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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. PM me for anything you want/need to know about the L43 Scorpion ranging MG.
  2. There is an adaptor for the 349 which is VERY easy to use. It's basically. an empty battery cassette for the 349. with a lead soldered to to the two power terminals inside it. The other end of the lead has a two pin plug which goes in the inspection socket on the dash of most Military vehicles to work the set. easy! I might be wrong, but I don't THINK there is an in use battery charger for vehicles for the 349?...I believe they were kept going by replacing XXX batteries inside the cassettes. Or the rechargeable versions were done in a multi tray charging unit on a base set setup. Or possibly a multicharger unit in a bigger vehicle. Or in the field from a genny setup?....Not an expert on Clansman, but have used it a bit in Service. You COULD make up the lead adaptor I mentioned yourself. Very easily from an empty cassette, a section of 2 core electrical wire. & a lucas inspection socket plug!
  3. So do some of the passengers I have carried in the back of some of my previously owned Military vehicles!.......:angel:
  4. Tony, he kept following ma along as he was talking as well. That put me off a little!..........:cool2:
  5. Or, 'Legaly Deactivated' with a copy of the cert then held with the Dealers records to back up his Forearms register. It is Deleiberately written into the Firearms act for Legally Registered Firearms dealers to hold previously unlicenced weapons on their books. As soon as it is handed in, it can entered into the register. then, a previously unknown about weapon, is traceable from then onwards. It can then be proof tested & marked. & then sold on as a live weapon to the appropriate Licence holder. OR, deactivated & certified as such. & sold without restriction. & struck off the register as a live weapon from then on. I know MANY Firearms Dealers who do this a matter of Legal Routine. If you think about it, it's simple really. A Potentially dangerous, unknown about deadly firearm. That was unlicenced, & therefore unknown about to the authorities. Is then bought into a controlled system, where full traceability is available for the rest of it's legal life. Otherwise, MIGHT eventually find it's way into the hands of a person who is of a Criminal nature. & possibly end up taking some poor souls life in a Criminal act. Kind of makes sense, dosent it? Even Deactivation, saves the weapon for a collector in a way. rather then handed in to the Police for destruction & possibly a rare example of whatever the item might be. lost forever!..........
  6. A Chap in a pinstriped suit & Trilby hat, approached me at a show once. He offered to sell me a watch, some nylon stockings (No good to me, as I don't wear them!) or some paper coupons, as he called them. Should I trust this man? His manner was 'Nervous' & I thought he looked a little shifty. He kept looking left & right as he was talking. Apart from that, he seemed a really nice sort of 'Gentleman'. He said his name was Viv, I didnt catch his Surname. But it sounded like spiv, or something like that! If I were to see him again, do any of you think it would be worth taking him up on any of his offers?...........:laugh:
  7. Neil if the correct importation paperwork is done correctly. there should be no reason why the 'supplier' couldn't send it direct to the Proofhouse. & it Certified, IF. The deact work was done to current specs, & then you collect & pay for the certification. Talk to the London Proofmaster Richard Mabbit. He will clarify things for you, Im sure......
  8. Hello Martyn. These are 76mm Practice round heads. & were inert from the word go. Used with Saladin & Scorpion tanks I have a couple of cases to match these, so would be interested. If you wish to part with them. PM if this is the case please. Cheers.
  9. OOPPS! Typo Spelling! Thank you Headmaster!..
  10. The component is called a balance resistor. Common in ALL 24v FFR Series Land Rovers, Etc.
  11. No, that is definatley NOT a similar tool! It has SQUARE ends, not round pins. It is For the grip removal of BESA Tank MGs.
  12. Rob, What have you got available on MOBAT Mate?
  13. Contact Rob Nixon. He is 'Mr.Artillery'! If he hasnt got the bit's you need. He has many contacts that MAY be able to help!
  14. When you remove the elevation assembly. Be VERY carefull NOT to lose the thin shims either side of the Axis Pin at the top of the elevation shaft! These prevent sideways movement of the gun as far as is possible. They are approx 2" in diameter, & very thin! You MIGHT also have some at the bottom mounting point axis pin as well.
  15. possibly for medicinal purposes. Or Guard Duty when it was VERY cold indeed!......?
  16. It would seem Greed has Prevailed?.................
  17. There was a purpose made bracket to fit on the front of late Sankey widetrack trailers. They are SOMETIMES available on 'That' Auction site! Highly sought after though! You might be better off making a smilar one?
  18. Dosent Terry Brooks in Kent own one?
  19. In which case, if they are still there. They have GOT to be worth recovering, at the price German Armour fetches these days!..........:0
  20. Yeah, Thier 'Varied' regimes are very 'Pick & Mix', arent they?...LOL! If they get out of thier prams too much, the Western World's 'Policing Force's' will be sent into yet another Campaign. to eradicate them there Nasty types, from esatblishing a serious threat to the Freedom of the west!......... (Or would that be, there is something of great National Interest to the Western World's Financial Coffers!........) Gold? Oil? Diamond's, Steel? Etc......The usual REAL reason's for going in?........No, No, NO! IT's not like that!! Honest!.........Yeah! Of COURSE it isnt!...
  21. Almost ALL of the large quantities I have examined over the years of surplus 7.92mm Kurz Ammo. Has been Postwar DDR Produced steel cased variants. Yes a lot exists, but I dont THINK it is being produced in the SIZABLE quantities required by Military Formations these days? Or does anybody have evidence to the contrary?.....
  22. They are all in a shipping container. So one assumes they have been 'Intercepted' by Official Sources? It would be nice if these made thier way onto the Civillian Market here. To end up as Deactivated Collectors Items! As the Country it is apparantly in now, is one from an area of 'Financialy Challenged' member states. It WOULD make sound finacial sense, to legally dispose of them to a Bussinessman with the apporopriate Licencing & Paperwork for importation to the UK? The POSSIBLE realistic outcome is, they will end up being destroyed. The 7.92mm Kurtz Cartridge which they use. Is LONG out of mainstream production, in the quantities required for Military usage these days!.......
  23. The Aussie Spec Landys look SO much nicer that Brit spec! Or is it just Me?........... I would LOVE one of those Trailers!..They do look a BIT Penman like I think.
  24. Interesting at the bottom where it states selling of Weapons. I wonder if any will find thier way onto the civvy Circuit, to end up as DEACTs?......... Pity they couldnt have done the same with the 7.62mm LMG's! There is a BIG demand from civillian collectors for them!...
  25. There you go! The HIAB I know, has an inner arm sliding section that had slide in & out via a hydraulic ram. This make precise movement possible for pack lifts a LOT easier! I have never used a MILITARY Atlas, But I DID once drive a Civvy Beavertail that had an ATLAS fitted. That DID have a sliding inner boom also! I guess when push come to shove. as long as the lifting capacity is within safe limits. Pretty much anything can be overcome if you have nothing to lose! The loaded Ammo Pallets unloaded by the Stolly cranes ARE pretty heavy!............... Good luck!...
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