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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. one with less snow but more mud Members of the Army Task Force Frigid unit, who are tesing effects of arctic weather on men and equipment, testing tanks on frozen surface. Location: Anchorage, AK, US Date taken: February 1947 Photographer: George Skadding
  2. again a weasel playing in the snow . Cold weather testing on Mt. Washington, by all branches of US Armed Forces, testing winter clothing, effects of icing on planes, etc. Location: NH, US Date taken: February 1953 Photographer: Peter Stackpole
  3. M3 and M3A1 tanks in repair shop at Aberdeen Proving grounds. Location: Aberdeen, MD, US Date taken: 1941 Photographer: Bernard Hoffman
  4. That's the complete description as posted with each photo from the Life magazine site . I d like to see the "now" photo's as mentioned earlier.
  5. A snowmobile passing through the Canadian camp during Exercise Musk-Ox. Location: Canada Date taken: February 1946 Photographer: Wallace Kirkland
  6. another Weasel track maker is Liberty Auto Restoration at www.libertyar.com this is a very good track made very close to the original design.
  7. 1 The four crew members of the "North Dakota", talking with their indispensable driver. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1944 Photographer: Bob Landry 2 Chow-hounds gathering from all sides at the open counter windows of the clubmobile for a couple of fresh doughnuts, a mug of coffee and cigarettes and gum. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1944 Photographer: Bob Landry 3 Youngest member of the Red Cross Clubmobile Katherine Spaatz, dispensing doughnuts, coffee, cigarettes and gum. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1944 4 The beaming bearlike East London driver giving the "North Dakota" a good wash down. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1944 Photographer: Bob Landry
  8. Soldiers at headquarters gathering around a dispatch rider on motorcycle during wargames. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1901 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  9. A commanding officer conferring with a dispatch rider over a map during wargames. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1901 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  10. At the U.S. Army testing site Women mechanics working on M3 tank at Alberdeen Proving Ground. Location: Aberdeen, MD, US Date taken: 1941 Photographer: Bernard Hoffman
  11. abn deuce


    did some one mention Bangor ? seems Jack 's been there Something went wrong...
  12. Nice garage to go along with the Nice vehicle
  13. As I understood it that one of the tie ins with Ford was that should a WWII Jeep suffer some bad parts / defective parts Henry didn't want to be replacing any Willy's parts so he insisted that every Ford mfg part have a Ford identification , not sure if that was just "F" marking or a Ford part number . This was important since both GPW and MB had interchangeable parts for the most part .
  14. Now something from the CBI theater a two for one photo a C-47 and a CCKW you can pick which gets first billing . Indian soldiers and civilians loading freight into a transport plane. Location: India Date taken: 1943 Photographer: William Vandivert
  15. another photo of activities just be fore D-Day . a rare photo , first I ve found of a number of water cans at one time American servicemen loading large landing craft, part of the D-Day invasion preparations. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: June 1944 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  16. Thanks for reposting the photo's , looks like a very good setup for doing the blasting and a good bit of space to let the freshly painted parts dry . Keep Us posted on the progress , Quite a bit of truck you got there .
  17. Welcome aboard marky as others have said looking foreward to seeing more of your CCKW.
  18. Dressed everything up for the special day !!! and a fine Bonny one it must have been . So who will be driving what to the shows and events you will attend now ? I m guessing Jen or is it going to be Mrs Croc ? will drive the Pig and Mr. Croc the Scammell ? And Congratulation to the Great Looking pair of you .
  19. Please to park your Welbike in the bike shed with a very strong chain and lock or take up to your room in the clubhouse as I m sure a number of members would gladly snap it up to use about the clubhouse , especially after a long night of drink and wanting to avoid the long walk back to their vehicle from the clubhouse bar . YOU have Been Warned . WELCOME to the Friendliest Forum on the net , Mr Welbike !
  20. That Mulberry section had been mentioned by a few members but no photo's of it that I can recall ,until now thanks for posting blazerman .
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