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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Hey Tony, just found this picture. http://www.warspite.dk/photograph.html
  2. A number of DUKW's , modified and unmodified operated safley in Jersey for years. They would count as the first Military Vehicle I ever rode in. They were used to ferry passengers from West Park Slip out to Elizebeth castle about a quater mile. At low tide the Islet is dry so the route was rough rocks, when the tide as in it was a water crossing.
  3. To qoute Terry Pratchett 'Slowly over time, is it not still my Grandfather's Axe?'
  4. Welcome in. Lots of help and advice here, especially on such a nice vehicle.
  5. So what is an original? :-D She is as the military adpted, and improved her.
  6. If THAT price! I must be sitting on a gold mine. :wow::wow: (Not litterally 'Sitting!)
  7. There can be exemptions. When I brought Katy in from Jersey, non EU and subject to VAT, I was charged nothing. As she was an inhertiance, and I'd technically owned for one year (Probate in Jersey is a year and a day) Customs decleared her my private property, no VAT liability, have a safe journey.
  8. Welcome, nothing wrong with ambition. :-D
  9. Welcome in. You realise once you start on the Great War, everything you thought you know goes out the window, and keeps doing so as you learn more. :-D
  10. Lovley work. There should be plenty of suggestions for vehicles from members here.
  11. No you really all have the wrong idea about dear old Lucas. He was trying to help! After all you can't see electricty, so his system allows you to trace the fault by visible menas if you don't have a volt meter. Land Rovers solution was to mark the switches in Braille.
  12. Welcome in. Have you pictures of previous projects? We'd all love to see them.
  13. Some good shots of uniform and equipment as well. But apart from the Guy and Carrier, no type is named. So what are they?
  14. You've done it now! That thing is lurking somewhere , awaiting it's chance to return.
  15. They were very good when I brought Katy over. First insured acording to the Foibles of Jersey law, no road tax for years BUT you must display a valid Insurance document on the windscreen. Then covered her when she was in limbo, then on her english plates. All they asked was an e amil at each stage.
  16. Some of the Pensioners I have to deal with ....Um.:-D
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