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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. My advice on Landy bushes. Get some other Bu**er to do them.
  2. Eh Degsey. They spat me out! :blush:
  3. Yu know you can go right off some people. :undecided: Though I did ask for it. They'd all got into some impossible pose, when a person, reputed to be me yelled 'Put some life into it!' all dissolved in giggles. The fort itself would make a hell of a playground for us though!
  4. Gee thanks! You should see what Dave does to those he dosen't like! :DIt was agood laugh though. A chance to look around Fort Borstal, and the kids kept up thier energy for hours. Quote of the day: Where's the Zombies? Oh, there just having lunch. Yes Adrian, it's a complete &^%% trying to get the stains out of your shirt.
  5. I heard him on Radio 4. What a remarkable man, the Angels are in for a shock when he gets his wings.
  6. Welcome in, and wish you plenty more acidents like that!.
  7. Welcome in yes it was Lee Majors, lying in a bath in his yard wearing a Stetson and smoking a cigar as I remember.
  8. Can't take a joke, buy a Jeep! I have a list of local tyre companies, cross off each after you used them for a Dodge tyre!
  9. I WANT one!!!!!! I have to borrow one!!! The last time was change all my Dodge's tyres. You may not need one often, but oh boy, when you do!
  10. Welcome in. Intersting hobby, Do you know what regiment or Corp he served with? The Titile 'Driver' was a Royal Army Service Corp designation. Colloquially Run Away Someone's Coming. There is an intresting book of the same name. Now part of the Royal Logictic Corp, or Really Large Company. Musuem is Deepcut.
  11. The other thing is that to implement any new EU regulation, Britan will have to introduce Retroactive legislation. Currently the De Ac law states that any previously proof house marked De Ac is legal. Hence Old and New Spec. So to include any of these to require further de activation is retroactive. Now that will lead to some very complex Consticional problems.
  12. Yes I've got the same on one side of my WC51. Importantly, get the Top Hat fittings that screw onto the shft, they fit the bottom of the wiper arms.
  13. Ah yes, brushes is a Dynamo :red: Try repolorasing http://www.dynamoregulatorconversions.com/polarising-a-dynamo.php BUT very big BUT, disconnect regulator box, BEFORE you do so.
  14. Sounds like a good spray of WD40 and rev the engine up.
  15. Yes I know! On the 65th anniversary I repatriated two that had been in the back of a barn since 1944. Funny enough they were sand coloured and that was the original colour.
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