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Restoration of GPW 192326


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Hi all,


I thought it was about time I started posting on my little restoration project.


This is her, at her original home in Sth London. She was imported in 2008 from the Phillipines, and hasn't really been touched since. She is a bit of a miss-mash in reality, but she runs, drives and stops.




The engine is from a Willys generator, the chassis is April'44, and the body is a composite ACM11, but has a number which puts it later than '44 I think??


Here she is at home, ready to be stripped to her last nut and bolt.



After a few days...



I've never seen welding as bad as there is on my chassis. Bubba really went to town on this one. Some of the shock mounts have been repaired four times!!!


Here's a good pic of Bubba's work. Just look at that battery tray!!!



I've started the restoration with the front axle. Pics will follow....

Thanks for looking


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As promised, here's some pretty axle pics.








Because I'm a big sissy, and dont want to scratch the new paint, I decided to turn up some nylon sleeves..


They work really well!!


Here's a set of NOS planet gears



And here it is, all back together.




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I forgot some of the pics to show you on the way to the painted results.


The Bubba owner had removed the needle rollers from the bell crank, and decided to insert a brass bush, and then tighten down the nut as much as possible, so he could wear out the casting on the axle casing.




After a bit of welding and grinding, it looks like this...



I also needed to reolace the brake pipe brackets..



Here's the very complete NOS diff pinion shim kit.



And the CV joint components



Here the axle is almost complete, awaiting brakes and steering gear..



A pretty looking restored swivel joint...



Look at the lovely rear brakes that Bubba fitted a long time ago..



And the new ones that this Bubba is gonna replace them with..



That's all for now. I'm back out in the garage now for a couple of hours.

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Just a little update for you all....


I finally got the new rear diff fitted into the axle. I managed to get a genuine 1945 Willys boxed diff from Cliff at universal jeep spares, Thanks Cliff....


Here's a pic of the pattern after many hours of shim swapping and bearings going in and out of the ale/diff!!




I look forward to starting on the Chassis soon, fabricating is my favourite part of any project.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

I finally got the axles done, and here they are awaiting a final coat of O/D




I've now stripped the T/C and transmission, so while the parts are sourced for them, I thought I'd get on with the chassis, (The best bit!!!)

Just look at Bubba's battery tray...



And bubba's shock mount repairs..



The front of the chassis is a real mess. I didn't realise just how bad it was until i cut all of the Bubba repairs out of it....



Here's what I mean....


Thanks for stopping by, I should have some cleaned up pics later.

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Thanks for your replies Guys.


Enigma, I'm not quite sure what you mean?? Do you mean the shocks??


Willyslancs, She would be a great help, but her paws just cant grip any tools whatsoever!!


Catch 22, what good work?? I look forward to carrying out some constructive, rather than destructive work!! It's a mess!!


So, the story continues...


Here's what was under that horrible front right shock mount..



And the left...



How about this mess!!! looks like Bubba wanted to replace the rear crossmember, but didn't want to tackle the rivetting, so, why not just cut the end of the frame rail off!!



The frame has been dismantled now, and boy, I'm glad I did it!! These are the inner rails, or what's left of them!!



Just a little crack..



And a spot of rust...



More rust, this time in the actual rails....



And more cracks and rust...



That's enough for today, so it's off to the pub!!



Thanks for stopping by.

Edited by Nigelr32
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Dont be modest Nigel, ur saving another green machine and thats always good work!!. I am trying to save one also, a Stolly, check out (Alvis Stalwart 18 ET 29 restoration project) on this site.


Let us know how you get on with the welding, also what are you going to to about the rivet's?


Thanks Ross

Edited by Catch 22 LBDR
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I'm back again with some more little snippets of what I've been up to this week.

Here's the state of the tub mounting brackets...



Here they are now, with the rusted and deformed scrap I cut out of them..



I had the front crossmember blasted, and found that it was in a sorry state. Jim down at Allied forces did the blasting, and what a thorough job he did!!



So, some cutting was required, and the fitting up of some new steel. The gaps are there on purpose, for a good strong weld.



Here's how it looks now. I just need to drill the holes.



Some other bits to tackle....




I can't wait to get stuck into those rails!!!

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By gosh if ever there was a accident waiting to happen it was that chassis!. You did the right thing in taking it completely apart it never ever would have been right any other way . Great repairs and attention to details ! Although its been badly abused in the past , with these repairs you will insure it another chance to be seen on and off the road for many years to come !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Here's the latest instalment in my project GPW.

The transmission casings were all blasted by Jim down at Allied Forces. He's the guy who makes all the canvas for all military vehicles, and ships all over the world.

Here they are following a good parafin wash, pressure wash and a coat of red oxide.



And some other bits



I also found these little beauties on my shift levers



The frame came back from the blasters today, and OMG what a surprise I had!!



I asked the guy to go heavy as it was so rusty, and unbelievably, it's not as bad as i thought it might be...it's still bad though




I'll post more before and after pics as I go..


For a laugh, just look at Bubba's welds, following blasting..



Thanks for looking

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Here's what i've been up to this evening...



This is the front of the inner frame rail, and as you can see, it's pretty rotten, so I made a new piece.



And, this is how I made it, using a good ol card template.



This piece will be trimmed, bolted to the main outer rail, then fitted and welded to the inner rail in situ.

Thanks for looking

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

G'day mate, I live in Australia and own GPW 192337, DOD 4/44. I am interested in who and how you purchased a jeep from the Philippines. I have a Philippina wife and been there many times, also have met a few jeep guys there. Vic in Manila is a wheeler and dealer and rebuilds jeeps from time to time. Looks like you are doing a thorough job of the rebuild. Keep up the good work.:-) LL.

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