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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Welcome in, Lee! Interesting that many of us collectors tend to regard our vehicles as 'living' - we give them names (both male and female) and talk to them :blush:. And occasionally buy them gifts! They certainly have an attitude at times. Small surprise they sit comfortably in the concept you work with. I bet a psychologist (sorry - shrink) would have a field day in our Clubhouse :-D
  2. Stick them in the back of the UTE and haul them to the nearest 30 t excavator you can find working. Slip the guy a few bob and get him to break the tyre beads off the rims each side with the bucket teeth. You can then start working on the rims to free off. I don't think marinating in molasses before sticking them on the barbie will make them taste any better :-D p.s. Adrian's method works well - and if you take your time it isn't too bad a job. Nice heavy angle - say 2" x 2" x 1/2 or 3/8 will do.
  3. Ah, so that's how WW3 - aka The War Of The Wheels - kicks off.
  4. ISTR there was a thread on a conversion on here a while back - was this the vehicle? Has it seen any 'extreme' terrain yet?
  5. Can you believe it, Claire- not one photo from those 5 or 6 years :cry: Guess we were too busy having fun, it was a lot different back then One or two still there from those early days. Oh yes, plenty of stories, but they'll have to wait for another time / place, we'll maybe meet up at a local event - the four of you would be pretty hard to miss!!! Another local 40's event is Gressenhall - not been there (have you?) but had good reports. MVs - how about an American truck? You'd all just about fit in a Jeep, but really - how much fun can you have by yourselves in a Jeep? What about a GMC 6x6 (Huey's Detroit Dotty or M5Clive's Sticky Six), or the smaller Chevrolet 4x4 (Malcolm's Frankie)? Or maybe a Dodge weapons carrier.... Tony
  6. When he reads this he might own up to it :cool2: I'm sure there was a good reason for it, and bear in mind it was a post war fire truck body - nothing like any WW2 equipment.
  7. 150 has now been dismantled for spares. 125 top pic is at M5Clive's wedding!
  8. Have a look at around 4.15 in this one - it's our friend with the yellow URAL 6x6 again, he seems to have perfected the sand bank drop this time :D
  9. Erm, I was one of those 14 year old boys back in the days before the shed (that dates me a bit.....) :angel:
  10. On the basis you are not contemplating stripping it down yourself and sourcing the parts (repair kits are available at around £45 plus freight from Holland - say total £65, then as a water pump repair novice you might spend around 3 hours messing about rebuilding it - say an extra £45 worth of your precious time), then in answer to Q1) - if I had a choice between: a) finding a water pump repairer I'd be prepared to trust with an old pump (I'm sure they're out there somewhere, but have heard stories of troublesome repairs), sweating on them being able to source the correct parts, and paying the uncertain cost, and b) :cellphone:discussing the latest GMC news (only one hour of your precious time!) and paying a fair price, - you know what? I think I'd go for 'b' :cheesy:
  11. If the guy driving a 6x6 GMC called Detroit Dotty (in one of your photos) told you his name was Jeff Chandler, he was fibbing big time.
  12. Caught on camera at Goodwood - could these be HMVF's very own Dancing Girls?
  13. Well now that makes more sense - after all, there could only ever be one Rosie :banana: OK - so you had a picture of a big mischief (Suzanne) with a little mischief (Millie). Is one of these your 'Rosie'?
  14. Watch out Tony - there's two of those Rosies in the clubhouse now!!!! :shocking:
  15. OK, I think I've got it now. Their (Sheringham's) Rosie doesn't have a bottle of Chardonnay (or even Rose), and she's wearing shorts :cheesy: And I thought identifying the various Dodge models was difficult :-D
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cummins-B-Series-Engine-Operation-And-Maintenance-Manual-1997-J-N-133-/150824450514?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item231dd679d2#ht_786wt_1159 Should be able to pick up one of these a fair bit cheaper :cheesy:
  17. Surely it won't fit the poor old 352!!!!
  18. Methinks there may be an identification problem here. Was 'Rosie' holding a bottle of Chardonnay? If not please I.D. the culprit and we'll check our suspect photofit pictures :cool2:
  19. Won't work without the pictures.......:-D
  20. Anyone seen an Explorer do this? :whistle:
  21. OK - put that interesting observation together with the odd combination of frame weld and chequer plate patch (which - if part of a frame shortening job - you would expect to find over the vertical weld), and it makes me wonder if you haven't maybe got yourself a tractor unit there? (you lucky so-and-so :red:). It actually looks like someone has either extended the side rail, or possibly cut a piece out and let in a section between the diagonal patch and the vertical weld. Does the wheelbase correspond with a tractor unit? If not, take off the length of this 'insert' and does it then tie up? What does the left hand chassis rail look like?
  22. Nice bit of film! I spent most of my weekends and all holidays in the early to mid '70s on the NNR - great fun (of course I was a lot younger then.... :-)).
  23. Mmm, been picked up by tracks looking at hook locations!
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