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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Pete, Spent Bog roll could be classed as lethal, in the wrong hands. = Chemical Warfare Item!...........
  2. I concur with Richard. An Excellent laid back show with quite a few Ex Mil Vehicles, Vintage & Classic also. A Real Family Atmosphere! The Aerobatic Display was Fantastic! One to put in your Diary's for next year!.......:laugh:
  3. Hi Richard, Yes, the organiser informed me you were going. see you there? Cheers!
  4. Anyone else contacted the show organiser yet?.......Go ON! You know you want to!...
  5. If you are not going to Daymans Hall show this weekend & have not yet booked into anything. You might like to consider a nice little vehicle show in the countryside in Kent? This is in a village called Mersham, (Just outside Ashford) & is behind the Farriers Arms Public house in a SEVEN acre Field! There are quite a number of Mil Vehicles already 'Promising' to turn up to display. It is a lovely Laid back show in extremely pleasant surroundings. The Atmos of the venue is lovely! The presdigeous Military Wives Choir are appearing on the Sunday. & a P.51 Mustang Fighter is giving an aerial flying display also. HUGE Beer Tents & other attractions Etc. This show is in it's third year & growing in size annualy. There is NO booking in, simply turn up & park up & enjoy! It is themed as 1940's & 1950's, but any uniform will fit in! This is a fun show for all the Family! As we support it, it can only get bigger & better! The weather forcast is very good for this weekend! CONTACT DETAILS For the show organiser are: Richard, on 07802278190. Easy to get to off the M20 Motorway as well! REMEMBER! NO Booking for this show, just turn up with your Military vehicle & uniform, if you have one! :laugh: I have just returned after marking out my pitch to support this show. it is a smashing venue that really must be seen!.....Come on! Get on the phone & inform the organiser you want to attend!
  6. Sticky Keypad? REALLY Neil! You shouldn't get so excited over Russian Deacts!.......:cool2:
  7. Don't do what I did a couple of years ago. Go down in PLENTY of time. rope off my area, set up a CLEAR Pitch Number sign. & set up a brand new 9x9 tent. A Mate was camped 30 feet away & had a clear view of everything. Came back four days later, and some 'Kind Soul'. Had stolen my Tent!!.......It was taken at night, when dark!...
  8. Scammel with a large steel Hook! You cant get more secure than that! :-D
  9. They never had a case. Because they are externally covered in a Rubber Armour Tony. They are manufactured from an alloy & frequently used to break in half, if subjected to a blow of force. When I was attached to the Para's, I had to write off quite a few over my Two year period attached to the unit! It was not uncommon for them to get broken on Parachute decents. They were worn around the neck conventionally, but under the smock on decent's. A Paratrooper hits the ground on a PX8 Parachute at times. With speeds of up to 30Mph!.....They are a FIXED Focus item of Combat Field Equipment, with a GREEN Rubber Neck strap. That SHOULD have a small Green pouch on it, containing a pair of yellow anti-glare sun filters. The eye cups are concertina types with a black plastic cover on a cord. That goes into the cup to keep dust out. In use, the covers have a press stud moulded in. That enables the covers to attach to the neck cord, to prevent them swinging about & getting snagged on anything. I have a pair of these somewhere tucked away, but Goodness knows where! I have SO much kit stored away, just like we ALL Have!.......:nut:
  10. There is one at W&P now. I think it belongs to rex, though I don't think it is restored Mechanically?....
  11. Just got back from 'Location' at the W&P site. Fantastic, is all I can say! Lovely load of space, & all the Team working hard in the Heat! Met up with Rex & some of the guys & had a chat. The weather was superb! & Rex says it's supposed to stay like this for the next two weeks. If it doe,s, you wont get a better show!......I only went to collect a Deact & budgeted for a couple of hours. Ended up making some new Friends & staying all afternoon! Hospitality & atmos was brilliant! This is what this show is REALLY all about! The People who make the show!.......Wonderfull, I hope to deploy myself, on the 13th! :-)
  12. Jesus! I cant believe what they are asking for them! That is vehicle price Money!!!! :shocked: I remember when they were £350 quid each, fully deact & certed! I used to have at least Two for sale at any one time!.........I don't even own one now! :embarrassed:
  13. Grind the spigot firing face away at 45 degrees. Weld firing face section to the spigot shaft. Cut a slot along the underside of the spigot. Weaken main body under the spring retaining end . By cutting a little through the main body tube. Weld a section of steel bar in the Bomb tray area to prevent a Bomb from being inserted. That should get it through the Proof house for certifying. Through a Section Five Dealer, of course! :cheesy:
  14. When I had my First Privately Owned Ferret. I did not have the luxury of a Hoist/Engine crane Etc. As per Andys post in removing the components he has already mentioned. If you also remove the complete gun mounting cradle from inside the Turret (If it's a Rotating Turreted example.) The tank WILL JUST have enough room to come out. You have to rotate & twist it a little here & there. But I most certainly did it. Alone & with no help from anyone else. Took it to a specialist. & they cut three sections in the tank & 'Peeled' the sections back. This allowed a hand to enter & scrub clean the whole of the inside. Oh! O forgot to mention! They submerged the tank in a liquid of some kind to kill the petrol fumes/deposits inside it. I had the option of having the inside lined by 'Tinning' (Completely covered in soft solder) but was on a limited budget. & worked on the theory, that all 'Normal' petrol tanks of the day weren't lined!. When cleaned completely. The rolled the patches back & welded round the edges. Pressure tested the tank = NO LEAKS! & then re lead painted the external surfaces after cleaning off the old paint. I Resprayed it silver & refitted the tank. Then ALL the internal fittings Etc. All petrol pipes were replaced & the tap cork washer also. As well as a new petrol filter of course! NEVER had an issue with crap getting up to the carb after that! It wasn't too bad a job & Im sure you COULD do it on your own. If you work slowly & methodically. ENSURE that Batteries & storage boxes are removed from the vehicle. For safety reasons & also to allow your self more room! If you have a MKI/II then you WILL need to remove this fixed superstructure first. IE: you WILL need a crane/hoist to do this!......Good Luck!
  15. If it came to a REME Workshops. It would be stripped down, Sand & Water blasted. Phosphated & then paint sprayed & Baked for 30 mins to harden the finish. In it's present state, it will only deteriorate further! Whatever you do will improve it's present state to protect it! I have seen worse bought back from the dead!......It's worth doing!
  16. The 'Irish' Brens are also interesting - a lighter, shorter, Bren Gun seems to be a good idea - did the British Army ever use them? I'd be very interested to hear what Chris, as our resident Bren Gun Expert, has to say about these weapons! The MK3 Brens were used by British Army Units. Developed in the main for use in the Jungle. But also used by all units who had them issued. It is a 'Popular' selling term used my Deact Dealers that the shorter MK3 was the 'Para' version! This is not quite the case. Whilst undoubtably the Airborne did use them. They were not specific Airborne issue. It continued to be issued alongside the MKI's & MKII's in the British Armed Forces, well into the Postwar Years of Worldwide Service. They are generaly unusual in numbers. Because a LOT were converted Postwar into 7.62mm Variants. Interesting that this batch were manufactured in 1955. On Specific Contract to the Irish Army, Apparantly.
  17. 'Matchbox Toy's latest release'!............:-)
  18. Nice 'Air Bags'!.............:-X
  19. 'Adapt, & Overcome'................:nut:
  20. On some Ferrets I have Owned & Worked on in Service. There is a block welded on the inside of the Right Hand Side (As looking forwards from the rear) of the Engine cover Hatch. It is threaded for 2 x Spark Plugs. Hope this is of some small assistance to you? (& Hopefully, other Ferret Owners) :-)
  21. The driver with the Handgun, has it to prevent unauthorised removal of any money. from the collection plate at the end of a service!.......
  22. There you go! BRDM Driver will need one of those!..................
  23. There you go! Ask & ye shall receive!.........:angel:
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