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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Your right mate, the legislation exists, and is very workable. Says him after recent experience! BUT it was not the Boys and Girls on the ground, it is the morons in the offices who stop Policing by Consent , and look to 'How to can I enforce my prejudice'.
  2. Some of the vets I work with use either a gas rifle or a blowgun to dart large animals. These are considered Class 5 as they discharge a dart , often loaded with a stuff called Immobilon. Get it on your skin you might have time for 'Oh Sh..':-D
  3. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/5 See sectiopn 1 B, burning fuel definitley noxious.
  4. Welcome in, you'll find a lot of friends here.
  5. I know a Dutch guy who has tattos all over him, including his face. A really nice guy. Who ended up in court accused of frightenening and offending people.
  6. Theres an old Police Nomonic. If you want to Agravate a crime take the WIFE. Weapon, Imatiation firearm, Firearm Explosive. Imatation Firearm is described as ANY articale used in commision of a crime with the intent to convince the victim it is real'. So the law already exists to cover misuse. I had a 'Discussion' with the CEO of my company and asked him would he give a monkey a machine gun? He looked at me blankly, till I pointed out a monkey with a machine gun might be able to kill 30 or so people, whilst with a full Double Decker bus I could kill seventy five at a go.
  7. DVLA, Rational. Now there's two words I never thjought I'd hear together. :shocked:
  8. Following my antics with Her Majesty's Constabulary for the Metropolis earlier this year. I'd suggest you contact your MP and point out ot her the Law of the Land speciffically states 'A Deactivated firearm, is NOT a Firearm'.
  9. It is hit or miss. Both my Dodges were listed as 1945. The copies of the build certificates shoiwed 1944. Copies to DVLA with request to change, and new V5 s came back. Ask them to change a Land Rover from utility to to estate! You have been kicking cats and leaving your elbows on the table! They make it as they go along.
  10. What's the Fluer De Ly marking? Did the French use the BESA?
  11. Bring back the bent cucumber!! Actually it was a British Victorian idea to grow staright cucumbers. http://www.wayfair.co.uk/Heritage-Traders-Cucumber-Straightener-Glass-GL003-HETR1053.html :-D
  12. Not only us I suspect. When the Euro was introduced I went over the BOAR in Belgium. I remarked to a friend that it was now a lot easier only having one currency to worry about. He gave me a dirty look and said 'Jaa the new Reichmark.' 79X100 Re Cameron, he's a POLOTICIAN! If he wanted the sun to rise in the West he'd find the argument to suit his views! Mind you if he said the Sun was coming up in the morning, I'd buy a lot of torches.
  13. Thanks for that. Something to keep me busy till MV season comes round again. :-D
  14. I have found a lot I never knew. My Dad and Mum, were late parents e.g. How the hell did that happen? :-D So neither are about to ask. I've found I had an Uncle Fred, who died in 1914 in a mining acident aged 18! Must have hit my Grandmother hard , she died 2 years later , aged 49. We think we have a hard times. I'm coming up to Trelaw and Abertillery for a couple of days in the New Year to visit family sites. Waht would be helkpful is local knowledege of stuff not on the web.
  15. Don't worry about the Expert Skills. A couple of weeks around a Landy with a spanner, and you have no choice but to become one. Welcome in.
  16. Nothing to do with MV's, but now I am a Grandfather, I decided I'd do some family research so Ruby will know her roots. Though I'm a Crapaud (Jerseyman) the family is Welsh. I've discovered I had an uncle killed in 1914 at the Llwynpia colliery in 1914, aged 18! I've found his grave, and that of my Grandparents! So will be up for a visit in the New Year. Any suggestions as to where I could find more info on both Trelaw, Dad, and Abertillery , Mum? Any help much appreciated.
  17. Welcome in mate ! Though stand by for a barrage of questions to dig in your knowledge.
  18. Welcome, you can never have enough Dodges.
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