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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I thought it was some sort of Spam. Years of nothing, then a great deal of bumf, and like others, what username and password? Also how the hell do you get onto the site?
  2. Ah now be fair to the Normandy Farmers, who definitley like their food and drink. It was probaly a couple of botles of Calvados.
  3. . A lot of heartbreacking problems solved by clean earths! DC current runs IN a Wire AC runs ON it.The amount of current AMPS is mulitiplied by the 'Pressure ' of the curent VOLTS to give you the amount of power WATTS. So as 6 volt is half 12 volt it needs twice the amount AMPS for the same WATTS. So you need a thicker cable to push it through. Very basic but enough to understand why you need thicker cable. There are plenty of graphs on the web to sort what gauge of cable you need.
  4. I've had Franks ignition on the WC51 for about 14 years now and the WC54 for about 5, never a problem with either.
  5. If someone had the bits, and needed the job done. Quite likley I'd think. :-D
  6. I did fit an extra earth cable to muy WC54, from a BMW of all things! It was there and had connection eyes in all the right palces. Though I've had 12 volt earth problems as well. My WC51 once drove out of her shed, I switched her off and she then refused to do anything. Problem was the main earth strap, it looked clean and was tight, but being unable to think of anything else, I took it off cleaned and reattached, away she went as usual. :nut:
  7. My WC54 is six volt. Keep the starter connections clean and tight, and I fitted one of Frank Jolleys electronic ignitions, no problems starting. Biggest problem is if they have been left the carb dries out and you wind forever to pump the fuel up. I've found that that tipping about 250 ml of petrol into the carb before starting and both the 12 volt WC51 and the 6 Volt WC54 start up easily enough. If you are going 12 volt, why not jsut fit an alternator? No regulator required.
  8. Yes, if the show was 'Owner's Only' I'd pay. BUT W&P isn't! It's run so the at the Great Unwashed can come in and gawp at OUR vehicles. As was said to the organisers many years ago when they got shirty over one extra person in our party 'We don't come, all you have is an empty feild'. Tune changed very quickly.
  9. What ever the the then equivalent of FOD was. Also the area is bone dry, loose bits of grass etc, instant fire hazard, plus the machines won't flatten every divot.
  10. Don't rely on a tester for the earth, take it off clean well and use toothed washers to rescure. I've had many problems over the years , that all came down to a simple clean, even where to examin and check the earth looked good.
  11. If you did polarise the Dynamo, one was it the right way, two , was the regulator box still connected? If the regulator box was on when polarised, you may have blown the box. http://www.dynamoregulatorconversions.com/polarising-a-dynamo.php But DO NOT connect regulator. If you don't polarise you won't get charge. Other obvoius one, is the belt tensioning correctly, check earth line.
  12. On the flame thrower side. Do remeebr to take oil soaked carpets out from under a vehicle before welding, and no it wern't me!
  13. STOP!! You probably have woodworm and types of rot never before seen by science in tha lot! :-D
  14. News from friends at the Ver Sur Mer Goldbeach musuem. Yes it is the VSM, they are approcahing Pathe for permission to use the film in the museum's exhibits, and send thanks for the heads up. Also Ike is known to have landed at the feild at some point. If anyone anywhere has info don't keep it to yourselves! :-D http://www.goldbeachmusee.org.uk/
  15. First check earth straps. The Gremlin hit point Mk1.
  16. Yes, there were two TAF feilds in the area. So I was right, for once, it is just inland from Goldbeach . Ver sur Mer. On one trip over there we had a vetran who had speciffically come to re vist the feild, as his comrades had been killed there. I'll send info on the friends in Ver see if we can get anymore info.
  17. That's going to be a fun job cleaning it afterwards then! :-D Best way I've seen is to machine out a shell case and mount 12 bore blanks where the primer should be, very satisfing bang, litlle cleaning.
  18. OOH! Clive! Wheres your artistic eye Ducky! If it was green it would have melted into the landscape and not conveyed the instrument of terror over the downtrodden masses! I had a similar conversation with a Director when I pointed out no officer would that $%^&&ing stupid as to sit on the skyline on the top of a hill riding a grey horse. :nut:
  19. Clive, in answer to your question about Pigs. No, film companies don't care, only about , how much is it costing, and when will be lunch be served? :-D Note the amount of Claymore mines that flatten buildings in a single blow.
  20. I've sent a link to friends in Normandy see if they can identifiy the place. I'd guess just post D-Day as the LST's are still coming onto the beach. I've an idea it may be on Gold Beach.
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