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Filming 'Relief of Belsen' in Dorset

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*did anyone spot the blooper, though ?? (well, I don't think I imagined it. :whistle:)




I am sure i spotted a Jeep "blooper" also mentioned at last nights meeting.

may well have to watchagain to make sure.




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*did anyone spot the blooper, though ?? (well, I don't think I imagined it. :whistle:)




I am sure i spotted a Jeep "blooper" also mentioned at last nights meeting.

may well have to watchagain to make sure.






I didn't notice that ?? :dunno:

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Location is the Old Cordite factory at Holton Heath, Near Wareham in Dorset.

The site was last used as Admiralty Research Establishment.


Had to stop watching the programme............... Woman in the Typhus hospital was to be given an injection, She went mad and attacked the nurse. When a new nurse asked why she reacted so,the reply was the patient thought the injection was benzin - the germans injected them with benzine so they would burn faster


I once read a book about the final solution in which it was discussed how the oven loaders considered their task to be an art, ensuring that immediately above the flames was a layer of female corpses whose higher ratio of fat to muscle ensured that the pyre burnt more efficiently and consumed the bodies more fully. A bit like cooking burgers on the BBQ before sausage.



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Depending on how much of an anorak you wish to be, you could comment on the Mitas 10.50-16 tyres used on some of the ambulances and the Bedford Fuel Tanker. The tread pattern is not war-time but untill recently it was the only type in production in the world.


Wallace Wade now makes 10.50-16 tyres in British Track Grip pattern.

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Thinking about it more, the officer was also using a Larkspur Head Set and Mic when he was talking on the radio.


Perhaps this could be a new competition for sad people. Spot the mistakes.

Its a pitty the film makers don't take more advice.



Try this site http://www.moviemistakes.com/ for all those movie mistakes. Saving Private Ryan is listed as 91 mistakes.

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after the scene where the British officer tears down the two swactica flags the next scene shows a jeep driving away......... but the Jerry can and the spare tyre have swapped sides with the wheel and tyre on the left as viewed and the Jerry can on the Right ?? :dunno:



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the scene I mentioned, a few postings ago,..............the film crew had not blocked out road behind, properly. :whistle:

Modern car was seen to go past, :roll:


SAD, I KNOW............... ;-)




that was one of Adolf`s "wonder weapons" to save the war :roll: :roll:



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