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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Yes and i resisted the urge to jump up and down and wave, as you were concentrating at the time. Ashley
  2. Pick up your gum you filthy ^&**%$ you`ll get the show a bad name. (where is the hair bear smillie when you need it!!) Ashley
  3. Hi all, i don`t know if it applied to the pacific area, but U.S. tropps in europe could send items home what i belive was called `Penny Post` that is for a flat rate of 1 penny you could send items home. This is i am sure how they ended up with items such as one of Gorings staff cars, also Adolf`s yacht. Even in the 1WW you could stick an address lable on to the front of a helmet and send it home through the post :shocked: but as for armour ?? Ashley
  4. I am sure it is Ilti (pronounced Ilty) but the collective noun .... needs more research, Ashley
  5. The seasonal roof looks fine to me note how the thatch matches the ground cover as a specific specie, pity they have not fitted the matching doors to help with the concealment factor. Ashley
  6. Saw a lot of HMVF`ers on site, sorry that i did not get round to see you all but hope you enjoyed the show. Ashley
  7. I decided to photograph just Brirish WW2 lorries but got sidetracked as usuall
  8. Hi all, i hear Jack is going to create a `Trophy`winners section :whistle::whistle: Ashley
  9. Yes it is Tony, i just applied must admit i never saw the music in the title but still seems like a good event all they asked for was the vehicles to be pre 1958 ? They given me 2 vehicle passes and 4 arena participant passes so once i have checked with my mate to see if he wants to go if not there may be some tickets up for grabs. will have to wait and see. Ashley
  10. Wish i had done that when i had my tea it he had to go round the other stall holders to borrow a cup :shake:. It was really good to meet you at last Andy, but can you tell me.......Is Jack a....? (.........know what i mean......) Ashley
  11. Hi all, any one from here attending this show, has you attended befor ?? Ashley
  12. See you there Jack :wave::coffee: Ashley
  13. From what i can rememder asbestos was used in the top pad of these helmets, this was discussed with a freind some twenty years ago. I shall see him @ Beltring and will endevor to get more info. Ashley
  14. As this one is fairly local i am defiantly interested. Please post for next year as early as you can. Thanks Ashley
  15. A local chap i know has a substantial steel helmet collection to include plenty of WW 1 British types which he would gladly show off to interested parties........untill it was pointed out that the top protective pad had quite a high (crumbling) asbestos content :shake::shake: They now rarely leave their cabinet unless gloves and masks are worn :rolleyes: Ashley
  16. :idea: Just get a digger and some dust particle masks and work upwind Ashley
  17. is this connected to a glider being towed over France in 2009 ?? PS just checked and it is not as the plane quoted is a C47 Ashley
  18. I agree with Richard as we had a several Patterson tractors on Bournemouth Parks Dept befor the fuel scare of the mid seventies. They still run a 1929 Barford rollerbut converted to diesel with the hole for the starting handle bored through the front of the Brass radiator:mad::mad::nono: Ashley
  19. Certainly looks nice from what can be seen in the photograph Ashley
  20. Hi all, i am sure there was an article recently in either windscreen or one of the popular reads regarding the British tanks lent to Russia. Ashley
  21. Why do you want to come last on both competitions then :n00b: :-D Ashley
  22. OOHH i wondered where i left them :cool2: Ashley
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