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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Here`s one which i belived came from Bovvy that attended Poole Park Rememberence 2007 appears to have same insignia ?
  2. Well i am booked in for that as well, so MOT permitting should be there. Do you know where exactly the camp site is ?? Ashley
  3. It because i drive a jeep...must be jelousy :-D Ashley
  4. ashley


    Have you tried .......118 118 ? Ashley
  5. All the best mate have a good one. Ashley and Family
  6. Nope not invited as usual despite frequent promises from the commitee F*** em Ashley
  7. Excellant Excellant stuff :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: very funny indeed. But do note all time are -ish- according to Dave the Chef del-a- plains Ashley
  8. This roller looks as if it is really a home made type job maybe a project for the scrap mans son for a local cricket club. The actuall body (what left of it ) appears to be cut down form a auto roller and as Kinson is an old part of Bournemouth the scrappy or son (may have ) borrowed the KINSON badge on the front from an old road sign. Naturally not implying any thing against the local residents of Kinson in any shape or form but maybe it was built for roller banger racing or ram raiding :-D:-D:cool2: Ashley
  9. Hi do you still have a local bus station, council depot with a Mot station ??? as these do not oficially cary out repairs to the private sector they are not bound to give a failiure notice in the hope of picking up the corrective work. Just a thought. Ashley
  10. I will say that every time i have had the jeep tested i have been met with positive and interested attitude wether the tester was young or of the older variety. Though at one station which i had used for a couple of years, with the normal tester on a day off the appointed tester walked down the pit and said "F*** me look at all these f,,,ing moving parts to inspect though he grudinly passed the vehicle after much pulling and tugging of the steering componements.....needles to say i have never used that garage since :nono: Ashley
  11. taking these facts from the book....... IF the diameter of each crankshaft journal is less than 1.9365 inches on the crankpin journals or 2.3325 inches on the main bearing journals or if any of the journals are out- of -round more than 0.0005 inch the crankshaft must be re-worked to 0.010, 0.020, 0.030 inch undersized which ever the case may be. Crankshafts that will not clean up at 0.030 inch undersize must be replaced taken from `The complete military JEEP MANUAL`Brooklands Books aSHLEY
  12. OOOOHHH sounds very painfull :shake:, sure it wasn`t one of the groyne`s normally found on beaches. Ashley
  13. Hi Gary, try and make contact with a jeep / MV owner locally who will recomend a vintage vehicle friendly garage near to you. I still have the manual operated wipers ehich usually raises concernes at most MOT stations. There are many anomalies to the test i.e i never let them test the hand brake on a roling road :nono: it is not designed for it, the place i use has a floor mounted gadget they place in the jeep (cant remember what it is called) to test the efficiency of the braking system you drive a short distance and gently apply the brakes to get the required reading. Ashley
  14. The second sign must re-late to someone we all know :cool2: :-D :rofl: Ashley
  15. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:dear oh dear Jack :-D but you havn`t one of these Ashley
  16. As i remember..........carrot cake......coconut cake?.........fruit cake......chicken pie :cool2: baked by himself Ashley
  17. MMMMMMM long queue eh lads and lasses, Jack what can you bring to the Plains 2009 meeting to inspire us to let back into the fold :cool2::cool2: ?????? on behalf of all of those who were present :-D
  18. Nice one Tony :-D lucky you never caught christina with the wind in her hair my life would have been impossible Ashley
  19. Living in Tidworth at the time electricity ceased at 10 PM but i am sure it started late in 1973 as i can remember christmas with no power after 10 PM the complete garrison was blacked out litrally. Ashley
  20. Tony may i please also have a copy. Thanks again to all involved. Ashley
  21. I expect he is trying to fill out his fuel log..after writing out IOU` s for fuel. :cool2::-D:-D Ashley
  22. Why do you think you have a chance of winning it :-D :rofl: Ashley From the champs team
  23. I belive in France the MOT (or equivilent) is bi-annual. Ashley
  24. Hi all, i really dont know what to say first, but what a fantastic time, many thanks to the SPTA team for all of thier hard work and we all know that working with so many agencies on the plains can be pretty fustrating at the best of times. To Dave (Gordon Ramsey) Ives fantastic effort in the cookery dept. really appreciated. Good to meet old friends and new, thanks to my fellow team mates for putting at least one Dorset member in the wining skittle team (eat your heart out Beckett :-D ) to Phil and Chris for thier generous rides in thier champs through out the weekend for myself and the family (+dog) also to Kevin and family for the daughters stolly ride. Did n`t fare to well in the quiz :-( but at least we laughed had fun through out the week end. Once again Rambo excelled in the cake dept and now expanding out into the chicken pie market :cool2: To all who attended thanks for making it a great weekend from me and the family. P.s. has any one got any tinted lenses for H.K. Daves googles :rofl: PPS Chris nice clean vehicle in the photo....is it yours? Ashley
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