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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Some interesting Pic's there. Thanks for sharing. I never had time to get over to the DDR Border Display Myself. I Really wanted to see inside the Diorama, what they had constructed. Never mind, perhaps next year?......:undecided:
  2. Thank You VERY Much indeed! That does clarify a lot of things on the MK.I I will attempt to dig the Model out of the back of my Comm's Trailer today, for some pics! :-X Nice looking Rapier Trailer in the background as well! Much nice aesthetically looking than Mine! :red: Cheers! Mike.
  3. Radio Operators & SOME Drivers were also issued a Sten. Some infantry Officers also chose to carry a Sten. Special Pouches were introduced for Sten mags later in service. They had dividing web 'sperators' in each pouch. To prevent the mags from rattling, & to reduce rubbing together & wearing off the protective finish. Each pouch held 3 Magazines. Paras were also issued a Bandolieur that had a wide shoulder strap. I cant remember how many mags it held. But I THINK it was ten? :red:
  4. Do you know Robin. That is such an OBVIOUS answer, that I naturally did not think about it! :red: It is a MK.I PETROL, which IIRC had the exhaust pipe running along the roof. It does have the 'Kidney Plate' on the LHS. For access to the engine, which the MK.2 Does not. MK.2 Exhaust box & pipe location obviously totally different shapes & positions! :undecided: The basic shape of the top of the hull, engine Louvres, Cupola, Drivers hatch, Mortar Hatches etc are the same. I THINK that MK.I's were fitted later in Service with Clansman Antenna Bases? We never had the cam pole tube mounts fitted in my day. A very good Modification I would state. ALL armoured vehicles are a right pain to cam up at night! The Bloody cam nets WILL Definitely snag on the slightest projection! :mad: It would be much easier to get under the net with your poles & net baskets. & push up against the net, & slip the poles into those socket mounts! :cheesy: Thanks again to all who have generously contributed to my request. Now, if anyone has a photo of the Top of a MK.I.....................:-X Mike.
  5. That's great Chaps! MANY Thanks. I had forgotten how MUCH detail there is on fittings etc. On the top of the Hull's on 432's! :undecided: That REALLY is going to keep Me busy for a while! :cheesy: Mind you, I have found that. The bigger the scale, it is actually MUCH easier to make detailed parts for! it's only when the bit's required are tiny. That you find you have five thumbs on each hand!..........:-X Ill post some pics up on here. When I remove the model from my Comm's Trailer. That I still haven't unloaded from W&P yet! :nut:
  6. Robin, will do when I get time to do so. It really is a very nice specimen! I DO like large scale Models! :cheesy: 1:1 Scale is always better though!
  7. Hello Erstwhile members! I hope someone on here may be able to Help Me with a small request? I would like to see a picture/ photo of the top (or side on also showing top detail) of a 432 APC if at all possible Please? I know it sounds daft, when some of you know I worked on these vehicles many moons ago! But I never took any pics at the time when I was in Service! :-X The reason for this request is simple. I purchased a very nice Large Wood & Metal Model of a 432 at W&P. It has full interior detail, but the top deck/ roof is completely missing! A good picture would show Me the detail I need to make the missing top deck. Thanks in advance, for what might seem like a daft request!..:red: Cheers, Mike.
  8. My In-Laws drove past the site yesterday. & informed Me there are 'LOT's' of vehicles there already...........
  9. Yes Malcomb, REALLY!....I have bent a couple of jack handle's doing this. BUT, it worked & the handles were bent back into original profile. Under a hydraulic press afterwards. Forget your calculations & TRY it! ( the wheels do NOT have to come off the floor. Just as long as you have a huge amount of pressure on the handle. Forcing weight to the crank via the dog) You DONT have to keep jacking until the handle until it 'Twist's like a pretzel' as you put it!.....:undecided:
  10. It seems to appear a bit unlikely. but this DOES work (Well, It has for Me!) But the localised heat from a common CANDLE. Concentrated in the area you need heat. Has successfully loosened screws that have seized that I have encountered in weapons. I know the Ferret Carb is alloy (I know them inside out, after stripping & repairing quite a 'Few'! ) But it should take the localised heat from a candle flame with ease. If you can get access to the area you need to with one. It MIGHT just do the trick? What have you got to lose?................. Worst case scenario, the Carbs are available If you ask around.
  11. There is also a Two piece tubed stock that was issued with the MK.I Sten as well. The Rifle Butt profile stock is Canadian Manufacture. There SHOULD be two small clips in the bottom run. For securing an 'L' shaped Cleaning rod. It Is common for these clips to be missing. :angel:
  12. I get the impression from the way you have just posted. That the engine is OUT of the vehicle? Is this the case? In which case, you MIGHT like to try putting a heavy duty pipe wrench on the starter dog. & a length of pipe on the handle with a VERY Heavy weight on the end of the pipe. Your 'Freeing Agent' of choice down the bores, & leave to 'cook'. For however long it might take to do the job. If you were to do the 'Warm oil' method. I wouldn't waste my time with making it 'warm'. I would get the oil as HOT as you possibly can, SAFELY! because as soon as you pour it down the bores. The heat transference leaking away into the metal. Will draw a LOT of the heat away. The Hotter you can get the oil (SAFELY!) The better your chances are for the heat to expand the metal so allowing the pistons to free enough. For the oil to bypass them. And lubricate the bores. Just my own thoughts on this difficulty............:undecided:
  13. When you have put your 'Freeing Agent' of choice down the bores. Jack the vehicles rear up on the starting handle. I have done this successfully a number of times. The combination of the 'Lube' etc. Trying to get past the pistons. & the vehicles own weight trying to turn the engine Via the starting handle. Is a good combination to unstick in many cases. It might go in an Hour, it might take a month! But, USUALLY unless Badly seized. Then do in most cases free off. It is then easy to see as the vehicle will drop back down to it's 'Normal sitting profile'. It's easy to do. And on any repair, Always try the Easy method first! You might just save your self a LOT of work?.....:undecided:
  14. The London Proofhouse Making is a Bent arm holding a Scimitar, with the date underneath. NOT, Two crossed Sabres.......:-X
  15. The sling is used to give extra control, when traversing the main gun. With the handle & using your shoulders/body to move the main armament. It gave extra controllability, if that makes sense? MOBAT & CONBAT had the same feature. Yes, it is a Spotting Rifle, the M8C. It fired a .50" cal SHORT round, with a magnisiem tip. That 'Flashed' upon hitting a hard target.
  16. I for one, was disappointed to hear that this was Rex's last W&P. The show is famous Worldwide, & very popular. Georgina rang Me yesterday evening n another matter. & we chatted about the future of the show. She informed Me, that as soon as the announcement had been made. In Her word's: 'There has been a LOT of interest phone calls from various People. Interested in taking it on'. So Personally, I think the show will continue. But in what vein & venue. Is open to speculation. This show is well known, that it would be madness to let it finish completely. A lot of us got started & fired up with enthusiasem when attending this show. It was the beginning of a Passion for many a like minded enthusiast. I await the future with optimistic interest!.............:angel:
  17. It is quite 'Possible', that as this Gun Is so old. Ammo is 'Not Readily Available, & You MIGHT get it as an Exempted Calibre. In which case, you wouldn't need a Licence. Enquire with Your Local Firearms Licencing officer, or the Proof House for advice/ Guidance......
  18. Rifle. £450-£500. Bayonet, £50-£65.
  19. Is it Old or New Spec? it DOE'S make a difference to it's value!
  20. No, It's Been put in a Bottle. & will be available at the German Re-enactors enclosure!......
  21. And just to down right awkward!..............What about a Petrol Tank?....................:-X......:laugh:
  22. As a suggestion for the safety for Tank owners in Civilian ownership. If it is present, I would recommend the run back stop be fitted at all times! After all, if you think about it. you are NOT going to Firing live rounds in the UK. If you have it 'Live' on you F.A.C! Just about ALL of the major component's on Armoured vehicles. Are very HEAVY! It is only too easy to lose a finger/ limb, or get crushed!..................:nut:
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