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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. And for those with Eastern Block feet - Hey Jack - can we have a knitting pattern thread?
  2. Oh cool! Is your Sponge Bob air freshener an original issue U.S. one, or a postwar French copy? If it smells of garlic it definitely ain't a WW2 one. Ok ok I'm going to sign.....
  3. Or are you thinking of Portland Bill (Crosby), the jazz pianist from Oregon or was it Dorset....​? Great idea, Vulture - but what an undertaking! :sweat:Do you plan to execute this mammoth task all on your own? It is likely to take so long that by the time you've nearly finished it will be time to start again on the first trucks which will be coming out of the rebuild plant (and maybe with different numbering :cool2:).
  4. Very neat bit of engineering! Scheming something similar myself (not Mog). Are the winches electric? (difficult to tell from photo). I'm guessing the winch subframe is alloy? Do you use the same winch for front and rear, i.e. move it to whichever position needed?
  5. Do you mean winch BUS? :cool2:
  6. Oh come on Ray - it's got to be for going DOWNHILL - Landrovers are so well known for their BREAKING abilities.......:red:
  7. Welcome. My advice would be to get one of each - that way when one is broken you'll have the other one to drive while you fix it. It will also give you free entry to both WW2 and postwar bars at the clubhouse :-D
  8. Re. Flywheel rust pitting: How confident are you that balancing will not be adversely affected by this? I only ask because I have no idea how sensitive engine running is to out-of-balance forces, and therefore how critical precise balancing of the flywheel is!
  9. I do hope you didn't underpay for it - we do have our British eccentricities to maintain If I can offer just one piece of advice - now forget all about what you paid for it, you're committed now :-) Oh, and may the long road ahead be blessed with plenty of laybys :whistle:
  10. The answer may here? (I can't play the video). Interesting that their current military trucks use the ford Cargo cab! http://www.ashokleyland.com/history
  11. Hope that cold gets better soon, Degsy!
  12. You sure about that? Seems to me you've answered it as best it can be or indeed needs to be. The only way you'll do any better is if you buy that elusive old set of ledgers containing hand-written entries of which brand of extinguisher was fitted to which truck by serial number (and we all know who owns that :cool2: ).
  13. Great pictures of men and machines, thanks! Can you tell us more about the 6 wheel truck in desert sand colour please? Do you have a photo of the whole truck?
  14. I see the reflection of that stocking great flag pole / aerial growing from the radiator guard :banana:
  15. I guess if it got to the stage of onlookers or judges being critical of my choice of fire extinguisher I'd have to move on to some other hobby like collecting toe nail cuttings.:idea: Thankfully the toughest judges I come across are the general public with perhaps more than a passing interest in the events which the vehicles attend, for whom any reasonably well presented and cared-for WW2 truck is eye candy, and whose main criteria is "yep, that looks about right!"
  16. A good starting point for bracket research is the thread UNIVERSAL BRACKET OPINIONS over on g503.com :-) Mentions something about pictures in manuals?
  17. Given the rate of continental drift, in around 30 million years or so it'll be about 30 minutes away from us too :cool2: Sorry, back to the question: when it left the factory, or the in-field replacement after some clown set fire to his socks on the manifold? I thought there was only one small size extinguisher, supplied in a couple of different mounting styles depending upon supplier (of which there seemed to be quite a few!)? I have examples of two different mounting bracket types and several makers cannisters. I know no more than that, but am willing to learn from those who do :coffee:
  18. N.O.S.


    Discount? What discount? :cool2: I know tyres have gone up and these are the dog's donuts, but for not much more you could buy a 25" tyre! Suggest you try these guys in Suffolk - www.fieldens.co.uk I think they are part of Kirkby Tyres now. If they can't offer a really good price on new Michelin they may point you in the right direction. They were heavily into 4x4s at one stage and will likely have reshod the odd Sugga or two in their time. Will probably be able to offer some alternatives.
  19. Was the incident you witnessed a British vehicle? Just wondering if they enforce this only for French drivers, or unilaterally. I haven't come across this on foreign driving guidance websites before, which seems strange. Thanks.
  20. What? This is desperate news. I'm going to have to go and lie down for a while and take stock of the situation - and try to work out where I've been all this time. :???
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