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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Container spare parts: Piston Post Buffer spring Spring, Firing Pin Firing Pin Gauze (For removing rust from the bore) Flannalette, 4" x 2" Stay, Extractor (the pin to the right of the F.P. is a pin retaining Firing pin. It fits into the piston extention & should NOT be in the tin!) Firing pin spring The black pin to the right of the F.P spring is a pin, retaining Piston. & also should NOT be in the tin!) Extractor cartridge These 'sets' were sold by certain dealers after Deactivating the Guns Proper. As the piston SHOULD have been removed from the piston extention upon Deactivating. They were put in these 'set's' to bulk them out a bit more, & the retail price for the 'Set' seemed a little more 'Reasonable'! Also, when Deactivating LOT's of weapons. It is a fact that some of the components that are removed. Soon build up & require much needed storage space! Some are of a class that HAVE to be destroyed. Or sold/Traded with other Sec.5 dealers to remain Legal. Some like these Bren/Lmg sets, Can be sold on. They SHOULD morally be left in the Weapon. As the 'Customer' SHOULD get as much back as he is Legally entitled to own! The 2 pins I mentioned above. Were ONLY fitted/Exchanged by the Unit Armourer. As they required the heads to be riveted over, to retain their respective components. Certain clearances would have to be observed known only to the Armourer. That would enable the weapon to function correctly. I have fitted 'Quite a few' of these parts whilst I was a serving Armourer, during my Service time!
  2. NO, the Firing pin is from the LMG/ Bren. :-)
  3. Hello Rob, Heard you were at chatham last sunday, but missed you Mate! Well, if you watch the film carefully. The weather is overcast a bit, & I don't know about the Properties of old film Etc. Taken together with the fact that this was filmed on an WD/ ARMY Training area. Which in those days, WOULD have been the ONLY location that any type of artillery/ B.A.T would have been allowed to fire live. I think that the footage is real enough personally. I too, have seen/worked/fired MANY recoilesss weapons of the B.A.T Series, when in Military Service Myself. The Propellant type MAY have also been a different composition to the much later production batches? And to perfectly honest. From a Tactical point of view, the very LAST thing that you want from a Weapon of this class. Is the unavoidable backblast signature flame!....Soooooooo, a small Backblast Signature would have been the IDEAL thing required when firing! VERY different from what you require when 'Firing' for film work/Arena displays Etc. :angel:
  4. EASY to check. When they have been ground down below a usable length. There may well be blued/discolouration near the tip. Due to the heat build up of grinding back. BUT, the instant way to see it has been Deactivated. Is look at the Point of the Tip (The thin long section) is it ROUNDED. Or FLAT? If it's rounded & not discoloured, it has NOT been touched! If it's flat & looking CLOSELY under a magnifying Loop. There are small grinding scratches/Marks. It's been ground down. If you are in doubt, take a close up photo, & I will be able to confirm for you Mate.
  5. Yep, the tan '37 pattern webbing wallets later had a 'Pouch' for all the cleaning rod sections. And the later green webbing variants had this also.
  6. Have NEVER seen, & was not aware of ANY blank rounds for any of the 120mm Recoilless rounds in British Service.
  7. In the spare parts tin you will need: an extractor, an extractor stay, Extractor stay spring. Firing pin, firing pin spring. The firing pin must be deactivated by being shortened by approx. 3mm to be legal. :yawn:
  8. Hello Neil, That is very sad News Mate. Sorry to hear of your misfortunate predicament. Im sure something will turn up if you both look hard enough? Easy to say, I know! Rather than sell your OT, could you sell the kids instead?.......LOL. Only joking! If you PM Me, I have an idea that MIGHT help you potentially. On the work front. A commitment, but MIGHT just turn your lives around!.....
  9. Im sure we all miss that!......................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, what are we going to complain about in 2014?..........:-D
  10. VERY Sorry to hear of this Mark. :embarrassed: It just goes to show, that a vehicle even in a lock up is not safe. Difficult enough to store all the equipment somewhere also. But the Deacts really SHOULD have been kept at home in the attic, or someplace at Home. Easy to say after the event, But they would rust in a garage during the winter as well. So it's a double Issue really. I hope you recover the stuff ok. But Im sure you are aware of the reality of recovering pretty much anything from an 'Incident' like this. I sincerely wish you good luck with sorting this unhappy & disturbing situation Mate. :red:
  11. So Mark, does this mean you will be buying a Stalwart then?...............
  12. MARK, Get on to the London & Birmingham Proof houses. Let them know the serial numbers of the stolen deacts. If someone then tries to obtain replacement Deactivation Certificates for them. The person can be apprehended by the Police. If the 'Suspect' is questioned, the trail back to where they obtained them can be traced. & Hopefully the perpetrators could be arrested. It's worth a try. I ASSUME you still have the original deact Certs?
  13. Nice to see all that WWII Armour, actually on the move. Can anyone explain why the Belgian Army Staff, are so elderly & Have BEARDS ? Is it possibly because the Belgian armed forces are conscripts. & retention of experienced Instructors is upheld by extension of Service Personnel who are Volunteers? Not decrying what they do, just interested from a Professional Point of View. You are Not allowed Beards in most Professional Armies. Due to an NBC Respirator not being able to seal around your face when needed in a Toxic Chemical Environment. The exception to this rule is. a Pioneer Sergeant as a Traditional Sign of his Rank & Position Held. (Beard would be shaved off in a combat environment for real) & if you were excused Shaving for Medical reasons (Temporary). Makes sense to Me. & of course. LOOKS More military & smart with no Beard. Just my own thoughts!.......:nut:
  14. AND you can use a book placed under a table leg to cure a Wobbly Table!.......... Try doing THAT with a Kindle!..
  15. Is there REALLY nobody else on the Forum who owns a Rapier trailer complete with hoop sticks?.......:embarrassed: I have had absolutely no positive response from any owners of these magnificent trailers. With my request to a photo/info/drawing of the centre wing mount. For the middle hoop stick. I find it very difficult to believe no one has an example that is complete!..:blush: Come on guys! It's a very simple request!.....PLEEEEEZE!....:-D
  16. I never saw Striped Paint in the British Army. All we had was Tartan!..................:angel:
  17. VOSA OPERATIVE, AS HE CHECKS YOU VEHICLE OVER. 'What? No Water in your Washer Bottle! You MUST by Law have a 'Device, capable of cleaning a Windscreen Sir'!! (Chi-Ching! As the cash register for Fines rings out!)............... Yep, Petty indeed! BUT, Believe it or not. It is actually an Offence in Traffic Law in the UK!...........:-(
  18. The KF, when termed with the Shirt Means. 'Shirt, Khaki Flannel.'
  19. Wow! Double headaches, all under one roof now then! 'Progress', with a LARGE Question Mark?........:nut:
  20. Clive, That was very kind of you to look out this info. But sadly, Im not going to fit JC holders to my own trailer. What I REALLY need, is a picture/drawing/ details of the bracket that fits on the WING. To hold the CENTRE Hoop stick. I THINK I could make a cobble up to do the job. But I want to REPLICATE what the actual issue item looks like for mine. Cheers anyway Buddy!
  21. Hello Dave, Nice offer. But I HAVE the three Hoop sticks & a N.O.S Cover. Just need the connecting rods that go between all three. I will probably end up making them. As they are simple........It's Info/ a Picture of the Bottom Mounting bracket that goes on the wing. That I need, or indeed. Obtain a pair of them! I do not have any of the jerry can holding brackets with my Trailer Im' afraid. But I have seen plenty of pictures of them. I don't think they would be too difficult to make/ get made, yourself? Mike.
  22. Thanks for the snippet of Info Clive. It's now a start to locate one of these manuals! Cheers! :laugh:
  23. Well done! A VERY rare vehicle indeed! You will have your work cut out for you sourcing spares for this one though! I feel you will have to manufacture a LOT of parts yourself though. To complete this restoration! The VERY best of luck & good fortune. In hunting down those elusive bits you do need! :-)
  24. [ATTACH=CONFIG]84578[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84579[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84580[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84581[/ATTACH] Well, I fail to see how these can help really. But here they are for you Griff! The last Two show the front RHS brackets for the hoop sticks. Which are an integral part of the trailer. The rear one's are similar. But I am assuming that the centres ones are a sepperate bolt on (?) unit that has a small raised tube to accept a hoop stick end. Are these bolted/Loose on top of the mudguards? There are no holes to evidence that these mounts were a bolt on/ removable fixture on this trailer. Can ANYONE supply a Photo/ Illustration. Of what these centre Mount brackets look like Please? Something from a parts list would be excellent, if a Photo cannot be done. My parts list CD ROM, does NOT show these brackets. That I need this information for. :embarrassed:Cheers! Mike.
  25. Well, To be honest. I didn't think a picture of a trailer under a sheet. (Been Raining a LOT down here!) & a set of sticks on the floor with the tilt. Would interest you guys very much?........:cool2: I was aiming at the Rapier 1 Ton trailer owners, who are fortunate enough to own a trailer that is actually complete. :-D I NEED to see what the centre hoopstick mounting bracket LOOKS like. Then I can make one from any photos supplied on here. :cheesy:
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