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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Anyone able to assist Me on this Please?..........
  2. BV = Birmingham Viewed. BP = Birmingham Proofed. NP = Nitro Proofed. (Nitro Cellulose Powder Charge cartridges used) Proof Rounds are 1.5 Time greater Power than a 'Normal' Commercially obtainable. Or Military standard Round. The theory being, if a weapon submitted for proofing. Passes 'Proof', Then it will stand up to almost any off the shelf/ issue ammunition. Remember: Each individual Chamber would need proofing on a Revolver! That's why it costs more to proof a Revolver, than a Semi-Automatic pistol!
  3. Gentlemen, (Excuse Me ladies!) I am enquiring if anyone who owns a complete Rapier trailer could assist Me at all? I need to see a Photo of the CENTRE Brackets that go in the area of the Mudguards. That hold the CENTRE Hoop stick for supporting the tilt. Also would be useful, to see a pic of the hoop stick, connecting rods/bars & securing pins. That hold the complete tilt hoop stick set together. I have hankered after one of the trailers for a long time, & finally have one. I have sourced a N.O.S tilt & the three Hoop sticks. & would like to make the missing components. (Unless anyone has the missing rods/bars they wish to part with!) I think these trailers look far better than a 3/4 ton Sankey, & are more versatile for different purposes. You can sleep in one for a start! Is there a register of owners for these trailers at all? There are so many different variants I am beginning to discover! I have a CD ROM parts list. But would love to obtain a User Handbook if at all possible. Or even a copy. Anybody?............:cool2: Thank you in advance for your time & consideration to this request guys! Cheers! Mike. :thanx:
  4. And the little metal 'block' to the left. Is a 'Riser' Block from an Army issue screw jack!.....
  5. If you have issues with the brake slave units. Be CAREFULL! EACH Axle has DIFFERENT slave units! You would THINK they would all be handed, or universaly the same. They are NOT! I discovered this when I owned a Saladin myself, & needed a new slave unit. :nut:
  6. No excuses John, Select fitting of replacement screws to rectify. Go back & do it again! Or you will have more points deducted from your final exam! :-D
  7. The standard way of lacing for British Forces was always straight across: IE: Looped over from side to side like a ladder. The reason for this was simple & effective. If you had a foot/leg injury, & the Medic had to get your boot off quickly. It was a simple matter to run a sharp knife down the run of loops. To cut through them all rapidly, thus ensuring the boot could be removed quickly for treatment in the field. :-)
  8. Just a point of constructive advice John. All the screw slots on your handles need to be laying in the same plane! You would have lost 6 Points on your trade test for that Mistake Mate! :-D EXCELLENT work though, Buddy. Well done, it's coming along excellently!
  9. The smaller variant of for a Bren LMG. & the larger, will accept the pintle for a GPMG L7A2, Or a 7.62mm LMG. I have just acquired one of the smaller ones. & I think I have one of the larger ones somewhere.
  10. All meant in the best possible taste:-D R Robin, you have been watching FAR Too much Kenny Everet on TV!...........
  11. This particular type of tool, was GENERALLY issued to Vehicle Mech's & Metalsmith's. The tools I used later in Service as an Armourer. Were of much finer construction, for precision use! Having said that the 'Birmingham Screwdriver' (Hammer!) was a VERY useful tool, IF. Used with correct diligence!..................... I will leave it to your imagination as to what Mechanics & Reccy Mechs would term Diligent!.....:-X Sorry Guys! Only Joshing! :cheesy:
  12. It's what's know as a Taper Pin Punch. Nothing special or rare. A standard issue tool.
  13. Why not save yourself a lot of trouble & agro. & simply get it dry Cleaned?........:red:
  14. Chris is absolutely correct in his statement regarding the Sten. This is ALSO true of almost ALL open Bolt Operated Sub-Machine Guns. The Sten was a good Weapon & did the job it was designed to do. There was NOTHING wrong with the gun. It was the MAGAZINES that caused any of the problems you hear 'stories' about! IE: Jamming, Mis feeds, Dirt/ Debris obstructing the mag Follower Etc Etc. Post war, Sterling designed & manufactured their Superb 34 round magazine. Apart from the potential area that was vulnerable. IE: The Magazine lips, they virtually eliminated Jams & Misfeeds! The gun was extremely reliable when used with these magazines. It was also designed to accept Sten Gun Magazines, that could also be used in an emergency. In the Sterling. HOWEVER, Sterling cleverly designed it so you could NOT use Sterling magazines in a Sten, in standard form! Very Clever! If you were a foreign army & had stens. Thinking if you only bought new Sterling mags, you could upgrade your sten reliability Factor. You could NOT!.....In the US where full auto ownership is possible to the individual. There are aftermarket adapters, that fit in a Sten Mag Housing to allow you to use Sterling magazines! The Gun then becomes eminently reliable, & a pleasure to shoot!
  15. The Museum will also help to keep Tony's Memory & Profile alive. That is excellent news, Well done!
  16. Isn't an Automatic, a system of car transmission?..........................:cool2:
  17. For 'Pistol'. Read = REVOLVER. Just being pedantic Tony! HOWEVER, the CORRECT ACTUAL Terminology is: Pistol, Revolver!.......Make sense of that if you can? A revolver is just that. A PISTOL is a Semi-Automatic Hand held smallarm. See Me after class young Man!
  18. I have known Tony for over 38 Years. He was a Pioneer in his day, & continued to learn & share his wealth of knowledge. A very helpful & generous person, who would always try to help if he could. A very sad loss to the Military Fraternity & collectors the World over. His loss will be felt greatly in the Film World! Heartfelt Condolences to Vera & Tony's Family. :-(
  19. There are very few exceptions the rules were drawn up by Ken Livingstone not known for his love of motor vehicles. A lot of People are known for their lack of love, of Ken Livingstone!..............:cheesy:
  20. Excellent Show with the usual superb Atmos & decent People! We were very lucky with the weather, a couple of light showers during the day. But nearly always sunny! Look forward to next year!
  21. Jack one side off the ground at a time. Use a spanner on the brake adjuster, turn it till the brakes bind on the drum. Then back it off until there is no binding or scraping noise. Do one side at a time, job done, easy! :-D
  22. I had a spare one a few years back. I advertised it here on the Forum, but there were no takers then. I eventually weighed it in for scrap!.....
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