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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Congratulations to Jack and all the moderators for returning the forum back online. Though threads / posts ( many of which were works of art ) have possibly been lost, i am sure there is equal if not better to follow. Ashley A little something from St mere Eglise
  2. Hi Tony 3 for me please (myself,wife and daughter) Ashley
  3. Hi Jack, why do YOU feel that you`ve let us down, it seem to me that it was out of your hands. Ashley
  4. Hi all, nice to be back after several atempts of trying to sign on decided to spend the evening talking to my dear partner.......till she dozed off 15 minutes later must of been the forbidden word i spoke.....................jeep ;O. Ashley
  5. Hi all, i am sure that this is one of the vehicle dumps after the battle for the Falaise pocket was closed. the small tracked vehicles are Renaults and i belive they towed trailers of ammo/supplies. Ashley
  6. If you checkout detectorweb.cz there is plenty of evidence that they are pulling out vehicles preserved like this one through out old Russia ,Poland etc but those that are in water are not so well preserved but still with in restoration capabilities (read cash) It is the mud that preserves them as well as the cold atmosphere. Ashley
  7. I would agree with the above entirely, but as we`ve put up with it for so long i don`t really see the circumstances changing in the foreseeable future. I am also tend to think the individuals will suffer like my self who travel alone to the show (with/without a support vehicle ) for me, it is my selfish owntime away and with more shows than i could ever attend starting to post out their flyer's in the next couple of years something will have to give. Ashley
  8. Hi to all, Taken from the Dorset MVT website............ may be of interest to some here, i went last year and had a great day not to rushed also the weather was :tup: :tup: Actual itinerary to be decided, but the decision time is usually very short (depending on offer times) Ashley May / June 2008 24 Hour road run in Normandy Following on from the day trip last August we are planning another one for late May early June 2008. Format will be as before. Leaving on a Thursday 23.00Hrs from Poole on the overnight sailing. Arrive Cherbourg around 06:30Hrs. Drive down towards Colleville-sur-Mer / Arromanches arriving around 09:00Hrs Make our way back towards Cherbourg for the evening departure for Poole 19:00Hrs. Total mileage in France around 150 to 170 miles. Cost approx £20 car £15 per passenger (last years offer price). Please contact :- Andrew Craig email: andrew@craigclan.fsnet.co.uk
  9. If I ever had the money to operate a warbird, it would be painted to look scruffy, chipped, worn and generally abused. Steve sounds like my jeep :-D :-D Ashley
  10. I am sure i caught a glimpse of a programme about this the other night on the history channel along with the bats and explosives devices scenario. Ashley
  11. Knowing Lawson he has probally just finished cleaning it, i can see a puddle of WD40 behind the rear wheels....still a nice truck :tup: Ashley
  12. My Self......... started life in a BMH ( British Military Hospital) and spent my life with green surroundings (dad left the R.E`s in 1974) became very interested in the First World War,built many a plastic kit (military of course) even went to Sutton Coalfield on leaving school to gain entry to the Army.. changed mind and joined a travelling fun fair :whistle: happy days Always had an intrest in 20 century German history and collected a fair amount of German militaria, along the way in 2001 brought the jeep which i had known of for over twenty years never regretted it, had great times met some fantastic people (+ the odd T****r) looking forward to the circit in 2008 and beooooooynd :tup: :tup: Ashley
  13. Congratulation to you both, life will never be the same :schocked: enjoy all the experiences for they will happen probally once. Do not forget the O.D. car seat for the dodge Ashley
  14. Hi, i am also very glad that the road fund license has not kept up with its modern counterpart :-D Ashley
  15. Hi, I am surethat the second picture show the same type of vehicle in use, just the front wheels covered by debris etc. This appears to be a very late picture showing the grey uniform being worn rather than the black Panzer uniform. Also shown is the very rare grey Panzer crash beret being worn i have only seen one in real life :schocked: and most collectors would mortgage their house for one. Just a pity i had to sell my black one at Beltring last year :cry: :cry: Ashley
  16. Watch that stuff mate people have known to O.D. on it :nut: :nut: 8-) All the Best to all members for 2008..... named, pseudonyms , hidden, guest, and also the spiders ? Ashley
  17. Best wishes for the 40 Jack, best set the alarm for A.M. otherwise when you wake up you would have missed it :-D Ashley
  18. Hi Tony, certainly sound like a good possibility :tup: keep us in touch with a possible date. Ashley
  19. The price cannot gaurentee authenticity, a good friend of mine and also a collector of Fallschirmjager smocks helmets insignia etc once paid nearly £10,000 for a smock and had to wait several years and beat off stiff competition to to seal the deal on the item :schocked: :schocked: Ashley
  20. Be warned this guy i sure is a top faker of militaria if you visit wehrmacht-awards.com and can carry out a search of Snyders treasures no one has anything nice to say about him...well worth checking. Ashley
  21. Hi, judging by the uniforms (and in the first pic the vehicles ) the first three look American the others could be anthing :dunno: Ashley
  22. Looks sort of Italian to me ? :shake: is the prime mover a Lantil tractor (if such things exist). The gun it appears to have been mounted on a stretched car chassis or a truck chassis. (It even looks as though it is going backwards :-D)
  23. Very nice Marty :tup: thanks for sharing. Ashley
  24. C`mon don`t be shy old boy, post away. I belive i too have some but are packed away at the mo. I shall have to try and dig them out. Ashley
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