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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Hi should arrive on Tues afternoon, usually camp in the Americas field in the first space i can find. Trouble last year was that everybody seemed to have moved around........or are they trying to tell me something :confused::confused: Ashley
  2. Hi all, as usuall the case crew will be there in some form or other :shake: hopefully with jeep and not too wet ! Ashley
  3. These were quite common in Germany when i was there, but had a small 2-stroke engine mounted to the handle bars. You fired up the engine (pull start) and released the safety catch and it sat either side of the front wheel :cool2: Always good for a lift home back to school if you were going to be late for lights out. Ashley
  4. They were apparently taken at East base in the Antartica. Built in 1940 and closed in 1948. The base was partially restored in the early 1990`s when the pictures were taken. Thanks to all for your replies. Ashley
  5. May be with all the scrap metal they been sold recently they want to recycle it into the collectors spares / restoration market. Ashley
  6. Hi,

    Sue sorry to hear yout not feeling to well, get better soon.




    PS Jerry says its very quiet at home !

  7. Hi all, here are a couple of cariers to i.d. it looks to have differnt tracks on each side of the vehicle? Can some one here positivly identify ?? Ashley
  8. Great site and still great photo`s posted here :thumbsup:, being at school in Hamm we often sat by the side of the raod to see these vehicles being brought in for re-furbisment at a local camp, and quite often visited the base on school trips. Ashley
  9. Hi all, not long done the jeep online no problems what so ever, i once did try at the local DVLA office and that was just an exercise of incompetence and beaurocratic time wasting. hen i voiced my thoughts to the counter staff they informed me i would be removed from the building unless i changed my attitude....so went home and did it online tootsweet :thumbsup: . Ashley
  10. I belive that most of us have heard/read the daring exploits of these aircrew,soldiers and naval personel, but untill you can actually visit this and other places where the famous battles and encounters took place can you grasp the intensity/significance of what all those men and women involved accomplished. I have visited the three dams (1970-1972) and have crossed the lower part of the Mohne see by waking (on 3 feet of thick ice )during a school trip :shake: and even then could only wonder at what made these men brave enough to carry out such a daring exploit, along with many other situations in the combat areas during world conflict, The same can be said for the sites of the WW1 battlefields,and cemetaries . Though satallight imagary, historic programmes can help to actually attend a site is will leave the visitor stunned and in awe of the people who fought, died, survived, for our freedom. Ashley
  11. So guys who are attending, which day are you going or are you going to both days. I shall probally attend on the sunday hope to see you there. Ashley
  12. For those who have not seen the listings yet.......... channel 5 20:00 Hrs Tuesday Revealed...Sqdn. Leader George Johnston returns to The Sorpe dam (of Dambusters fame) to understand why his bomb failed and to visit the graves of fellow airmen on the raid. Ashley
  13. quote=Enigma;81479] Thanks mate, not sure what price to put on them though. Hi Enigma, did you have any last year at the show ? what expiriance can you draw from then ? Maybe a tour of the U.S. re-enacting camps / vehicle owners armed with a couple of helmets and lots of photo`s of the different insignia available. Will have a chat with a friend of mine see what he comes up with. Ashley
  14. Hey, youv`ve just reminded me to complete my form, i have a cardio-version booked for the week befor so i hope all goes well :shake: Ashley
  15. Hi all, I should be there all going well,se you on site Ashley
  16. Apparently it is ll down to space available (or lack of) as the camping area has been built on now. But i belive `living history` groups present more of a show and bring more public in. Ashley
  17. I have no problems in surendering the jeep...........but i am sure you will find a far cheaper one at the show :-D Ashley
  18. A the local MVT have not had an invite probally attend as a MOP. Ashley
  19. Here`s the jeep basking in the Dorset morning sunshine befor a 20 mile run around local roads. First drive since befor christmas (long, long time) good to be out in the sun and breeze again. Ashley
  20. Ouch, sorry to hear this Dave hope you get her well and back on the road soon. Ashley
  21. For all you lads and lasses who require something to add to your vehicle collection try these, not cheap, by any means but easy to store and maintain and cheap to run :-D I have no conection with the company what so ever ! http://www.vectis.co.uk/auccat.php?auction_id=366&cat=Dinky+Toys&subcat1=French+Dinky+Military check out "the New Jersey Collection" cheers Ashley
  22. Why not try B Balkwill who posts in the Wheatcroft section of the main Forum :-D ?? Ashley
  23. These stories always circulate from time to time and i am sure there must be truth in some of them, along with the dumping of troley bus`es buy local authorities etc. I belive hundreds of aroured MV`s were left behind after the first Gulf war to save the expense of shipping them back to the states. I rember form my old detecting days in the Falaise gap, the first place to practise was the ditches / by the side of the roads where lots of small bits and bobs could be found whilst tuning your detector. Ashley
  24. Some great pictures one and all, :tup:: Shame that two great shows have to clash :-(, T&T and SOE, even worse was that i had a short spell in Hospital over the B/H and missed them both :cry: Ashley
  25. Hi HF`s, will probally only be the sunday now due to un-forseen events. Lets hope the sun shines. sorry have had to cancel along with my jeep day trip to France, ..... What a bummer! Ashley
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