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Brown, Obama at Utah - D-Day


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A senior officer involved with the NVA and Hope for Heros just called and the conversation he told me that Brown and Obama will be at Utah for the 65th.


He said that 10 Downing Street went from a 'we will not be there' to a 'absolutely we will be going' as soon as they hard the Obama was going.


So it looks like a lot of Normandy is going to be a no go area.................

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It always had 'circus' written all over it. Now we know the clowns are going, I am convinced.



With all the US interest, eveyone will be convinced the Yanks landed single handedly in Normandy, and liberated Europe all by themselves. That´s the impression one gets when touring around the Normandy area.








Now let´s check the facts: On D-Day, the Allies landed around 156,000 troops in Normandy. The American forces landed numbered 73,000. In the British and Canadian sector, 83,115 troops were landed (61,715 of them British).


One of those 21,400 Canadians I knew personally, sadly he is being buried today. . . :(


- Hanno

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Maaaybe we could persuade certain gentlemen to add a 'mistaken' live round to the firing displays? :cool2: at least we now know why the Tresury purse strings suddnely burst open. Fortunetly the Departerment of calvados have made it quite clear the Vetran's are and will be the Distingushed visitors.

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If Brown is going to Utah rather than the British beaches it looks to me as if his advisers are afraid of him being snubbed by the vets. If he does visit the British/Canadian area I sincerely hope that the vets will treat him with the derision he deserves. The cynical behaviour doesn't surprise me but it grates so much that I find it difficult to diplomatically put into words how strongly I feel.

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I suppose these guys (world leaders) are damned if they do attend and damned if they don't.



You are missing the point Jack. Brown had originally said he wasn't going, but then it suddenly seems to have dawned on his 'advisers' the photo opportunities that would ensue from his presence and they were also expecting to be able to boast that they had paid for the vets. As I said previously this is the cynical behaviour which so annoys me.

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If Brown is going to Utah rather than the British beaches it looks to me as if his advisers are afraid of him being snubbed by the vets. If he does visit the British/Canadian area I sincerely hope that the vets will treat him with the derision he deserves. The cynical behaviour doesn't surprise me but it grates so much that I find it difficult to diplomatically put into words how strongly I feel.


Or the last words & sounds he'd hear might be the Vets responding to "Fix Bayonets". Next days headlines would read "English PM tragically stabbed to death in exhibition of Bayonet Fighting - 600 times"


I suppose these guys (world leaders) are damned if they do attend and damned if they don't.


No Jack - they are politicians - they are just Damned. Period.

If you want the reason why - count all the white crosses in the CWG sites or similar throughout the world. The most lethal weapon in the world is a politicians tongue. :argh:


You are missing the point Jack. Brown had originally said he wasn't going, but then it suddenly seems to have dawned on his 'advisers' the photo opportunities that would ensue from his presence and they were also expecting to be able to boast that they had paid for the vets. As I said previously this is the cynical behaviour which so annoys me.


Here, here!!!

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