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Military Vehicle Ghosts .....????????? :)


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OK , so its a really , really stupid question , but has anyone ever encountered any "strange" goings on when working with their beloved vehicle ?


Working alone late at night in the depths of some dark shed , and some one passes you a 7/16 spanner..


Any ghosts hanging around ? When you consider that the primary role of some vehicles was to bump off the enemy , and many of them were involved in some rather stressful encounters (to use a politically correct term) it wouldn't be strange to assume that some vehicles may have more history behind them than meets the eye...


When you think how many crews were on some of these vehicles, and the length of time that some of them served - maybe they have more history than we know.


There are numerous haunted ships and aircraft. Why not a tank !


Anyone seen a ghost ! Just to get the ball rolling , my Ferret seems to like Buddy Holly ...:red: its true.....

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I belive there is a ghost at Bovington, Herman the German. There were allegedly several ghosts on the Royal Arsenal Site at Woolwich, and going around in the rain and wind at 2 am you could well belive it. I've given up marvelling at the 'Strange Coincidences', my Dodge has got me into.

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Thats true Tony


phantom marching footsteps on gravel outside guardhouse, area paved, hanged ww1 officer in B40 Accademy, and a young girls voice in basement there as well, Grey lady in Firepowers archive and WW1 gunner in main display by 18pdr upstairs, also a chap fell through the roof and cold feelings on walkthough bridge between B45 and 37 allegedly where heads were displayed on spikes. I believe Elanie Mortimore is doing a walk and talk about them later in the year



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ghosts have been in my ferret and stolen all the electric out of it !


Well whenever I am working on the ferret, things seem to go much better if There is some rock and roll or similar on the radio. Especially Buddy Holly !!! Weird eh ? I think that maybe this was on the tannoy in the factory when it was built !!!


There is a definate character to some vehicles , generally older ones. if there is a ghost in it it seems avery happy one !

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possible Neave for the east and I have a copy of the last full survey before demolition for the new prison set up, no mention, but have never been allowed access to that area, nothing mentioned by the urban explorers from 28 days later site who have visited that part either. never had access to Ver Bruggen's house.


The rest sounds like Gremlins at work or Pookahs (see Harvey with James Stewart) although the 432 could have been feeling guilty as it should have been built at Woolwich not at Wellington shropshire, except fo government of the day' decision to stop manufacture in London area.

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possible Neave for the east and I have a copy of the last full survey before demolition for the new prison set up, no mention, but have never been allowed access to that area, nothing mentioned by the urban explorers from 28 days later site who have visited that part either. never had access to Ver Bruggen's house.


The story is that after Airey Neave's Avenger was taken to the Arsenal for forensics two of his fingers were found. They were intered under a rose bush surrounding the big old willow tree. The result was that is you walked around there, especially on a windy night, you could fel the fingers on the back of the neck. This story was told to a new contarct security gaurd. He was then sent out on patrol. about 30 minutes later he is up at the gate in his car, hooting and flashing headlights demanding to be let out. Futher investigation revealed he claimed he had 'Felt the fingers on his nrck'. He flatly refused to return.

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Thats true Tony


phantom marching footsteps on gravel outside guardhouse, area paved, hanged ww1 officer in B40 Accademy, and a young girls voice in basement there as well, Grey lady in Firepowers archive and WW1 gunner in main display by 18pdr upstairs, also a chap fell through the roof and cold feelings on walkthough bridge between B45 and 37 allegedly where heads were displayed on spikes. I believe Elanie Mortimore is doing a walk and talk about them later in the year




If you hear any more details, please can you let me know, as my Wife likes going on these 'Ghost Walks' - she is a fan of "Most Haunted". She's been on a couple of Ghost walks in the past, but never seen or heard anything.

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Ah the Romans!


Forgot to mention that whilst they were preparing the site in the arsenal for civillian use they found over 20 Roman grave cuts under the dial square buildings and in last couple of years have found Roman occupation just outside Arsenal site in warren lane 20 foot down kilns. have some piccies if anyone interested?

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Ah the Romans!


Forgot to mention that whilst they were preparing the site in the arsenal for civillian use they found over 20 Roman grave cuts under the dial square buildings and in last couple of years have found Roman occupation just outside Arsenal site in warren lane 20 foot down kilns. have some piccies if anyone interested?


Photo's are allways wellcome.

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Photo's are allways wellcome.

My hand's were shacking to much! :D As for the Officer's Mess at Woolwich. It is also used for Blood donor sessions. I was doing an event there during one of these sessions and talking with the Blood tranfusion staff, one of them said to me 'I hate this place, it gives me the creeps, I'm sure its haunted', She had no knowledge of the ghost, until I told her.

The Jersey War tunnels Ho8, or as it is commonly known The Underground Hospital', even in the car park the place sets my teeth on edge. I went in there once as a child, bear in mind we used to play in all the bunkers, it is the only one I won't go in. Blashford Snell tells a story about when he was clearing tunnels at L'Aleval, the 'German Road'. He was educated in Jersey,. During the early sixte's two children died of suffication after breacking into sealed tunnels. The decision was taken to clear them. B/S was in charge. For saftey reasons no one entered alone. One trip he went in with his assistant, he spoke to his assistant asking him to arange something. the assistant then left. Sometime later B/S left the tunnel and asked the assisitant why he had been so long. The assistant looked bewildered and said' But I never went in'.

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My wife and I honeymooned on Jersey in 1977 and visited the underground hospital as it was then certainly gave me the willies but didnt seem so bad when we went back a couple of years ago and it had been demilitarised in its exhibits, except for the shop which carried more military stuff than Firepower does.

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Alan, you no doubt heard the story that as the slave worker's , mostly though not entirley Russian prisioners, were cemented into the floor when they died? Officially this never happned. Though it is acepted that at least nine died when the unfinished tunnel collapsed, there is no record of the bodies being recovered. As for the bodies under the floor? On balance of probaliites...... There there.

The grandmother of an old friend lived on Rue De Franciff in St Peter's. It is a long hill. She had nightmare's most of her life. At about 06:30 every morning during most of the Occupation she was woken by the slap of wooden clogs and bare feet. The slave worker's being marched from the camp at St Brelade to the work sites.

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