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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Ah, yes, but - does it include or exclude Rallies, Shows and Events? I believe that anyone with a KGM Specialist Vehicle Policy, as offered by some MV specialist insurers (remember AC Miles? :-)), is covered for 'Liabiliy to others' to the tune of £20m (reduces to £5m for vehicle over 5 tonnes). With regard to 'Rallies, Shows and Events', participation in these is specifically included under the above KGM insurance (excluding racing, pace making, speed testing, time trials, hire or reward). Quite what the situation is with little Johnny hitting his head on your bumper I don't know. The only issue I can imagine impacting on the owner would be if he tripped over something you left on the ground, or stumbled over the ruts made by your vehicle getting it into position. Unless you consider the rut thing should perhaps be covered by the event organiser? :coffee:
  2. All of which just makes me wonder what you are doing with a very British truck :D
  3. Gerry - does your MVT membership cover you for PL at events, or is that only at MVT organised events? think I gave you a big hint on another thread about insurers :-D
  4. Very clean - even before you cleaned it! Those Russian flotation tyres are/were readily available over here, seem to be quite popular. due to cost c/w premium alternatives. Heavy loading / intense road work could cause internal cracking if abused.
  5. Main Wheel leaning against the shed behind forklift in 2nd photo?
  6. Stunning shots there - a great style. Thanks! :thumbsup:
  7. Don't suppose you got any photos of Chris Warne's USAAF ground crew display did you, Gerry? Or anyone?
  8. Thanks Neil. You'd struggle to get a more balanced article than that. I love the way it finishes - "The slogan on one man's T-shirt perhaps sums it up best: "My mother warned me there were people like this. I just wasn't looking in the right place."
  9. Some of the bigger U.S. trucks, whilst being far better generally than their British counterparts, are not necessarily the best either - despite its huge cab this Federal C-2 wrecker doesn't leave too much room spare for chocolate snack storage!
  10. The shaft will be harder than the bush. I might be tempted to pull the flange out and try a new bush (won't be a lot of £) on the shaft before going to the bother of changing it - I'm sure it will reduce the play, the shaft also be inspected for wear at the same time. It wouldn't become a major headache until the excessive play knocked the oil seal out :cool2:
  11. Absolutely. Also Power Starting where 6V batteries are used And the associated 6V RELAY START. A team of 4 x 6V batteries is used, the idea being to turn a reluctant engine over as many times as possible within 5 minutes - any team found being changed over before voltage goes below 2V will be short-circuited.....of course it would not be fair to expect competitors to compete in more than one event a day- (they need time to recharge overnight between performances) Another winching one - Beach Trolley Haul?
  12. Shock News! Tony B has just been disqualified following his surprise win in this morning's DODGE the Bullets final, after an investigation revealed he was using a banned substance. He was later quoted as saying he had no absolutely no idea that the lead substitute product he was using also contained an octane booster which is deemed by the Olympic MV Committee to be a performance enhancer. A spokesperson for the DODGE team said an Appeal would immediately be lodged on Tony B's behalf with Mr. Chuck Buckett, Head of the OMVC's Adjudicators Team.
  13. Sometimes you can't do it one way - if it doesn't pop out after a few meters forward, simply back up few meters or so and it will :-)
  14. Is this what will come to all of us eventually? "For sale, Military Vehicle - no longer fits" :-D
  15. But if you remember the result was reversed on appeal as the tank cleats were 3mm over regulation height.
  16. That would not have been a problem Robin, as the flange would have been locked to the shaft due to being in 4wd position, so they both turn together. If you are still using it without the prop, but with levers in 2wd position, it might be an idea to select 4wd again (those levers are silly aren't they? I had to scheme a new system when fitting a tipping cab - I now use Morse cables and levers down the front of the cab in front of radiator).
  17. Here it is! http://www.combinedops.com/PLUTO_resurrected2.htm
  18. Somewhere I found last year a fascinating article on the web on how the pipelines were recovered after the war for scrap, more difficult and dangerous than laying them!! Thought I'd posted link on here but I can't find it now.
  19. You can see the potential problem if the flange and shaft are not both turning (plain bush between shaft 7 and flange - by 13):
  20. I never knew there was such a thing as the T towing pole until Niels pointed it out - I thought it was even more of a diabolical bodge than it was! :blush:
  21. One benefit of keeping the prop turning is it acts like a miniature flywheel - you need all the momentum you can get when going over speed bumps :-D
  22. Yes RSB, tailgate. And the Willys stamped logo on the bonnnet. Although Danny wasn't asking about the body as he knew it was different, just about the mechanicals :cool2: :laugh: I started to turn one into a wartime looker 'cos I couldn't afford a wartime one and had the offer of a really cheap (but excellent mechanically) military CJ3A. Yes I'd agree now that it would probably be worth more as a restored military CJ3A, but not at the time it wasn't. I got all the parts ready (e.g. plain pressed panel to tack weld into the tailgate hole). A friend now has it and has just completed the transformation, but in such a way that it can very easily be converted back its original spec :angel:
  23. Andy - it is selectable fwd, in 2wd everything is turning at the front - just not connected to transmit power (like a standard series landrover). If you remove the prop and run in 2wd the transfer box front output flange will be stationary - which could possibly lead to wear between output flange and shaft? If you put it in 4wd this would avoid any such problems. But the point is the front axle will still be churning around, so the only saving will be the rotation of the front prop (not exactly a heavy lump) - I wouldn't have thought it was worth the hassle (mind you the front prop sliding splines do wear fast :cool2:). You'd need to remove axle shafts or something to get any significant saving!
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