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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. To start with It's not a tank! This is important as there have many attempts to ban 'Tanks' from London. Also not the first time an armoured vehicle has been used in dubious publicity, anyone rember Sam Fox being driven up to the Wapping Print Plant in a Dingo? Biggest problem is announcing it's Congestion Charged and probably LEZ exempt. Every trader, delivery service and yuppie will want one. Range Rover are probably planning a trackd Range Rover Sentinel as we speack. If somone is daft enough to pay £1,500 for a couple of hours tour, theres one born every minute.
  2. Made you watch didn't it! :cool2: There was probably some Roman Centurion saying 'If we illustrate the manual with a girl with no kit on, the boys will read it and take notice'.
  3. I'd um (As usual) on the engine oil. I flushed both my Dodges engines through throughly and now run them on 20/50, by preference Halford's own. I've never had any problems with it. Though Gearbox and diffs I use recommended straight oils. Try Rye oil, they are knowledgable, and friendly http://ryeoil.co.uk/ryeoilstore/ Modern lubricants are designed for high speed small tolerance engines, hence you can now get hundreds of horses out of a little engine. Our old work horses were designed to run on poor fuel and irregular quality lubricants, they are a lot more resilent than modern kit.
  4. I'll admit, probably my upbringing, but yes I agree with you.
  5. The Calvados Region, of which the Normandy area is part, have a very good tourist advice service, and you have to try the local produce, food and drink. Forget diets mate! http://www.calvados-tourisme.co.uk/en/
  6. Thats the one. I went there last year, pulled off down the lane. Warm peacful summer afternoon, and just couldn't belive how tight it was, hell, can't be more than ten feet across! The whole area is well signed with information and direction information.
  7. Falaise Gap and Mount Ormel is a must visit. To see the ford where so much happened made me very thoughtful. It's so %^&**% Small! It is also the birth place of William of Normandy, the castle is fantastic.
  8. Ah well Porridge must be against the NATO grain.
  9. Youthful enthusiasm! Does it say anything about Porridge though?
  10. It was, I then had to shell out for a new radiator! When I was earning about £9.50 a week that was no yoke! :mad: (I'll take the tablets shall I ?)
  11. Many moons ago, I did breack three raw eggs into a cracked radiator as a get you home, and it worked. Needless to say Rad was replaced. There is also the story that porridge oats works. Never tried that.
  12. I'd not fully agree with that. A Group has Group ideas, go on your own and there is a lot more to Normandy and Calvados than D-Day. Chuck a stick in any direction you'll find something new and intresting. Go inland as well.
  13. Just peel off somehwere! Mind you the humble bean tin has solved many problems over the years. And to stop the engine, shove the spud up the other end!
  14. THEY were on a dreaded Beta system the last time I taxed a standard vehicle. So true to form probably take a system that works and %^88() it. Now all MOT's etc are 'On Line' the 'Software' probably buzzes the electrons about and if the right one dsoen't ping has a hissy fit. To quote a very old joke 'I don't care if you can see it on the shelf, the Computer says we don't have any'.
  15. I do wonder what outsiders think of us. :nut:
  16. Anyone else read Terry Prattchet's Long Earth and Long Mars series? :cool2: Who needs a De Lorean! Sean, out of intrest, do you have details of the method?
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