternative to dedicated canvas waterproofer, & it does the job. Worth trying on small section of canvas & testing, Yes?.................
  4. They are a VERY complicated item to put back together once you have stripped on down. If you do not assemble them correctly, they will jam or not work. There is a sequence of assembly that MUST be followed. The gun when assembling must be 'Timed' correctly. It is Electrically fired & cables do get pulled, caught, ripped from sockets. Which is one of the main problems of reliability. Once timed & set up. They are simple to opperate & I have found them very reliable. They are manufactured in the US & very expensive. Misfires dont matter, because it is like a revolver action. The Rotor rotates & chambers a round. It is fired & the case ejected down a tube & exits the spent round tube outside the vehicle. If a round is unfired, it is extracted & ejected along with the empties. In a straight line out the ejection tube. The rate of fire is so quick, you would be lucky to discern a misfired round & probably wouldnt even notice it! Like all equipment, servicing & Lubrication is the key to reliability. One of the features that is excellent on this Weapon is the extremley rapid Barrel change method to prevent overheating. essential on such a rapidly firing weapon! I have no knowlege of this equipments lack of reliability in service myself. Obviously you have heard this 'Somewhere' can you expand on what source you derived this information? Troops can be very heavy handed with certain gear, & poor handling CAN & DOES Rsult in damage if incorrect methods are utilised. Always easier to blame equipment rather than admit a mistake! Clarification as to what sort of area of 'Unreliability' would be good for a better explaination. I have heard of a situation, where as Rick has stated. IF, a COUPLE of live rounds were going down the ejection tube. Because of the Bullet head touching the base primer of the other. One of the rounds was fired & caused the ejection tube to burst & the resulting pile up of empty case. Jammed the gun. I heard ALSO at Bordon, this was an isolated incident. This weapon would NOT remain in Service so long. IF, after certain mods were effected. It was Still 'Allegedly' Unreliable. People lives are on the Line with this sort of item, somthing that cannot be ignored! :shocked:
  5. The Legs are also Galvanised & Painted to prevent them rusting. Feet end of the legs have Reqtangular Plates welded on the ends to prevent sinking into soft ground. The long compartment at the rear internaly, ALSO housed the legs when not fitted to the chest. If you wish to have a close look at any of the items fitted to this chest. Come & visit me at W&P.
  6. Tony, I feel 'Humiliated' every time I look into my Cat's eyes!..............................:undecided:
  7. These were also issued Postwar for all AFVs in thier CES kits. Obviously, as more were required, postwar dated examples were used. It should have a galvanised wire folding handle & a large Cork stopper inside.
  8. Marvelous to see these old Gun tractor Veterans moving around under thier own power. I can only shudder at what your Fuel Bill must have been at the conclusion of your 'Tour'! Well done!
  9. Rambo, The Padlock is a High Security Ingersoll-Rand type. They are used on Armoury Doors. You did well to get all 3 Keys with it. You CANNOT get replacements cut, as they are on a special Key register! Well Done!
  10. Ha,ha,ha! Great stuff Tony! I remember giving My Mothers Siamese a Worming Pill Many years back. We also had to wrap the little Bas*ard in a Towel because his claws were absolutely Lethal! Also amazing how he could do escapology movements! Got them down him eventually, & I got some nice 'Battle Scars' from that Momentous occasion as well! Clever little B*%$+^d! Well, I had a long chat with them last night. & do you know what? The little Buggers TOTALY ignored me! How Rude!......:-X
  11. Brenzett Museum, at Brenzett Near Ashford. Planes outside, lots of bits & bobs inside also. Follow the road down towards Ashford & there is a Memorial to a crashed Mitchell Bomber with all Crew lost on landing. (Free to view!) Always a US Flag Flying there.
  12. Well.....I supose I must be fair & have a word with my Two Siamese cats tonight. I had better take into consideration that their views on weather they like, or dislike to be called Pets. Simply MUST be impartially listend to and acted upon. I feel this is only right & propper, & an honest & fair view aired by them. Will be carefully adhered to, when selecting a phrase that they will be reffered to as 'The Norm'. I really wouldnt want to offend them in any way whatsoever, & would be extremely courtious & keen to know thier points of view. After all, they are Animals & do have more rights than mere Human Beings in this glorious country that we are allowed to live in! :angel: Now....where are those 'Cooking Fats'!!!....................................:laugh:
  13. Small snippet of info here if I may? The S.A.S to my knowledge, NEVER wear Rank displayed in the Field. so any 'Original' smocks alledgedly from a 'Member' of 'The Regiment'. WITH Rank badges would NOT be correct. If so found, it would have had a Rank badge added by another 'User' from a totally different Regiment. Who may have 'Acquired' it! Im sure Neil would be able to clarify this?................Bravo Two Zero, this is 38 Alfa. Message over!..............................
  14. & you cant get any more Honest that that, can you?...:-D
  15. Talk to Nick Mead at Tanks a Lot. He runs 'TankLimmo'. It is a 432 cut in half & a section of another 432 welded in to make it a Stretched Limmo! Got a fox Turret on top also! If you look at his website, you will observe some of the hire venues it has attended. (& some of the Girlies who went with it!) It does mention when it has been used in London a couple of times. Very proffesionaly done in my opinion. :cheesy: NOTE: I do NOT have a connection with this Firm.
  16. Has anyone else notice as well. The Colour 'Nigger Brown' has 'Disapeared' from the English Languge? The term was not meant as a disparaging one, merely a discription, Im sure. Yet another example of our Lilly Livered Tree & Bunny Hugging society 'Regulators' imposing their will on the VAST Majority!.........:undecided: Also, Golly Wogs seem to be thin on the ground these days!....................:-X
  17. What? Like the Queen Andy! You have an 'Offical' one & a Real one???????? Hope you had an enjoyable day! :laugh:
  18. You will be more than wellcome. Bring anything you need fixed!....:-D
  19. I knew someone who obtained & Restored a Kubeklwagen from the Cavern Museum. Did a nice job too, a LOT of work was required as I would imagine a lot of the vehicles from there. Would also have needed also, due to the damp sea air causing corrosion. I belive, that when the auction was on. One of the items there made the Highest price paid in the UK for an SS Jerry can at the Time. £300 I heard! They are now available if you need one for around £60-£100!............:laugh:
  20. Definitive Answer! It's a Zeroing device, known in Service as a Boresighting Gauge. Used with 7.62mm SLR L1A1 Rifles, it drops into a standard .30" Cal MG Tripod. Used to zero SUIT Optical Sights on these Rifles. Also used with IWS Night Sights as well. LONG Obsolete now! These were NEVER Used mounted in Vehicles, or indeed were they designed to do so. Hope that helps you?
  21. Of course Chris, come & see me at work at W&P!
  22. Yes British Army issue. Not for certain weapons, issued for use for Armourers to use on ALL Smallarms & any job required in the field. :-) They originate between the Wars, but were issued right into the Ninties. No new ones were made postwar, the originals just got issued out when indented for to units that required them on charge. Issue stock came from chests returned to stores from units that disbanded, or that no longer needed them on Charge. SOME TA units have the odd one or two here & there. But I dont believe they are general issue anymore to the UK Forces.
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