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MV Owners, Reenactors & wearing of uniforms


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Absolutely Correct!! :coffee2:


Relatives and foriegn worn on the Right, your own and honoured foriegn medals to the left :tup:


Except of course if your'e "Dressing Up"!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


All the Beast


Fred & Annika :banana: :yay:

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Do medals go with 'Little black dresses, high heels and fishnet stockings? (I think I need a lie down :sweat:) What is wrong with wearing a close relatives medals? It is a mark of respect to them and the others round them. For every medal won in action a hundred others would have performed acts that would have been exceptional in civilian life. This doesn't detract from those who won awards, or those who served with no awards. All who put their lives on the line for others are due the greatest of respect.

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I have also come under attack a few times at shows...


The wearing of a Denison seems to attrack a lot of harrasment. I only on the rare occasion wear a beret- that my father gave to me on his death bed along with medals and a denison.


Yet I had some fella from 2Para telling me at WP that I should not be wearing a Denison. even though my father earned it and I was wearing it in his honour! "thats not the point its disrespectful and you did not earn it" He stated. Well I wish my father was there! as I know what he would have said


I understand the honour of the red beret and hence do not wear in public as much as I would like to in honour of my late father.


My mother has a few pictures of my father in uniform and my self in the RE. but she keeps the one of him in PARA and me dressed in his PARA side by side...


continuing the memories.. I think thats the main thing about a "show" keeping memories and history alive.


In a good and tastful fashion!


I shall continue to wear a denison







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Well...He Was ONLY 2 PARA!!!! :whistle: ( Only 2 things fall out the sky,Bird S... n Para's ...except the Bird S.... is far more accurate!!) :rofl: :rofl:


As was mentioned about my wearing of my fathers uniform etc. ...It is not disrespectfull and anyway...was the guy really ex 2 para...There are a lot of wannaby's out there, just the same as when anyone comes up to me at any of the shows and starts off with the "I was in the SAS".....I straight away lose any interest in what ever else they have got to say!!

Cos its gonna be C..... :whistle:


But of course it also makes them wonder when I point out that I was a Trooper in the Regiment!!!...All ex Life Guards refer to it as "The Regt" and I was ...A Trooper!!

Makes em stop n think tho!! :whistle:


You wear it mate, just as I will wear it .... its for our fathers not for us!! Its Called PRIDE! :tup:


Fred & Annika :banana: :yay:

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behave mate someone had to be para's just like im a ex monkey :police:

every reg/corps had a job and most of us will always show vehicles and uniforms correctly

since coming out i have mellowed more and now will advice for any section and even always have a brew on at all shows :whistle:

but shoes/boots always polished

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Well...He Was ONLY 2 PARA!!!! :whistle: ( Only 2 things fall out the sky,Bird S... n Para's ...except the Bird S.... is far more accurate!!) :rofl: :rofl:


As was mentioned about my wearing of my fathers uniform etc. ...It is not disrespectfull and anyway...was the guy really ex 2 para...There are a lot of wannaby's out there, just the same as when anyone comes up to me at any of the shows and starts off with the "I was in the SAS".....I straight away lose any interest in what ever else they have got to say!!

Cos its gonna be C..... :whistle:


But of course it also makes them wonder when I point out that I was a Trooper in the Regiment!!!...All ex Life Guards refer to it as "The Regt" and I was ...A Trooper!!

Makes em stop n think tho!! :whistle:


You wear it mate, just as I will wear it .... its for our fathers not for us!! Its Called PRIDE! :tup:


Fred & Annika :banana: :yay:



Could make our first meeting brief then!! :-)

I was a Trooper in one of the Regiments - 21 to be precise.... :-) :-) :whistle:

Very few know there were actually 3 Regiments (I'm told Des Browne the MoD's mis-managing MP has merged 21 and 23 into what was "R" squadron of 22) or their geographical roles and operational doctrines- it's an easy way to nobble a "wannabe. :-)

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But of course it also makes them wonder when I point out that I was a Trooper in the Regiment!!!...All ex Life Guards refer to it as "The Regt" and I was ...A Trooper!!

Makes em stop n think tho!! :whistle:


People who only read McNab / Ryan books stupidly think that because THEY refer to themselves as The Regiment, that everybody else thinks of THEM as The Regiment.


Not so. Every officer and soldier who serves in any regiment thinks of themselves as The Regiment.


For example. Vist http://www.arrse.co.uk and the RAC Forum. Every couple of weeks another young lad signs on and his first post reads:


"I am joining the Army and want to serve in the RAC. Which is the best regiment?"


And every time it happens, it starts an inter-regimental flame war which continues until somebody tells him that, "Whichever regiment you serve in, that will be the best regiment. End of argument. FACT."


I was a Trooper in The Regiment for four and a half years. The Regiment was 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars.

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Wey-Eye Alien Lad!! :rofl: :rofl:


But of Course The Life Guards are the Better Regiment!!! :bow: Being the Senior Regt of the British Army n all that like!! Ha Ha! :wave:

( Except of course for when the RHA Kings Troop have got their Guns out! I Know!!) :coffee:


Point Made eh!! :tup:


All the Beast


Fred & Annika :banana: :yay:

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I must have gone to the wrong meeting? I could swear the 33rd/101st Royal Engineers were called "the Regiment" even when I was TA as well at 579 squadron we were sure the 33RE were the Regiment?



Im sure SAS is standing for Saturdays and Sundays? might be wrong :evil:

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I must have gone to the wrong meeting? I could swear the 33rd/101st Royal Engineers were called "the Regiment" even when I was TA as well at 579 squadron we were sure the 33RE were the Regiment?



Im sure SAS is standing for Saturdays and Sundays? might be wrong :evil:



Said in the wrong place/company you could be VERY wrong.... :evil: :evil: :evil:

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As could those above.... :-) Not all my former brothers were/are as easy going as yours truly... :-)


In all honesty though, despite the friendly rivalry, both SAS & SBS could and did work closely together and as far as I know still do. I have un-funny (claustrophobia really doesn't help on a sub) memories of HM Submarine Otter and doing boat landing practice from her with the SBS

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I agree with all being said about THE Regiment, everybody should say that the regiment/unit they are serving in is the best, however I agree with AFTM reply 60 above that 15/19 H was a good regiment (12 Years), so were the other units I've served in.



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Could make our first meeting brief then!! :-)

I was a Trooper in one of the Regiments - 21 to be precise.... :-) :-) :whistle:

Very few know there were actually 3 Regiments (I'm told Des Browne the MoD's mis-managing MP has merged 21 and 23 into what was "R" squadron of 22) or their geographical roles and operational doctrines- it's an easy way to nobble a "wannabe. :-)



Sorry Mate :rofl:


But you of all people will know what I mean! :cofee:

My only contact with SAS guys was in NI, when a team of them asked us to go on a VCP and operate in a sloppy manner ie lighting up ciggies etc. to attract the attention of a group they were trackin!!

Needless to say...none of us fancied being the victim of the third light!! if you get my drift! :tup:

We did the patrol and the VCP but....very twitchy!!!...Think they got their quarry without our help tho...there was no contact!!...So... they must have got there before us eh? :whistle:


Anyway, would love to join you for a cuppa....if you will still let me? :redfaced:


All the Beast


Fred :banana:

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Sorry Mate :rofl:


But you of all people will know what I mean! :cofee:

My only contact with SAS guys was in NI, when a team of them asked us to go on a VCP and operate in a sloppy manner ie lighting up ciggies etc. to attract the attention of a group they were trackin!!

Needless to say...none of us fancied being the victim of the third light!! if you get my drift! :tup:

We did the patrol and the VCP but....very twitchy!!!...Think they got their quarry without our help tho...there was no contact!!...So... they must have got there before us eh? :whistle:


Anyway, would love to join you for a cuppa....if you will still let me? :redfaced:


All the Beast


Fred :banana:



Be glad to mate!! If you're doing the Plains trip there may even be a bacon butty to with it!! :-)

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I served with 21 SAS (V) as a VM in the LAD.


Was attached to C squadron located in Bramley, Basingstoke where they film Scrapheap Challenge.


Then moved to HQ just before the HQ moved to Regents Park Barracks from Duke of Yorks.


Must be getting old, can't remember dates but I think I left in 2002 when I joined the Fire Service.


I remember I was offered the opportunity to undertake selection - laugh, I nearly cried -


DO I LOOK STUPID. :coffee2:



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Let's see, own a vehicle that is 60 plus years old, requires about £30 worth of fuel to prime the carb. Happily spends hours covered in muck and rust. Would rather spend 5 days in a tent in the mud at a show that a week in luxury hotel. After going for a drive have to pick flies out of your teeth. No, by our standards your pretty normal. :whistle:

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