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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Fantastic thread :tup: :tup:, i belive that i heard once, that when the Ford motor company began making Jeeps etc it was on the proviso that once they left the country they would not be returned (and flood the forseen post war market boom with second hand ) when in reality they could buy new. The price at which old H.Ford could produce new was in reality cheaper than shipping back the surplus from Europe. This is why thousands of thousands of vehicleswere pratically given to the European countries ravaged by the war, but as far as i know none of these were given to Britian :dunno: Ashley In modern conflicts a majority of vehicles equiptment is left for the new `policing forces` of the country
  2. Nice pics :tup: :tup: i was also at this show as well as others befor it was stopped. Ashley
  3. Very interesting camo paint job could well be ex mediterranean/italian campaign Ashley
  4. Hi Radek, the function of the `T` is to reflect light. if you go out tonight and shin a light on the T it should shine back (reflect) red in colour. Hopefully this helps explain ? Ashley
  5. Good lord NO, i mean within the HMVF ranks ;-) but there again i see in the picture that the Kett. is towing the purpose built trailer for the vehicle. The last full size of these i tried to purchase was on a lawn enroute to the Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin it was being used as a very large flower pot and was well chained down :roll: Ashley
  6. The story as i remember....... was that a section of a French trench was readyin position to `go over the top` when they were caught by a creeping barage which buried them leaving only the end of the rifles and fixed bayonetts exposed. This is how theywere found post war and deemed a monument, but i cant remember when the shelter was built over them to try and protect them from git`s and the elements. Ashley
  7. The Morris (?) Tilly is still going strong here in the Dorset area
  8. You may still find these on E-bay i am sure it sounds similar to a boxed one i brought last year....mind you the box is still sealed :shake: Ashley
  9. Hi Radek, the `T` is actually a reflector equal to the modern reflectors found on modern car lenses. Ashley
  10. Hi, i saw one in 1996 in Florida on International drive advertising local tours in Gatorland ? Ashley
  11. Bernd, welcome to the forum, hope you can cope with the English humour :-D always nice to see German vehicles in our ranks. Ashley
  12. Hey Jack the chap in post 4 looks awfully farmiliar ??? All the best to all forum members for the festive season, and for 2008 hope to meet more of you on the "circuit" so`s to speak. Ashley
  13. As posted in other threads have found the occasional item whilst detecting on the WW1 fields (many years ago) I recall whilst walking a trench line in the forest of Verdun came to a small area with the pig tail spikes still in place and on the edge of the trench in a small flattened are was a spoon,fork and the remains of a cup with its handle just siting there with a rusty old water bottle (French) if only they could of talked. One of my favorite places to visit was the trench of bayonet's, but even these were taken by trophy hunters over the years, until they finally built a concrete shelter over them to protect them Ashley
  14. "Eddie Kids great great grandfather perfects his landing techniqe" Ashley
  15. The uniforms are typical of the Freikorps you may have noticed the trooper on the left wearing a stahlhelm with out a front peak........ made for the Turkish army (Muslims) but never dispatched. Atypical photo of the period from the dapper Officer to the trooper wearing a uniform that looks two sizes to big for him. Ashley
  16. Well, it certainly looks nice...a lot better than some i have seen for sale on Milweb :tup: Ashley
  17. Hi, i belive that there was actually more Hurricanes than Spitfires in the R.A.F. at the time, but the Spitfire being new was credited with winning the battle for the R.A.F propaganda to strike fear into the Axis forces / civilian populace and confidence into the Allied forces / civilian populace... Ashley
  18. Hi all, going back to another thread Kegresse was the company who designed a small wire controlled tracked demolition vehicle, but threw it into a lake when the germans invaded. The Germans heard about the design recovered the vehicle modified it and launched it as the Goliath. Ashley
  19. I can remember when they excavated one of the parade ground`s in Roberts barracks in Osnabruck, being near the stables the cry went up "German helmets and rifles found" as kids we rushed over the redcaps were trying to seal the area off, slid down into the pit grabbed what ever and ran for it got the bikes and peddled home. My catch was ten helmets stacked one inside the other and a polythene bag of assortments ,buttons, badges, straps etc also had a luger in its holster (well corroded) and the metal work from a rifle. As part of the amnesty next day the two gun bits went back, but the helmets made fantastic cycling attire through the the German streets, followed by much `head shaking`from the local German populace :pfrt: :pfrt: Ashley
  20. Judging by the insignia on the front this vehicle could be in service with the Friekorps during the in immediate post WW 1period. Ashley
  21. Dont forget to check for a preservation order !!!!!! :rtfm: :-D Ashley
  22. Hi all, these Krads seem to have been very popular with the Allied forces (wish i had one :cry:) From the pictures they appear to have been overpainted in OD as well as the application of unit designations (MP) Ashley
  23. Hi Neil, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery :tup: Ashley
  24. Thanks Rlangham for posting these pics :tup: :tup: a place i have yet to visit one day. Ashley
  25. From what i recall this was actually a French idea, when the Germans invaded in 1940 the company which made the prototype (a well known company which made halftrack cars/trucks ) threw it in to a lake. Recovered by the Germans who studied and bettered the design in to the Goliath. Several other vehicles ([read tanks], minenraumwagen) were used ,eg one known as the Springer (i am sure there is also one of these at Bovvy) Though initially electrically driven with a capacity to carry 65kg`s of explosives there were several design variants the final type i believe was driven by a NSU two stroke engine with a carrying capacity of 75kg`s of explosive. From the top of me `ead but actually quite an interesting life story for this small MV. Ashley
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