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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Yep, all going well i`ll be there, as the jeep is buried under a pile of tarpaulins at present after knocking down the garage a couple of weeks ago :roll: Ashley
  2. Especially if you raise the bonnet and two of you stare in to the engine bay pointing....bound to attract a crowd :-D Ashley
  3. Hi, out of intrest... have any of the local MVT pledged their support ?? Ashley
  4. Its better if you spray it green as well :-D Ashley
  5. Up untill recently this AV7 was parked in the open air,as far as i know several persons have offered to restore it in the past but it has been denied as it would no longer be origonal ?? As to the replica i was told several years ago that it was planned to build a few of these for museums... may be not. Ashley
  6. Hi Enigma try this detectorweb.cz Ashley
  7. I lived to join the Army piratically all my young life , went to Sutton Coalfield for my three days induction my father was so proud. Came home changed, my mind joined a funfair had a truly mind opening summer with the fair crew, moved to south UK been here ever since. One minor glinch was offered a job as a camp guard, £500 a week (swiss bank account) tax free was told it would be overseas but untill the police came knocking did not realise i had signed up as a mercanary soldier for Angola in 1975 :shake: :shake: never really regretted it. Ashley
  8. The origonal "all quite on the western front" German version of Das Boot, and also from the German WW2 perspective Die Brucke (the bridge) sorry umlats not available Ashley
  9. It was "i went through the desert on a horse with no name" Ashley
  10. Hi, there is a site called "detector web" IIRC that due to low river levels in former Russia, several tanks aemoured vehicles are being saved from thier watery tombe`s Also rember that due to enviromental issues some tanks are being rescued by goverment agencies to prevent fuel etc polluting rivers and lakes Ashley
  11. `ere Jack, any use to you for the missis ?? http://www.milweb.net/index2.html Ashley
  12. Hi all, similar to others my early days was spent (up till i was 16 yrs old ) in army life and seeing all types of vehicles from ww2 types and early fifties vehicles. My earliest hands on with a military vehicle was in 1972 (at 13) as my father was in NI the regt. wanted to have a day for all the children, most were content with climbing over vehicles trying on uniforms etc, but with my brother and two others we asked to actually drive some vehicles. Some weeks later we were at a training ground called Achmer (one of Germanys first jet fighter bases) where we did circits of humps and bumps in an old 10 ton GS wagon, (read Hippo) never getting out of first gear for what seemed like hours. Then smaller trucks intill we took turns in a landrover, and to finish a 432. A fantistic week end and one i shall never forget. Ashley
  13. Hi all, how about the Bedford "Traclat" basically a Bedford copy of the popular German 251 halftrack series. Three were built and trailled but were sold off to forestry companys who i belive later scrapped them :cry: :cry: Ashley
  14. Thanks for posting Joris, the German troops are usually buried in in groups of four from what i recollect. I always remember at School whilst in Germany attending the German ceremonies, and when in the cadets marching with survivors and (then) current Bundeswehre forces . Despite all the bad press i am know (i have met some) not all Germans were bad. Ashley
  15. On a similar vein, can anyone recomend a good medal mounting / framing company ?? Ashley
  16. Well done, Neil and members of TVMVT a good show all round. Ashley
  17. It seems strange to me, or am i the one whose is strange but this event along with what i classify as a HMVF event at Poole Park, are the only two that happen for the Poppy appeal locally. This is despite many attempts by interestred parties but the Local RBL from what i understand really do not want to know ?? Ashley
  18. Hi GWT, you will need to visit / speak to some museus to see how they do it, or have a collection room that has acceptable humidity and the ability to block out sunlight, as mentioned acid free backing, something to keep the moths away (mothak) has that "military stores" type smell. Also any condensation / damp will be a killer. May be your cardboard box is the best place after all :dunno: Sounds simple but avoid double sided sellotape at all costs maybe dress maker pins if they are wollen / serge material but do reserch as much as possible may be check out the wehrmacht-awards .com site..collections and display forum for ideas. Take it from someone who nearly followed the advice of a top collecter of the late seventies..... that the best way to treat Iron Crosses was to clean with Amway metal cleaner (read abrasive) the dry them in a heated oven (gas mark 6 for 30 mins) :shake: :shake: Ashley
  19. Nice one Enigma, i find it a bit embarrassing at times that a lot of other nations other than ourselves can celebrate the brave deeds of these men /women and their comrades including those that made the supreme sacrifice. I can understand the thanks of peoples who were liberated by the allies, but sometimes feel saddened at the lack of acknowledgement / respect / thanks to these men and woman from our nation :-( Ashley
  20. Hi all, to-day saw the commencement of the poppy appeal in Wimborne today in keeping with tradition the Mayor brought the first poppy (after i brought mine) :roll: As per usual quite a small turnout of vehicles, (eight ) .vehicle but sadly a few of the veterans not in attendence. The chap in my jeep Alan (?) was a catalina pilot in Singapore and Burma. The morning was also to promotethe local drama society`s play Journey`s end by R.C. Sherriff at the Tivoli theater 31/10/07 till 3/11/07 some of the actors attended in Johns GMC. After a short parade through the town to the center and lining up, the town cryer gave his speech with a warning that those who give the ultimate sacrifice in all conflicts should never be forgotten. Some pictures to enjoy. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0057.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0058.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0059.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0060.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0061.jpg'>http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0061.jpg'>http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0061.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0064.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0061.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0065.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0066.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/Wimbourne%202007/DSCF0068.jpg[/img] Ashley
  21. Be warned during wet weather........ there is a ford in the New Forest which shows up as a normal road on Sat Nav systems, to make matters worse the depth marker shows a water depth but is placed in the shallow section and the actual road way is approx 2ft 6 in deeper :shake: :eek2: :eek2: Ashley
  22. As already mentioned should be there Ashley
  23. " The beer is on Lawson this year :-D :-D :whistle:" Sounds great :tup: as i`ll be driving i shall just have a half....... a crate of Pils before the meal and possibly a swift half after (BURP) Hey Tony come on down... you can try out the water obstacle on site if your not scared of a few flapping Canadian geese (and the occasional swan) Ashley
  24. All going well, i`ll be there again just not too sure on the camping arrangements at present. Ashley
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