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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Hi, Braunsweig to Paderborne would have been quite a journey in such a vehicle in those conditions i am sure he couldn`t of had war criminals for the whole journey:shocked: Ashley
  2. Attended the poppy appeal launch in Wimbourne last Saturday Morning even got a mention in a report from the BBC on the one o`clock news. A well spent 4 hours of any ones time for a good cause. Ashley
  3. Probaly more stable than some of the compressed cardboard ones the Germans had late war :shocked: Ashley
  4. For my sins what i kept was the first helmet (shell) i dug up a couple of medals and two stick grenade remnants practically every thing i dug/picked up i gave away to younger collectors at the time. No i will /would not buy a battle field relic as such.......though many years ago i brought a single decal M35 German helmet with a partially dried out liner from a local dealer put it in a carrying bag took it home. Whilst looking at the decal hand comes across a small nick in the rear of the skirt , shrapnel damage reason for the dried out liner = Blood. I feel that a lot of militaria was "honestly" picked up from the battlefield at the time, but there are many items that have been dug up removed many years after the conflict has passed purely for profit. Ashley
  5. Yes, i admit i did it many years ago but not to the scale where i have known sites (not necessarily modern military) have literally been robbed There are i am afraid people around to-day who do it purely for profit Ashley
  6. Not agood one but heres a starter. Ashley
  7. Hi Rambo, i was there on Tueaday and had no problems taking photos (well those that came out) Looking forward to having a wander over HMS Monitor when it opens
  8. There were actually five of these vehicles built...with three going to Norway. They were photographed in different locations during the invaison purley as a properganda tool.
  9. Hi Rick, Nice bit of info indeed besides the Knights Cross i see he has also been awarded the Spanish Cross possibly in silver (with out swords ) by the looks of it-the troops were sent to support Franco against the communist, This war gave the Germans the ability to try out new military tactical practices which they perfected be for 1939. Ashley
  10. WWII devices exploded in garden Homes in Westfield Close were evacuated Dozens of unexploded WWII bombs have been detonated in a garden in Dorset. The 24 devices were found behind a house in Westfield Close in Wimborne on Thursday and homes within a 300-metre cordon were evacuated. Police said the bombs were phosphorus bomblets, which were distributed to home guard members during the war, but never returned and instead buried. Army bomb disposal experts carried out "a rather loud but controlled explosion", a police spokesman said. Beware those of you who are planning to dig in the garden this weekend!! Ashley
  11. Nice work Steve, recently whilst walking the dog (approx 11pm) one night i heard the voice of a man moaning,found said chap (OAP) laid out on ground after tripping up. After sorting him out and phoning his son who lived locally then left him to go to bed. The next day he called round whilst i was at work and saw the jeep in the garage. Next time i saw him turns out he was an ex signals mechanic (working on jeeps) and was also stationed in Palestine in 1947/1948 with the 6th Airborne. He has never been to a remembrance service, so hopefully if the weather is fine this year he will accompany me to the local Poole service in the jeep Ashley
  12. Hi Sue and Jerry,

    Havn,t heard from or seen you both for a while / Hope you are both well.

    Kindest regards.


  13. [quote name=Jack; The plan of attack is to place a brand new' date=' bigger amp battery on the GMC and work back or forward from there. Need it up and running by the 11th of November! Jack. i belive rememberence Sunday is on the 9/11/2008 so you had best set your your self an earlier date :goodidea: Dont listen to the nasty challanges from the boys we know you drive a mans truck when you wife and daughters allow you:rofl::rofl: written by someone using Ashleys computer
  14. Hi, i remember the MOD police had Minis (no not the skirts!) in the early to mid seventies used to chase me in it across on Salisbury plain :rofl::rofl: Also whilst in Germany there were plenty of the Bedford `utility` bus/coaches used for transporting troops, school kiddies around which i believe could be converted to carry wounded troops if required they were literally every where. Our school had two of them and i doubt if they were used more than once a week. Ashley
  15. If he was awarded two medals they could of been the Victory and the War medal (Mutt and Jeff !) But i believe that if he has the Mercantile Marine and the war medal this is an acceptable combination. There are quite strict rules and regulations on medal awarding and the acceptable combinations a borrow of the medal year book or there was on old book-:Medals of the First World Was by a Alex purves (sp.) which you can still find in some second hand book shops for a few pence As the war did not officially finish until 1921 may be the list precedes this date be for all medals were issued ? especially with the M Marine. Ashley
  16. Long shot, have you tried the local council to see if they have any to rent? Ashley
  17. Hi Rick, this is a medal listing list, try documentsonline@nationalarchives.gov.uk he is mentioned there but it will cost for more info. But looking at the names it seems to be the same list give or take the odd name Ashley
  18. Hi Rick, this is probaly his service number preceded by the letter `R` have really no idea on the card unless the DNA 0 Issue Could mean that he was not entitled to medals so 0 were issued? It was Naval custom for sailors when leaving the service were given thier records to keep i have not long accquired my Grandfathers along with his gunnery record. They are available on line but they do charge and may not be complete as my G.fathers online had only 20 entries, the record sheet has 46 :shocked: Ashley
  19. The basic idea of occupying the Sudeten land, Austria, Checoslovakia, (collective known as `The Flower Wars`by the Germans was also to return to the German Bosom territory lost through the Versilles treaty Poland was to return Brunswick (if my memory serves me right) mainly German speaking peoples. As to Russia though there were great gains in regards to resources, and he obviously felt that he was `on a roll`maybe also spurned on by the positive result of the Russo -Japanese war of 1906 for the Japanese in knocking Russia`s title of a super power. Japanese and Germany politico`s had great respect for each other`s fighting forces and had peaceful conferences on several occasions, Germany even managed to sell them a couple of panther tanks but i belive they never got them. Maybe it was thought that by fighting the allies in the far East by the Japanese would maybe draw them away from the European theater ?? Ashley
  20. It may not be so well known that Hitler looked up to Mussolini in the early years for his torture and extermination of the Abyssinians and when Mussolini first visited Germany in full splendant uniform and arogance poor little Hitler only had a civillan suit to wear. He never made that mistake again :nono: Ashley
  21. As for the French, well I know it goes back to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, but the French pushed at Versailles to hammer Germany into the stone age and gave the excuse for the 'We were betrayed' excuse for the German Loss. It is well known that the persistent hammering of Germany by France (Belgium) and the refusal to lift repatriations about 1921 were partial causes for the severe inflation to follow, the rise of communism, which led to the rise in fighting via the Freikorps to the eventually creation of the NSDAP these time were very turbulent for the German peoples and can also be a contributor to the rise of semitism ....the rest is history (not looking for excuses for thier actions just personal view) Ashley
  22. Hi try http:///www.germaniainternational.com/hitler3 or try and search hitler porcelain and it tis all there Ashley
  23. Hi Dont know of any website... by try the wabsite of Ulrich of England to se if he is selling any pieces. But dont take the prices to seriously :wow: The Ruptured Duck site (U.S) or any od the militaria dealers may have some. WHY ? any pictures just out of intrest ?? Ashley
  24. Dave, i expect you've already thought of the possibility of fitting a ball temporarily :??? Ashley
  25. ooohhhhh very wicked indeed:rofl: Ashley uote=ArtistsRifles;101164]Only 'cos the GMC is short of fuel and electrons!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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