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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. One 'Glimmer' of Hope is. As a slight aside, I have always kept in touch with the London Proofmaster. As we wore the same capbadge, & have a good working relasionship. I have kept in touch over the subject of spare Barrels deactivated for MGs. As they ARE allowed in other EU countries, but not in the UK. Except for the small batch that went out via WWA a few years back. There is a huge market for these as accessories for collectors, & also to fit vehicle brackets on display vehicles. He is of the same mind as myself & a lot of other enthusiasts on this topic. & was working to get this implemented in the Uk as well. After all, as a live controlled item. It has very little value, as a Deactiveted lump of harmless metal. It potentially has a much bigger value & destroys a lethal item. with no damage to price here. Also, the Proofhouse potentially stands to make vast sums from the certifying process. & the Trade also, to benefit from supply. & removal of them to secure valuable storage space. I asked the question, of why 'they' were allowed them. But we are not, here in the UK. Even though WE are an EU member state? He informed Me that the Deact Standards WE implemented. Were NOT part of the Process that other EU members agreed to. So although we are IN the EU. We didn't benefit from the more enlightend approach to standards the EU Has! Because another 'Gipe' I have is. If we are in the EU, THEY have hand guns. If WE are in the EU, why cant we have the same?....... It came back again, to the fact that we did NOT sign up for the same standards as other EU members. Soooooooo, an interesting point here is: It is OTHER EU member states that are kneejerk reacting to the Proposed banning of Deacts. And as WE did NOT sign up to that category in the UK. OUR standards are probably the Tightest in the EU for Legaly Deactivated weapons!!!!!!! So there is absolulely NO POINT WHATSOEVER, in Banning/ tightening up on HARMLESS, Classified as NON FIREARM deactivated weapons in the UK!!!!................PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Diana, I apologise most profusely! It was merely an oversight! I prostrate myself at your feet for forgiveness! XXX
  3. Gentlemen, The Main point in British law is. Once a weapon has been legally Deactivated & Certified, IT CEASES TO BE A FIREARM! So, if It is inert & no longer a Firearm. WHY are they threats?................ We are ALL singing from the same song sheet about the fact. That Criminals ignore the Law & Legislation. THEY WILL NOT BE AFFECTED!!!!!! ONLY Law abiding Collectors & enthusiasts will suffer! Also WHO would be expected to foot the bill for the Paperwork & renewal of 'Collector's Licences'? With Police Budget cut's implemented, & More to come. WHERE is the Money coming from to employ more people to set up & run this Unjust registration system?..... WHY would you need a Licence for HARMLESS lumps of Metal?.................. The subject is even more complex & potentially unworkable for the Authorities. They are tied up with far more important & pressing problems right now. And to come!............ Registration would be the first step to removal from private ownership. Because their attitude is: 'Ban ANYTHING that looks like a gun. & we will be reducing Gun crime' (SIC).........Which is total rubbish!!! What they REALLY mean is, Ban anything WE want. & it will reduce our workload in whatever area is concerned at the time. Because we cannot effectively enforce existing Laws due to lack of Personel & resources at the present. & we know it's going to get worse, so screaming for even MORE Laws that we cannot keep up with. Will throw up a smokescreen & take the spotlight off us'!.... No, I am NOT Anti-Police, I served as a Police Officer after my Military service. So I speak from inside experience! I think our Police do a Tough job with difficult situations through lack of Kit & resources. But Targeting Collectors & Enthusiast's. will NOT serve to reduce Armed crime from Professional Criminals!....... The Bottom line is: Once deactivated & Legally Certified. a Deact is NOT a Firearm. & poses NO threat! So WHY ban something that is harmless?..... Working usable Firearms are Licenced & controlled. They also Pose little threats from the Criminal fraternity. The Criminals already possess, & have specialist illegal Suppliers for what they require. Mainly abroad, THAT is what the police need to target! But they cannot do that effectively either. WHY? Because of lack of Personel & resources! Who implemented those cuts to budgets & resources? The Governments!!!! THAT is where the problems lie, with the purse string holders!!!!! I am not going to mention types or catagorie's here. but there are far more Dangerous items out there which are lethal. & virtually uncontrolled to the point of lunacy! Deactivated Firearms are most certainly NOT one of them!.......
  4. If it is deactivated to sec.8 & certified. it is NO LONGER a Firearm, & is NOT a threat!!!! Or are the Government going to say they were wrong, when they implemented Sec.8 ?............ And we all know they Government NEVER admits it is wrong!!!!..................... To ban these, they would have to offer compensation. As it was THEY who passed the act in the first place! They nearly crippled themselves the last time they offered compensation on Handguns. & definitely could not afford to do that again!......... The authorites can NOT cope as it is. With renewing Firearm & shotgun Certificates in their system. Could you imagine the HUGE & MOUNTAINOUS Task of registering HARMLESS deactivated weapons. And also those mounted in Vehicles?.................Nah! :-X They cannot cope, & that is THE bottom line! They cannot enforce the VCR act effectively. & releye on Us To Police it ourselves, which we obviously do. there are tens of tens of thousands of LEGALY held deactivated Firearms out there. Can you even BEGIN to imagine The Chaos & problems that registration of HARMLESS lumps of Metal would bring? There are FAR more pressing & important matters to attend to. than hounding Harmless Collectors & Enthusiasts!!!
  5. I don't know how much overhead room you have with your garage door. But you might try letting the air out of your tyres. Pushing the trailer in with a vehicle, & re-inflating them. Once the trailer is in the garage? When I was attached to a Combat engineer unit. We did this with Box Bodied vehicles that were a couple of inches too high. For the trucks to go directly inside the Workshops for repairs etc. It was very cold & snow on the ground outside. & nobody REALLY wants to wield spanners in the freezing cold, do they?......:nut: Was a doddle to do, & overcame the obstacle of being just that bit too high!.......:-)
  6. To Hide Evidence of something, perhaps?..................:-\:-\
  7. Were they manufactured in a German factory.................:cool2:
  8. I am also interested in seeing what you have available please. Cheers! Mike
  9. I would have expected to see a lot of Water in that Tunnel also. Water seepage over these many years would have crept into that tunnel I'm certain!...... As mentioned, the amount of dust & minor debris that SHOULD have settled over the years. Would indeed, have covered the Boxes & Zeltbahn's as well. obscuring the clarity of colours in these photo's. Perhaps it is a secret tunnel. But on the island of Sodor. & this is a cousin train of Thomas the Tank Engine?..........:-D
  10. The Average price at Mil Fairs Etc. Is between £55-£65 these days! I have a few L1A3's & L1A4's if anyone is looking for one?
  11. VERY easy way to ID the difference between the Russian & German 37mm Guns. (if they do not have wheels fitted. They may even have incorrect wheels fitted?) The German Breech Block slide laterally. The Russian One slides vertically. :angel:
  12. The 'General' termed weight for 432's in service. was 15 tons. Given that they have had a lot of bolt on's over the years. They probably exceed that now, in the guise of 'The Bulldog'!............:red:
  13. Having been stationed at S.E.M.E myself on various occasions. & knowing the school & surrounding areas well. I would say it was simply a 'Run About' vehicle. Better used at this location, than say. A Land Rover, as nearly all of it's life would have been driven/ parked on Tarmac roads. :angel: There was to my knowledge, no specific Tac Sign for S.E.M.E. But it would have had the Corps colours of blue, yellow & red in a square shape as you have described. But it would ALSO have a 1" high WHITE 'Bar' above & directly sitting on TOP of the BLUE 'Bar' section of those colours. & in Black STENCILED Letters in that white bar would be: S.E.M.E. That then Ties the vehicle down to EXACTLY where it was on Charge when at S.E.M.E, Bordon, Hants.
  14. I Knew peter quite well. & my first visit to his 'Motor Pool' in Worthing. Was the kick start I experienced that got Me into The Military Vehicle Movement! Through his knowledge, I acquired all I needed to purchase my very first vehicle. A Willy's Jeep. And I never looked back from then! It advanced to Armour & Towed Artillery that I owned. This alongside my Hobby of Militaria collecting. Only served to complement each sector of the Collection! Peter I KNOW, was a similar inspiration to MANY of us here. Alongside the like's of Joe Lyndhurst, true visionaries of their Time. And if not for him & People like Joe. I would say, a LOT of us here, probably might not have slotted into the Field on Mil Vehicle Ownership. At the time when we did! We owe a great deal to Peter, & other Founding Enthusiasts like Him! R.I.P Peter, in the Great Motor pool in the Sky!
  15. If you clean away the rust CAREFULLY with wirewool AND Oil. It will reveal a small Eagle & Swastika inspection stamp. & also, either a Manufactures logo. Or a Three letter (Lower case) code. Nice little 'Gift' you got there! :-D
  16. Well, As 'The Leg' is apparently now 'Famous'. This should now leave the film crew free with an excuse. To make even more episodes, so I can 'Come into the picture (a bit at a time!) ' & become 'Complete' then?.......:-D
  17. The Highlight of one of the episodes for Me. Was when Bruce was at Chatham Militaria Fair, looking at some commando Bergans. Did you see the Chestnut coloured dog with a green coat on with regimental badges? Well, that was MY Dog, 'General Sherman'!.......And I got to see my Right leg dressed in MTP Cammo, my claim to Fame! :cool2: He loves this Monthly fair would you believe? Why? I hear you ask. Because he is so well known there now. Most dealers have a few Biscuits waiting for him. When we 'Visit' each stall in turn!....:thanx: See you there next month. But Sherman asked Me to post. 'No Autographs Please'....................:angel:
  18. It will probably be on the 'Nazi Gold train'.............................:cheesy:
  19. Isnt that normally termed, Burglary?..............:laugh:
  20. you must bear in mind, when watching these programes. They are made for ENTERTAINMENT Purposes!... We ALL have some intimate knowledge of this & that. And can all nit pick at times! (I am defo in the Nit Picking Category when it comes to war films!) I have known Bruce for Many Years, & He is just like. How he comes over in the series, a Funny & Genuine character. DONT Believe all you see with reference to prices though!!!!....................:-X If it were not for a series like this, a LOT us Poorer Mortals wouldn't see hardly anything. Of the amazing bit's of kit still scattered around the world. Potentially up for grabs! I was immediately sceptical about one show that had Dave Hucklebridge in it! He sold Bruce a supposedly original Ex Whermacht Toilet roll! I attended a Militaria Fair this Sunday, which I do once a Month. Guess what a Chap bought whilst there?......... Yep, an EXACTLY the same Toilet roll!............One is very rare indeed, but another surfacing so quickly? I assume very soon, the market will be awash with Whermacht Bum Fodder!...........:cheesy: Anyone remember the 'Whermacht Thread', spools? The Alliuminium Luftwaffe Drinking cups, The SS Foot Salve in tubes, & a HOST of other fake items that appeared on the Market. & Litterally Flooded it!..............:undecided: Excellent ENTERTAINMENT Series, But whilst watching it. Temper it with Caution/ Scepticisiem!.......:red:
  21. Yes Tony, But. Were they on a Nazi train though?..........................
  22. I just found a Mountain of Nazi Medals & Decorations. Along with a huge pile of German Steel helmets, & a load of Dress daggers. All hidden away in the Back of Tesco's.....................Oh yes, & then I fell out of bed & woke up!.....
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