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Ime Paul

Ex Military with 25 years of service behind me, as they say its in your blood and hard to get out after so long hence the ARV 432 I have just purchased :nut:


It's in pretty much pristine condition and I have no intentions of off roading it, purely as a posing machine and smoke maker.

Ive kitted the back out with a fridge, TV, Carpet and comfy bench pads and will post some more pics later.


Thanks for looking and letting me in



432 011.jpg

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Welcome aboard, I wan't you to know that I am not attacking FV432 ownership. I am sorry my first reply to one of your posts was a bit abrupt. I was not appreciating that you are a new member.


The arguement about the legality of roading FV432 has rattled on for over a year, and in the past people have argued "if the Army do it, then I can" before, and I have replied to them with a response just like the reply I gave you. I get fed up saying the same thing time and time again, and I forgot you would not have read earlier similar posts that explain why running a FV432 on British roads is walking on very thin ice, and how the arguement you use is not sustainable.


But "there is no person so deaf as the one who does not wish to hear".. And that is why I keep having to same the same thing time and time again. That is why I get fed up.


My apologies. I am trying to be helpful.


I hope you also take it as helpful when I say that the retro reflective marker boards fitted ahead of your exhausts are only allowed to be fitted to the rear of vehicles. Lighting regulations forbid the showing of a light of any other colour than white to the front of a vehicle. Retro relective markers emit a red and yellow light. They should not be mounted in this position.


Have you concidered fitting either white outline marker lamps, or white reflectors that would serve the same very laudable intention of drawing attention to the side projections, but which would actually be lawful and comply with Lighting regs.



Edited by antarmike
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Hi, think I'll just open the window and shout hello, as I'm also from Leam, (just down the road from Town & Country Landrover).


Do come over to the show I'm organising at the end of the month if you can, Wartime in the Vale, Evesham.


Where are you storing 432?



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