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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. And that's the ONLY thing those scum understand!.....:-\
  2. I thought I would put out a call on the Forum Lee, as I have PMd him twice. But he may have missed his PM box! Cheers,
  3. Anyone know what has happend to member 0.G-Palmer at all? Tried to PM him a few times & no reply. Anybody aware of his present situation? Cheers, :tup::
  4. Wellcome to the forum Terry, a very creditable job. Well done Sir! :thumbsup: It must be difficult in you part of the world I would assume? Vast distances with few People in each Township. Let alone the Enthusiasts spread far & wide! Still, you will find common Friendship & help on this forum. We have members worldwide who have become knowledgable & skilled in all sorts of things. Some finished projects you can only Marvel at with wonder. When you think what has been stacked against them! More power to your elbow! Cheers,
  5. Bob. as you say, it could well be dried out lube or crud/corrosion, with build up of time. Only a strip out of the offending parts will reveal what has happened! I cannot state for sure, But I THINK the Red colouring is a varnish of some sort. You see it a lot inside Ex Mil Electrical equipment.
  6. One of the good things you do have over there to instantly stop this sort of thing is. Your Police officers carry guns!.................
  7. Possibly a gennie unit in a silenced pod on the back. Very nice!....
  8. Yes another easy job! If you have a colour picture of the badge, any competent photo copy shop could copy your badge onto clear self adhesive backed plastic sheet. also could enlarge to a size that you require & print off as many as you need. do some & sell the surplus on Evilbay to recoup your outlay!.....
  9. Easy job! Run a ring of weld about a inch down from the muzzle end to prevent a Grenade/rocket from being fitted on the launcher. Mill a slot about 2" long underneath. (or drill a series of holes in a line & file to an oval hole) Drill a hole through from one side of the bore to the other about 2 " up from Breech end & drive a cross pin in, & weld either side to retain. Submit to proofhouse for certification. Usually, a licenced Sec.5 Dealer would perfom all this for you & charge accordingly.
  10. Yep, It's definately for the Izzy FAL. Strange, the diameter of the flash hider normally is sufficient to fit up the bore of the rocket/grenade normally. It is SECTION 5 UNLESS DEACTIVATED with appropriate cert. :-X
  11. Interesting, I was under the impression the F.A.L launched grens off the tubular flash hider Are you sure it,s not one for the No.4 Rifle? The OTHER variant is for the British SLR Rifle. A picture would confirm for me to let you know exactly which launcher it is. :-)
  12. Bob, I meant the cover that the handle is mounted on. IE: The whole box cover! If a plate inside the box had sheared off it's mount on either the base or the end of the handle. You WOULD get a complete circuit ALL of the time. I have had this happen to me. It APPEARS to be working manualy, BUT, inside the control box it is STILL conected! Chris makes a good point with regards to new boxes on Ebay. If your restoring, this would be a better prospect. Time saved in stripping cleaning & reassembling would be saved. & add to that, it would probably outlast you! :-D
  13. First find the Ignition key!.................(Joke!) :rotfl:
  14. They also do a Scorpion Tank & a Quadbike, so you will simply HAVE to complete the set, wont you?..................:cool2:
  15. Bob, Try disconecting the battery leads to Kill any electrical circuit. Then remove the handle top cover over the Electrical Disconect box. You MAY well find that the twin contact plates have become corroded together. It's a simple matter to clean them & this SHOULD eleveate your problem! If it doesnt, well......you will have to follow your electrical wiring diagram & look elsewhere! But it is USUALLY this switch that causes this problem.
  16. Paul, BRO =Big, Red, One..............:-D
  17. As Tony has stated with regards to stripping woodwork. You can get away easily with simply uncliping the Two Top Hanguards.
  18. B.R.O: The axis pin, which the whole assembly pivots upon. Needs the Axis pin, carefully drifting accross & out. There SHOULD be a small straight crosspin that retains the axis pin. This needs drifting out FIRST! Then lift off the complete sight assembly & soak it for 24 hours in Penetrating fluid, OR, Parafin. This SHOULD loosen it up enough for you to 'Work' the parts by hand so it functions correctly again. When all is OK, lube it with oil & reassemble. Easy! :angel:
  19. Sincere condolences Tony. It's small comfort at the present moment in time, I know. BUT, When you tkae her to shows, at least you will be carrying Carol's memory around the arena as a Tribute! Her memory then Lives on! Keep your Chin up Mate, we are all here for you if you want to chat when your feeling better! Take it easy. :undecided: Mike.
  20. Or........Mary had a Little Lamb She also had a Bear Ive' often seen her Little Lamb But Ive' never seen her Bear......................:red:
  21. A Friend of mine when his first born was delivered in Hospital. Asked if he could have the after birth. The nurses were very interested to hear this & enquired if he was going to cook it & eat it. 'No' he replied, 'I want it for bait to lure the Foxes in so I can shoot them! I dont like to waste anything'! Priceless!
  22. Roger...Roger!......... Will you be at Chatham this Sunday?
  23. ferretfixer


    There is Poetential for a joke here with regards to Pussy's.....But, NO!.... im NOT going to be tempted to rise to it!........:-D
  24. So sorry to hear of your sad loss!....Will it be a Military Funeral? Will you be using an Action Man Gun carriage to carry the 'Coffin'?......
  25. Karl, With the input posts from forum members posted here. It would seem you have a small, but NOT insurmountable problem. If I may make a suggestion? Get a few bods together & record a scenario together on a training session one evening with the sigs Pltn one drill night. It will square away a drill night & do something different for the guys! Write up a script & 'perform' in one of the hangers at your Unit. Or a spare room (I know they are in short supply at Dyke Rd!) let us know how you get on if you choose to go this route. As this would NOT be an actual FTX exercise & is Ficticisous. & it is in a Local area & NOT on a MOD Training area. I dont think it comes under any copywrite or any of that nature?.........:angel:
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