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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Errr......When did ANY Government Department. Function on Common Sense then?.........:nut: LOL
  2. Has anyone on here, had any dealings with a chap in Holland. Named: PHILLIP REINDERS. I believe he collects Airborne glider Items?
  3. :-) Yes, red would be petrol. & the tags would also be COMBAT GAS on the red tag. Probably a later change from the one illustrated as Civ Gas. :angel:
  4. It's coming soon, to a Town near YOU! It's been Transferred to the Flying Scotsman!...................
  5. The later 70's-80's dated versions. were exactly the same as sets issued in married quarters as well. Makes sense logisticly, when you think about it!
  6. I forgot to add. When wearing 58 Patt Belt kit. There was a Tube like pouch on the side of the right ammo pouch. (The left had loops for the Bayonet) this was ORIGINALY for the ENERGA Grenade Launcher attachment. & later, the Long Bullet catching Blank Firing Attachment. We used to store the KFS sets in there all the time. As your webbing & personal Weapon WOULD be with you. EVERYWHERE you went! INCLUDING going to the toilet in the Field!.......
  7. I had similar probs with one of the Ferrets I once owned like this. I obtained a cable with suitable plug on the end. That matched up with the solenoid Connector on the Starter Motor. I fed the cable through one of the rear opening hatches. & took a feed directly from the batteries on the bared ends of That Cable. Cold Start Device on (Choke) Ignition on, touch the cable on the Batts. She turned over & started perfectly. There was a problem somewhere in the harness. So I used the above method for quite a while. Until I could bypass the normal Circuit so she started on the switch as she should have originally. I didn't have the time (Or could be bothered then if I'm Honest!) to strip out the harness & 'Fault find' the offending cable. & replace! :angel:
  8. Well TBH, MOST of the time, We are stuck in the W/Shop. Repairing things you have Broken!...... Or as I personally term it for the 'Service's' we Provide: 'You Bend It, I mend it'!......:angel: That's in between us making 'Punisher' shell cased Bar gong's/Bells, Bayonet wall plaque's Jerrycan Fold away Mini Bars. 60mm Table Lamps, Etc, Etc, Etc...... And anything else you lot request us to make for you!.....:-X So that is why we are seldom seen outside. Due to 'Workload Commitments'................:laugh:
  9. As a slight aside. My very first posting when I was attached to 26 Engineer regiment. Was in Iserlohn B.A.O.R, & the barracks there. Were typical of ex WWII Whermacht Barracks. Termed during the Third Reich as 'Seydliz Kasserne'. After the Prussian General of old. It was then renamed by The Unit as Corunna Barracks. They seem to have transferred this name, on the units redeployment to the UK? I enjoyed my 3 years there in Germany. & looked recently at a website. Of Former B.A.O.R unit Barracks & Locations there. I was saddened to see that Corrunna had been handed back to the Germans. & my Old L.A.D Workshop area. Was now a Concrete Firms Base of Work! The Accomodation Blocks had been converted internally to flats. & sold to the public. :embarrassed: They like MANY similar layouts During my time during the Cold War. Interestingly, STILL had the Mauser rifle Racks in the walls of the Corridors! It is saddening to Me, & I know a lot of others on Here. Who served in Germany. To see parts of our Lives, & indeed History. The Federal German Government, want to see demolished & 'Erased' from the History Books. As a time Period of 'Embarrasment' to the German nation!....:undecided:
  10. And WHY aren't they then?................................
  11. Tony, had you not thought about Dying the belt black instead of painting it? :-) Those HT leads. Were they meant to be yellow originally? I would have thought there was only one colour available Then. Black?..........You can still obtain copper core HT lead by the foot. Instead of that Horrible Carbon core stuff! Just my thoughts on this magnificent restoration job. You are undertaking! :thumbsup:
  12. Yes Chris, that's the one. There is also a slightly longer & thinner Bag about that was on issue. With the addition of Two 1" wide closure straps & brass buckles from 39 Patt webbing. Also in green. These were VEHICLE Tool kit bags. That were issue with the vehicles C.E.S Hand tools. NOT used by Armourers though. :angel:
  13. Gentlemen (& NOT Forgetting the Ladies! :-)) W&P is one of the biggest World Wide acknowleged shows on the Planet. I personally, have always avoided ANY show that requires Me as an Exhibitor. To pay for attending, as I'm sure a lot of us here have done? However, taking in the cost of Fuel & other incurred expenses for Me to get to W&P. As it's literally 'Up the Road' from where I Live. The Travelling cost is almost negligible. I do object to Paying to enter W&P, However. As we have little or apparently no control over the New entry 'Requirement'. Find myself in a position where to attend this year, I. Like all of us now. Will HAVE to stump up the required Fee! :mad: The reason for Me doing so in NOT because I wish to support the show. But, that every year I have deployed there. I have really enjoyed myself. Not JUST because of all the displays & vehicles Per say. But it is one of the main highlights of the year for Me. As I meet up with dear friends from the UK & overseas. That I only manage to see once a year. BECAUSE they attend W&P! With my own 'Set-up' / Display/ Vehicle/ Equipment/ Etc. I am totally self supporting. (Including a Toilet & Shower) But. As I (As do we all) find myself in a position where I have to pay to go to this show. For the first time in my life. I will (Reluctantly) now have to pay to attend! :embarrassed: Now back to basics: I have stated on this forum previously. We are ALL Amabssidors of our Beloved respective Hobbies. From comments allegedly laid down by the new organiser (I have not been in communication with him) I do recoil at the Comments that 'MVT & IMPs Members are all Scammers'! :mad: THAT is certainly NOT the way to win over prospective exhibitors/ supporters of this show! If I may make a respectful suggestion here? I do not go to Stoneleigh myself. So, If anyone who is attending that show. And also wishing to attend W&P. could approach the 'Management/ new owner' of W&P. And put to Him/Them our feelings at his unjust comments levelled against us a MAJORITY. (There will always be individuals who do try to 'Scam' at any type of show in the Country) & that we are not ALL of that background/level/type of person! He should (Respectfully) be reminded that his comments were uncalled for. Where He has generalised with the 'Pointing Finger' at all of Us Here. & that we do NOT subscribe to being 'Scammers'. Also more IMPORTANTLY! If He is able to be seen/ explained to. that if he continues with a Pig Headed Attitude. that lumps us all in one basket, so to speak. Then exhibitors will vote with their feet after his initial show this year. And NOT bother attending again. He will see this as the numbers dwindle, & the hoped for 'Big Profit' he expects to make. Does NOT materialise!.........(And possibly, his outlay costs may NOT be covered by the show eventually!..........) :angel: Or is this the Wrong approach I lay down Here?..............:nut:
  14. Yes compo rations. & if your unit was lucky. Suplimented in centralised catering, with fresh rations like Veg Etc. And eggs with your Compo Beans, Saussages, Fried Bread Etc for Breakfast. The Tube was the same rubberised canvas as the wash role of the time. basicly, a 'Tube' approx. 8" long. With a flap approx. 3" long. & a green cotton tie strap 8mm Wide x 14" long. So you could fold the flap over the KFS. & close the flap & wind the Tie around & tuck the end in the wrap to secure. It was very common & still practised to this day. With some front line & the 'Sneaky Peaky Boy's. To use a wooden Spoon for all eating of meals. This was deemed a Tactical move. as a wooden spoon, scraping in a Metal Mess tin. Will not make a noise! This has been modified in modern times, by using a sturdy Plastic spoon. Or right up to date. a Plastic Spork. Which for those who havent seen one. Is an eating Impliment with a spoon at one end. & a Forked end at the opposite end.
  15. No the KFS sets were carried in your Personal Webbing pattern 58. IE: The belt order & NOT the large pack. Remember! The KFS was, apart from your Weapon. THE most important thing you had in the Field. Food/Eating was a Priority for most of us. It was something to look forward to, & relive the bordom in some cases! Centralised catering was better like this. Because it was almost a social event, meeting up with you mates. Having a scoff & a chat with a Brew as well! It Was VERY Common for the KFS sets to be carried in the long pouch/tube. On the side of one of the 58 patt Ammo pouches. These 'Tubes' originaly, were designed to carry either an Energa Grenade Launcher Attatchment. Or the LONGER Bullet catcher BFA. But was QUICKLY discovered to be a good fit & an ideal facility. To carry our KFS sets! :cheesy:
  16. Yes I forgot about them! COMPASS, Prismatic. usually only carried by Section Commanders, Or if you were an AFV Commander like in a Ferret Scout Car Etc. You would have one in it's '58 Patt Web pouch on your belt. As another Fellow 'Poster' has stated. The much cheaper & simpler SILVA compass was easily carried in a top pocket of a Smock. Not everyone anted a compass though. & as you had to sign for it. It was considered by a lot of the Lad's, as 'another thing to be responsible for'. It went 'Missing' or got lost. I always had my own personal SILVA compass with Me in a smock pocket. For a variety of reasons. 1, As a R.E.ME Tradesman, attached to ANY type of unit. As a (Then) Vehicle Mechanic. We were called out to locations all over B.A.O.R To repair/recover vehicle 'Casualties' on Exercises. You HAD to know how to find, locate & Return. so a compass was a very useful tool! (Particularly at Night!) 2, As soon as I was promoted. As an NCO, you were automatically 'deemd' Competent to have knowledge & leadership skills. (Having learned these on Prior Promotion courses) & Your Comrades & Subordantes looked to you to make decisions & 'Lead'!.............. 3, TINY Compasses were acquired by some, for their 'Escape tins'. I had one sewn into the collar of a smock myself, as did others. (This was especialy so, when I was attached to the Para's) As if you were prepared when the possibility arose. & you were captured. Making an escape, a compass would be pretty much essential! I was an Armourer then,& always 'Visiting' Rifle & Support Companies in the Field when On exercises. With My Own Land rover , & 'Armed' with a Mil Map. it really was ESSENTIAL that I knew how to get around to deployed units/Companies. Not only for Weapon repairs & Adjustments as required. But We were also responsible for Field cookers as well as a Host of other equipments! Filed Cookers were a MAJOR Necessity in Rear Echelon & Workshop Deployments. The Morale Boost of hot Meal & a Brew. was NEVER underestimated! Rifle Companies & those deployed 'Up the Sharp End'! Pretty much catered for themselves as individuals. you made your OWN Hot meal & brews yourself. Because of the tactical situations, it was not practical to have. 'Centralised catering' in Rifle Company Positions. When I was attached to the R.E's. it was different, each squadron had centralised catering. & the bigger Petrol No.1, 2 & 3 Burner units were used outside Tents by the unit Attached Cooks/Chefs. Tank/Armoured Units also had different methods. As the Crews were with their respective Tanks etc. The Crew cooked for each other, usually taking it in turns to do the cooking at Stops/Lull's in 'fighting'. The 24v BV was probably on of the most looked after bits of kit in Armour!...... I was one of the 'Favoured Few', as a R.E.M.E Tradesman. The particular Detatchment that I went to 'visit' at any one time. Was always pleased/Grateful to see Us. As we would be the ones to repair & supply/use the spare parts nessacary. to get their equipment working again, so they could heat their 'Scoff' Etc! I was ALWAYS offered a Brew when attending a 'call'. Out of respect for my Position & as a Senior Rank. And as a 'valuable' resource for getting their own equipment, 'Back on the Road'! (So I was told! ) You have to remember, we WERE the Potential Front line in B.A.O.R. & expected in reality, to enact delaying attacks on the 'Enemy'. & this would give time for major reserves to be deployed to Fight major Operations in the Mountain passes. The idea being, knock out His Armour in the valley's En Masse. & we would 'Block' his advance. With Dead Armour Building up, this would cause major obstructions/obsticals for him to overcome. Well..... That was the thinking at the time! The reality was, we would have been wiped out by the thousands. As 'Ivan' had far more resources of Troops & Armour etc. Than we did! But......As the 'Young Lions' of the Day. We always 'won' the Major Field Exercises against 'The Fantasians' every time!.........I think this was more to boost morale & 'Inspire' Confidence in the N.A.T.O units over there at the time. Though I have to admit, It was indeed MAJORLY Impressive. To see Battle Tanks en Masse & HOARDS of Infantry. Atttacking 'Enemy' Troops & vehicles. Advancing over large laid out landscapes! you couldn't FAIL but to be impressed & excited to View & Expierence any of this! Due to 'Financial Constraints' these days. The likes of these MAJOY Annual FTX's will never be seen again. sadly. & I am TRULY Confident. That Myself & other Former Service Personel who served through that time frame. And are members on here. Will concur, that we ALL are Imensely Proud to have served through those difficult & uncertain times. & expirenced Comradeship & a Brothers in Arms life then. Would I go back & do it all again you may ask?................In Bloody Heartbeat I WOULD!!...
  17. Lewis, rations were carried in your messtin. In a rear Pouch of the then 38 Patt Webbing sets. Or stored in your vehicle. Range cards were only used approx. once a year on your Yearly APWT on a RANGE. No point in having them in the field. There were/Still are in some cases. Printed on the side of ration Pack Boxes. But we never used them! Aide Memoire for section Commanders & NCOs, were carried as appropriate. On the funny side. When kit lists were issued on Part 1 Orders for exercises / Crashout Kits. It was common to see '........Carried in the Top Left Pocket of the Combat Smock' So we used to take the Pi** and said pretty much EVERYTHING was carried in 'The top Left Pocket of the Smock'. Including the contents of the Bergan!!!! (Which in reality, was Blimmin Impossible of course!) LOL
  18. Believe it or not. The Standard British Issue KFS, was a 'Normal' table top set in stainless steel. Nothing special, no clip together facility. To prevent rattling & keeping them together for convenient stowage. You DID however, get with your green rubberised canvas. A 'Tube' in the same material with a flap & a green cotton Tie strap. The Knife was etched with manufactured details on the blade. Also N.A.T.O Stock number & Date of manufacture. The Fork & Spoon had the same info stamped/cast on the rear of the implements. Re: Carried in pockets. A clasp knife, usually on a lanyard. Brown Plastic covered Notebook, SOXMIS Card & MOD90 ID Card. Sweets (Stickies coloqualy) to suit personal choice. Some times a First Aid dressing. If it wasn't taped to your webbing waistbelt. They were cumbersome & bulky/Unpopular to be carried in a pocket though! Hope this helps you. Regards: Mike.
  19. Perhaps, they could be invited to come on here & comment? They would then be in a position to clarify things. & clear up any points anyone has issues with? Or, left as it is. You/We could be left in a position of cynically thinking. They bought into this show SOLEY as A Money making venture? Or am I being too cynical here?......:undecided:
  20. Yes, When I was serving myself as an Armourer. :angel:
  21. We have always had them in War reserve stocks. They are not 'Generally' Talked about, instructed on. Or discussed in 'Normal' Warfare Training in the UK Forces. A Flamethrower is a Horiffic Weapon in use. We considered them Barbaric & Too Viscious for 'General' use on the Battlefield after the last World War. Russia & other countries of course. Continue to have them in the Armouries as the 'Norm'!........:embarrassed:
  22. Nice work as usual Tony! Before long, trailers are about all we will be allowed to own legally!.......:mad: However, the Warlike Stores. Being Ex Military Vehicles might be banned!.......:red: I feel more Ill at ease, with unregulated 'Imigrants' coming to the UK. Than from HARMLESS, LEGALLY DEACTIVATED FORMER Firearms!......:embarrassed:
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