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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. i thought you had returned, and were living in Sheffield :???
  2. :rofl: There is the military fair in Belgium at Ciney one Sunday in October. Don't know much about it, can anyone advise suitability for trip? More of a money drain than an educational trip!!!
  3. BS 381c - 216 Also known in services as puke green but probably not shown in BS charts as such......
  4. Also CJ3A supplied to Swiss Air Force, they had logo on bonnet.
  5. He was performing in the beer tent a few years back! I was surprised to see him :shocked:
  6. Be sure to say hello to Elvis Presley from me.
  7. Whoever designed this machine MUST have been influenced by the Ford Burma Jeep :cool2:
  8. I believe bobbed is the technical term Do you think someone out there makes giant Trikes with all those spare rear axles? :coffee:
  9. To be strictly correct, we're talking about a RECAPTURED vehicle here Taxi!
  10. Very good question. I've not mastered the search facility on here properly, but if you type in 'gmc workshop' to the search box (top right) you get 500 hits most of which are irrelevant, if you type in "gmc workshop" you get 20 hits, (most of which are the ones I think you are after), if you type in gmc+workshop you're back to 500 hits. Hopefully a grown-up will be along shortly to explain
  11. OMG - the GoogleAds at the top of the screen are now featuring HMVF members, here's our very own Gritineye!!!
  12. I showed this photo to Mrs. N.O.S. as proof that other people get away with it, but it hasn't make any difference - she still won't let me bring anything into the kitchen to work on......
  13. Did I put 3? Of course I meant 5 :whistle: heading for big credibility loss
  14. Yes indeed, John - although strictly speaking it shouldn't be referred to as such, and some folk are known to get quite tetchy when it is called a Matador 6x6! :mad: It's real identity is 0854 whereas the 4x4 is a 0853, and it uses the double drive bogie from an AEC Marshall. But to heck with the purists - as far as I'm concerned it will always be a Matador 6x6 :-D Forgot to add - 6x6 were mainly aircraft refueling tankers, but a few were vans (mobile oxygen plant) and also carriers for Coles mobile cranes (solid beam bogie, no springs).
  15. You couldn't have made that up if you'd tried, could you :-D
  16. Easy way to tell - has it got a rubber Radiator guard? :-D Oh sorry - welcome Claire!
  17. :blush: Yes, I think you could be right! :blush: Although looking at this one http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?25150-Could-this-be-the-most-poorly-applied-Stencil&highlight=worst+stencil it is only just a little higher. Mostly Jeep CLHDNS were on the canvas - but if used without a canvas, wouldn't this position be the best alternative?
  18. N.O.S.

    Big ray

    Very sorry to hear that, Degsy. Let us know how he's doing when you know more.
  19. I would imagine that is a photo taken in England on an 8th AF base - pretty much all vehicles had CLHDNS on them.
  20. Wherever there was a USAAF airfield (or a concert ).
  21. Hey. no grudge match going on here - just people exchanging views :laugh: Enjoy the rain! And be thankful you don't have a blame culture yet!
  22. Yes indeed, and it received a thorough 'going over', too :cool2: Honest, no spanners were involved! :-D
  23. Exactly what I was just thinking as i put the policy booklet down. Even a slight variation in wording can make a big difference to both the way we interpret it and what it actually means in legal terms :nut:
  24. ....all of which could have been summed by just one :banana:
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