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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. There was always leeway given for Us in the L.A.D's. Usually with nearly ALL of the L.A.D's I have been attached to. It almost was up to the individuals who had a particular vehicle on charge. (On their signature) Invariably, the O.C of the L.A.D Had a square plate in the centre of the Rad Grill. In the R.E.M.E Colours of blue, yellow & red. With the letters O.C in White in the centre. Sometimes painted on a Wing. Quite a few had similar square plates on the front & rear. Sometimes with L.A.D in Black on a white bar at the top of the Corps Colours. Also where possible, some vehicles had an alliuminium R.E.M.E Badge affixed as well. This was EXTREMELY Common to Scammell recovery Vehicles as well. it was also common practice, to have a large R.E.M.E Transfer badge on either side of the doors. It was all down to what was available, & what the driver/ Person who had the vehicle on charge. Wanted to do Really. Corp's Pride was a major reason as well as making the vehicle stand out a little. From 'Normal' vehicles in a particular unit!
  2. Ferretfixer ! Hope I am one of the Lucky One's!
  3. Thanks Richard. There is no evidence of any oil externally. So I had better check before running, that there actually IS oil in it! LOL It turns over OK & I want to check the plug gap & see if it has a spark? Checking the float bowl really is to see if there is any crud in it! :shocked: As for noise. I will obtain some of that metal flexi-tube used in factories. To protect electrical wiring. & possibley add another silencer to the end to cut down decibels! Never seen any publications for these gennies. But If Im honest, when I wasn't looking for anything. I may well have walked by some on a stall!......:nut:
  4. Hello Members! I am seeking info/ handbooks, instructions Etc. On the 24v 'Powerlite' Gennie. I have just acquired one at a reasonable price. & the vendor informed Me that it was running a year ago. Before being stored in a Garage (I know, we have all heard this before! :-\) I haven't looked at it yet. But I believe it's a points & Magneto set up? So before I check out the carb floatbowl. Check the points & plug gap. & oil level, Any useful advice as to how this should run? Or, anything I should be aware of before attempting to start it? I have a cased 24v Penthouse lighting set. & bought this genie to power it all. Thanks in advance, O' Keepers of the Knowledge! Mike.
  5. try Helstons for spares. Not cheap, but they have them.
  6. I have one of the barraclough trailer cabins on it's trailer. Arthur delivered it to me. Towed all the way down from Yorkshire, behind a Toyota 4x4 car. NO Towing issues were revealed on the journey down. He said it towed nicely at 65mph + with no problems! You MUST remember, these trailers were ORIGINALY loaded down with electronics & comms Sets. In THAT configuration, they WERE very heavy! Not so when empty! I removed all the redundant cables & fittings from mine. Fitted twin steel bunk beds, A wooden corner shelf. & a flatscreen TV/ DVD player. They have a clock, twin electric lights. Twin elec wall heaters. & 3 x 240 Mains sockets. I run mine off a normal petrol genie, & it all works VERY nicely indeed! I cannot recommend them enough! VERY comfortable, no more Tent Erecting! Pull up at a show. unhitch, drop a jack front & rear. Clip on the steps. Plug in the genie, & put the Kettle on! Marvellous!.... I can pull mine behind My Vauxhall Zafira with no trouble at all. & it's only a 1600 engine! Effortless. I will be normally towing it behind my 101 Landy at shows. And as a bonus, there is a ladder fitted at the rear to one side. If you climb up onto the roof with a folding land rover chair. You have a Fantastic view over any show ground. with a TOTALY uninterrupted view! Superb! :laugh: If you want a comfortable set up, then I would heartily recommend getting one of these. Arthur only has a couple left now & is open to offers. I asked him nicely, & he threw in a spare wheel & tyre for free as well! :laugh:
  7. Cant wait for the ASDA version!.......................INCOMING!!!!!:shocked:
  8. David, you have mentioned them BOTH to a tee! Carrie & Mike were extremely influential to Me in my early years. Of getting into the MV scene. I was a young L/Cpl stationed at Warminster at that time. & I used to await eagerly, the Monthly MVCG Area meetings at Devises & Bournmouth. Always fascinating technical information from Mike. & this inistial experience of being involved in the early MV Scene. Evolved into Mike & Carrie becoming close personal friends of Myself, & My Wife at that time. In later years, I heard of Carrie's untimely Death. & the manner of it's Happening. Shocked & Saddened me greatly. I didn't see Mike for many years after his retirement to France. But he surfaced again many years later at a show. It was good to see & talk with him again. I sincerely hope he is at Peace in MV Heaven! Thank you Mike & Carrie, for Enrichening My Life.
  9. Mmm, With this particular clothing 'Set-up'. Shouldn't there be a Spade with it?.......................:-D
  10. Short answer I would say is no. Because you are selling them to 'Anyone' over her in the UK . If THAT person then decides to sell overseas. HE, must get the appropriate export licence from the Home Office. They are classified as: 'War Like Store's', after all!.....
  11. As there are Ladies & Minor's on this Forum at times. I couldnt possibly say what is my oldest serving 'Tool'!......(& besides, my post would be removed by the moderator's!!!)
  12. A word of Warning on this topic Chaps!............. I have it on reliable authority, from a Government approved Garrison clearance disposal agent. ( A VERY Good Collegue!) Mark VII Gentex Helmets are now the Anti=Terrorist Equipment list...... He WONT be getting any more in a Hurry! I don't know why this would be, a Helmet is pretty much a Helmet TBH. Helmets are not primarily for the stopping of Bullets. They are for deflecting shrapnel in the first instance. Yes, they will stop a Bullet in some circumstances. IE: When the speed of the Bullet head has dropped significantly. Over travelling a distance, or a ricochet. But up fairly close, say. 60-70 Meter's away. The modern Kevlar variants generally will not stop a round. As we all are aware. Helmets of various types & styles. Are READILY available through a spectrum of outlets & suppliers, Worldwide!... So the only thing I can think of that is a plausible explaination really. Is that they are the 'Flavour of the Month' with the M.O.D Police Etc! These 'People' go round checking & monitoring Military Equipment Etc. That is available for sale on the Civilian Market. I have a Friend who has a LARGE Surplus & Collectors shop. That is visited periodicaly, by these People. They told him he couldn't sell Ex Police Helmets. Which was untrue! He had the Ex M.O.D Suppliers Recipet to prove they were purchased legitimately as well! When they dispose of these helmets. The badge has to be removed, so they are not 'Ready to wear'. Which is understandable. However, you can also at the same time. Purchase the badge if desired. There is NOTHING legal wise, to prevent you from putting the Badge back on the helmet. To bring it back to it's original configuration. The offence, would be wearing it, with uniform. With the intent to impersonate a Police Officer. These 'Trends' rear their head occassionaly. In an attempt to crack down of stealing Military equipment. & selling it onto the Civvy Market.
  13. Just a suggestion, but would it not be better to contact Bovington Museum. & ask the question? Just my thoughts on this one! :-)
  14. I have some of the headstock black arrow transfers for sale. If your interested? :-)
  15. You may well encounter a difficulty, when it comes to removing the pistol grip from your Late spec Deac SLR. The Hammer is welded down onto the Change lever (Safety Catch, to the Uninisitated!) This will block access to the head of the PG retaining screw!.........
  16. When I was R.E.M.E Attached to the Para's. During the Eighties, it was standard practice (Mandatory, in Fact!) to be issued & wear Puttees. A little tedious to apply on a daily basis. But I HAVE to say, they gave excellent ankle support when applied CORRECTLY! (Yes, there IS a CORRECT way & style to put them on!....) I continued to wear Puttees after I was posted away from the Airborne. Till the end of My Regular Army Service Time. Such was the comfort & ankle support, I enjoyed during wear! After a Break of a few years after leaving the Army. I was 'Persuaded' to join the TA Reserves. Then we had the Boot's, Combat, High on issue. There were a LOT of difficulities with this footwear, across the entire armed services. But THAT, is another story!.............:cool2:
  17. There SHOULD also be a spare Firing Pin (Deactivated, Naturally!) & a Firing pin returns spring as well. :-\
  18. You are SOoooooooooooo Lucky to have such a LARGE 'Toy Shed' To work it Mate! Good work, well done. & thanks for sharing the progress pictures with us all. The Saladin is a particular Favourite of Mine! :-D
  19. I believe they were prone to mechanical failure fairly regularly in Service. I have never worked on them myself when I was a Mechanic initialy. But I HAVE heard frequently from serving collegue's later on, the quote: 'When is a C.E.T, Not a C.E.T'.............................'When it is Running'!...............I guess that leave's it open to interpretation !........:-\
  20. The SMALL ended opening with strap. Goes around the Wrist of the Butt. Easy! Unusual item to encounter these days! Nice find!
  21. UNLESS you were with an Airborne Unit! I was attached for just over Two years to the Para's. They have a VERY distinctive shape to the World Famous Maroon Beret. It is moulded differently to ANY other 'Official' shape & done Deliberately by these Guys. It is difficult to describe on here how it is done. BUT one of the peculiarities of their headwear is. Because (Going back in the day!) Beret head size adjustment ribbons were tied & hidden away. If they were left in a loose Bow at the rear. It would look 'Untidy' & potentially catch on 'projections' in an exercise/manoeuvre environment. (Remember, They sport the Beret Proudly at all possible times! & only wear a Helmet when in Action, On Parachute Jumps, on the Ranges. & on some occasions on Exercise/Maneuvers) I found out the hard way from the Rifle Company SGT Major I was the Armourer for. I got a RIGHT Boll*cking for not having a bow at the rear. & 2 x Extra Guard Duties! He did explain however, how I was to effect 'The Right Look'. & made a Bow out of a flat shoelace & then had to Sew at the middle rear position of my Beret! I asked Why it should be so. He said, 'Because a Beret SHOULD have a bow'! & that was it! End of! Once correctly shaped & sporting my new Bow. I have to say, like all other Airborne Friends I made at the Battalion. I was immensely Proud to wear 'The Maroon Machine'. And Like them, defended the Battalion Fiercely when challenged!.....(I guess I was as Brainwashed as they were back then! LOL)
  22. You cant' make an omelette, without breaking a few Eggs!................:-X
  23. Brighton Council have probably diverted most maintainance funding into promoting the Gay Pride Festivals!.....:-X The speed trials have always been a good crowd puller. & that means money to the town! I observed a dragster on the trials once with a Spitfire engine installed. BOY! Did it Motor!.... I think far more enthusiasts for the speed trials have attended over the years. Than the 'Other' festival has pulled in! It would be a shame to see it finish. One can only ponder WHO is on the council making decisions on festival activities?....
  24. Welcome to the Forum Keith. You will find many helpful People on here. & a wealth of Information that you might need!
  25. Oh Yes! THAT picture of 'Your' (?) Firing pin is showing an untouched example!...I would just grind approx. 1/4" off the thin section of the tip If I were you!..............:-X Whilst I remember, If your spares set up is for the L.M.G & NOT a Bren (.303") the extractor SHOULD be marked 7.62 underneath. A standard .303" variant is left blank. Hope this helps you?
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