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Everything posted by ashley

  1. I have actualy seen evidence of this.......i am sure photos / film evidence will follow soon (got ta keep the suspense going...........) Ashley
  2. sorry guys did not make it this time :-( see you at the next one. Ashley
  3. Yep, thats it managed a few hours up there the other sunday with camera when time permits will post a few pictures. Ashley
  4. The trouble with some authours is that they are just collectors of information and not nessacerily having knowledge on the subject matter. This was definately true of military books of the late sixties and early seventies, untill specialist knowlwdge was begining to be spread and become readily available Ashley
  5. Here`s a section of camoflauged bunker, thiough camoed on the inside !more to follow in another posting, bet Jack knows where it is Ashley
  6. Hi , should be there hopefully. If you guys have any jeep bits feel free to PM me. Ashley
  7. Hi R Cubed, there is a thread with pictures of the campsite, there should be enough room for all. Ashley
  8. This one looks like Tom Osborne`s from Romsey way Ashley
  9. The chap with the `tash has afairly distinct arm badge which should narrow it down, i would of thought pre 1900 and can any firearms guys i.d. the rifle?? Ashley
  10. Please delete ....double post Ashley
  11. Is this not Nothe fort ? at one time it was offered for free to anyone who was willing to restore it. Ashley
  12. Hhhmm very litle to go, just in case you don`t know i would have thought these were Scottish troops (centre rear man has tarten band on hat) Can you get better definition of the capbadge from the origonal photo if you have it could be Sutherland Highlanders. Ashley
  13. [quote name=see you at the Wareham chipshop tomorrow at sundown.... Ashley Don`t worry all, by the time we get served we would have forgotten what we turned up for :shocked: Ashley
  14. Though slightly off topic:nono: i have just unpacked i book (havn`t a clue where i got it from ) called ...Characters of Wood, Wurlitzer & Wesley by Maurice Sanders which is basically about timber haulage and has many pictures of converted Matadors, Albions,Karriers and a AEC armoured car which had the turret replaced with a 21 foot jib for loading wood and capable of 60 MPH :shocked: Though it is a shame to see how literally the trucks were worked to death:cry: Ashley
  15. Cedric welcome back, also welcome to the U.K as far as i know these could be the first trucks of thier kind here :thumbsup:probaly meet up on the show circuit some time. If you can spare the time (and expense) the War and Peace at Beltring in July will be a must to visit. Ashley
  16. Welcome Chris, is it a well known wreck? can you name it for maybe some one here has pictures or first hand evidence of the wreck and can answer your questions. Ashley
  17. Thats an insult.........see you at the Wareham chipshop tomorrow at sundown....bring your seconds sonny :n00b: Ashley
  18. You`ll have to catch us first :pfrt::pfrt: (nahh ,nahh, na, na, nahh) try doing that with out running out of fuel :laugh: :laugh: mr man`s truck The Darset one Ashley
  19. Also MT Etna on the R/H side, but can not read the one in front but looks different ? Also a jeep with a double/or two seperate jerry can holders rear mounted on L/H side Ashley
  20. ashley


    Hi all, this is a picture of one of the Haunebu series of craft (not an actual photo) several of the aircraft varients made flights in the latter stages of the war :shocked: if you search the web for Haunebu and can read the article by Rob Arndt very interesting. http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm Ashley
  21. Hi NOS, i would of thought that by the time the Marshall plan had started most of Europe would of been supplied vehicles under UNRRA. Part of this program saw the collection of thousands of surplus vehicles which were stripped and rebuilt and delivered across Europe (many dissappearing on the way :shocked: ) Though i could incorrect in my thoughts. Tried to search UNRRA but most links related to the rehabilitation of displaced persons but there is good coverage in the jeep books .... All American wonder may be worth further research. Ashley
  22. If you don`t know Montebourg in approx 14 miles NE of St, Mere Egleise on the D42? bypassed by the N 13. Ashley
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