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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Rick, these were guided by wires into enemy lines (strongholds m.g. nest etc) or towards armoured vehicles (light ? ) as opposed to demo/mine fields Ashley
  2. A few that i have (the ones i never gave away :cry: :cry:) usually had a vague caption typed onto a slip of paper stuck to the reverse. The German (SS) equivalent had large stamp with a pencilled (usually inked over) description on the reverse. Ashley
  3. I remember meeting J Batchelor on a couple of occasions and eventually brought some of his art work for military publications, i still have a signed piece of a German 8 - rad in Afrika colours Ashley
  4. please put me down for Two as well Ashley P.S. WILL THE DUVET COVERS BE OUT BEFOR CHRISTMAS AS I NEED TO BUY THE WIFE A PRESENT FOR OUR NEW HOME :-D :-D... :angry: :angry:
  5. Ditto as in last post :-) :-) Ashley
  6. Thanks for the extra pictures Radek :tup: :tup:, true testament to the effort and time put in to the reenactment. Ashley
  7. Hi Radek, i can appreciate what you are saying, and due to the scarcity of British softskins in comparison to U.S. it is good to know that a keen effort is being made to restoe save these vehicles /parts. Ashley
  8. Is this the one that attends the W&P SHOW ? aSHLEY
  9. Hi Radek, i knew that your country had many fine exaples of WW2 dated German vehicles, but did not realise the intrest (or availability) of allied vehicles :tup: :tup: The last picture you posted looks more like a fire tender than an ambulance ? Ashley
  10. Hi Tony B, do we know if these troops are Canadian or not ?? Ashley
  11. Hi all, the easiest way was that British vehicles had Divisional,regimental,Corps insignia on them. Also believe most of the British vehicles (as in jeeps) removed the pioneer tools. The side lights were moved to the wings, and probally had canvas buckets in the rear pintle hook :-D :-D Ashley
  12. Hi and welcome Paul, where in BAOR were you stationed ?though i was not in the forces spent time in Osnabruck and in Hamm. Ashley
  13. All the best guys,enjoy yourselves :dancinggirls: :banana: :banana:
  14. Hi all, this coucd be from the "flickr photos normandie " site .Tried to copy a link across but no joy yet . I an sure there is already a link to this site here on the forum if it is flickr Ashley
  15. Hobby :- something for pleasure (Oxford Dictionary) PLEASURE being the operative word, though i have always been in contact with military vehicles other hobbies have taken precedencebut these have like Jack suggested have fallen by the wayside due to escalating costs and the ever increasing influx of reproductions mainly in the German militaria market, you would not believe the amount of money some people part with for worth less rubbish...literally i have seen it, have had to walk away, and when shown the item at a later date i have voiced my doubts accused of sour grapes :banghead: :banghead: Fuel prices must be taken into consideration when deciding what show to attend especially in areas where there are few really local shows and long distance / large vehicles with low MPG have to be taken into account and i confess wit out my trailer i would not take my jeep to Beltring. Anyways off to e-bay to try and find some cheap German Iron Crosses.... :-D :-D Ashley
  16. Hi all, until recently the army was quite often seen carrying out driver training through the town center of Bournemouth, and Boscombe. It appears quite often that accidents happen with military driver training, also quite recently an (experimental ??) Challenger 2 fell off its trailer just outside of Ringwood on the St. Leonard's road. Luckily no one was injured :sweat: Ashley
  17. Hi Steve, if it is a Dutch built trailer does this mean that the axle's are German, in accordance with the makers plate as shown?? Ashley
  18. ashley

    MV noise levels

    Slightly off topic........ i once dared a school friend(?) to feed the school sow by hand, i forgot to feed her at the usual time (mid-dayish) :whistle: and when he trid to feed her she was not at all happy and the kid nearly lost his hand luckily he chickened out after one sow nut, dropped the feed and ran litrally for his life Ashley
  19. Hi Steve, just going on the info i was given, havn`t been able to really check it over as it is stored approx 4 miles from home for the time being. Ashley
  20. and oh yeah better paint yourself a camouflage helmet to hide up somewhere.... (we need a firing squad set of smilies) Ashley
  21. Luckily it came with Two bar tread tyres, may fit them, may keep them for the jeep. Also it has a canvas cover as well as the vinyl one but has the shorter lunette which can make reversing more difficult. When it stops raining i will get some practice in. Ashley
  22. Hi Jack, the name cherry can to jerry can may be a figment of someones imagination but as far as i know the rest is treue. Ashley
  23. Come on Jack, speak to the real boss of the house and put her straight :angry: :angry:........ if one of the horses gets bogged down (has been a tad wet lately) you will need a WLF to lift it out of the mire. It could potentially save a gee gee `s life so`s to speak :roll: :roll: If not go for the no seven set and buy yourself a m/cycle to show her who`s boss. (BUT DON`T TELL HER IT WAS MY IDEA) Ashley
  24. Not really as i belive that this one wasn`t tooooo expensive :dunno: :dunno: Ashley
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