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Lingfield Steam and Country Show

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Nice to meet you Stuart.A couple of pics ive slung in.......





My Jeep next to Marks Ward.


Mark,s(MM) Nicely turned out Jimmy





And some of the gang





TooTallMike,Mark(MilitaryMayhem)His daughter.Mark Heliops.And his twin sister????????Michelle.(I think).Cant see the resemblance.

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Hi all.


Returned from the Lingfield Show today (Monday) as we couldn't be bothered to pack up in the rain yeasterday.


Many thanks to Mark and his daughter, Ash, for looking after me - as I do need looking after.


Mark and I travelled in convoy on Friday morning - the only problem encountered was my throttle linkage fell to pieces due to a faulty nut - faulty because it hadn't been tightened properly during engine install. Oh well, live and learn. A temp repair was fabricated with to plasti-cuffs - thanks Mark.


Arrived at the site without getting wet - well sort off. We parked next to Graham and Tina (lovely couple) who own a top Scammell Explorer. Most people who attend any type of show with military vehicles will be familiar with them. Many thanks to them for feeding and watering Mark, Ash and I for most of the weekend.







Through out the rest of the day, various vehicles rolled in but by then Mark and I had started on the beer. Enough said.


Saturday, it rained, then rained some more, and then rained again. The sun didn't show it's face untill about 1400hrs. By then the military areas were filling up. Not as many as expected, but then again, it was raining.


Took some pictures, in no particular order as I tried to clear my headache.





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Saturday afternoonwas a criminal act of kiddnap and blackmail. Mark and I managed to get hold of Churchill - and hide him.



He was paraded in the arena by three shady looking kidnappers.




Eventually released after the ransom had been paid - beer!



Saturday night was fun. Had an invite to Graham and Tina's BBQ - where both Mark and I ate and drank very well. Infact Mark, Jackie and Graham had been drinking all afternoon in the cider tent - and it showed on there return.


Only Tina, Ash and I stayed sensible.



Best make that Ash and I.


Saturday night turned into a riot and we headed off to the funfair. The Dodgems took a beating and so did I.



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Sunday morning arrived - and it was raining and muggy.


A few more vehicle owners braved the weather - bless there souls. TTM showed up with Caroline - eventually and without my oil - and then expected tea - can you believe the cheek of some people.


The day was pretty much the same as Saturday.


All in all it was a good weekend - more of a meet and greet both old and new friends rather than a public show. The weather didn't really bother Mark and I - cos Ash was making all the tea. Ah, ya got love her - she worked her little socks off whilst me and Mark - er, er, done other things.




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