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I've been reading about the recent floods and wondering if anyone had been out making the most of them in their MV? Anyone tried deep wading in a Champ or a Stalwart? Pictures, please.

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I have had to go through some flooding in the family car!!!!! Our back garden looks like a swamp, seem to be constantly on flood alert from environment agency being as we are on sea front. As said its the wettest drought ever!!!!

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apparently its the wrong type of rain!!!!


Naturally! This is England after all. :-D At 05:00 this morning the Ducks were wearing life jackets and hard hats, at 14:00 bone dry bright sunny and warm. So what's diffrent about this summer ? :whistle:

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Naturally! This is England after all. :-D At 05:00 this morning the Ducks were wearing life jackets and hard hats, at 14:00 bone dry bright sunny and warm. So what's diffrent about this summer ? :whistle:
same here Tony, I have hung the washing out this afternoon!!!!!! but I did have to paddle in the flooded garden to get to the washing line!!!!!

Just hope the weather improves for show season.

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Naturally! This is England after all. :-D At 05:00 this morning the Ducks were wearing life jackets ...


City slicker driving his flash Merc in the Norfolk lanes, comes upon a ford and an old boy sitting on the fence nearby. Winds his window down and shouts rudely "I say, YOU - is that river shallow enough for me to get across?" To which the old boy replies lazily "Well I should ha' thought so, Sir".


So slicker drives full pelt into the river and the water flows in through his open window. "You idiot", he shouted - "I thought you said it was shallow enough?"


The old boy scratched his brow and replied "Well tha's a rumm'n - the water only come half way up the Master's ducks".....

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I took our youngest down to our allotment yesterday for a post winter check. The fields at the bottom of the allotments are flooded higher then Ive seen them in 40 odd years. With the sun out and the floodwater at the bottom of the field it was like being at the seaside. Barmy.

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Pics please?...


What of? My washing? It's only the blanket my youngest threw up on last night!!!



Although you can't see it now (been glorious all afternoon!) the grass is sodden!!!

Edited by rosie
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We could do with a bit of that warmth and sunshine up here, it's just raining almost constantly night and day and quite cold and windy most of the time. A lot of lambs are being lost in the area, they just can't stand the constant wet and get chilled. Just to top things off we are having trouble with dogs, 2 pairs are roaming about chasing and killing sheep and several of us are carrying guns all the time.

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